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Everything posted by (s)ection

  1. (s)ection


    how get maps + author and how start random map without vote ???? thx
  2. (s)ection

    1.4 bug

    yes its set to 0
  3. (s)ection

    1.4 bug

    It's write: Glitches: Quick reload, Fast fire, Fast move, Crouch bug, Close damage, Hit anim, Fast sprint
  4. (s)ection

    1.4 bug

    Thx, MTA:SA Server v1.4-release-6760 there no errors in debugg others glitch is working
  5. (s)ection

    1.4 bug

    Where i can find my server release ? ( im using local server )
  6. (s)ection

    1.4 bug

    1.4 server.. yes I used cbug in community its work in 1.3 but not work in 1.4
  7. (s)ection

    1.4 bug

    why do setGlitchEnabled ( "crouchbug", true ) don't work in the new release ? thx
  8. why "getPlayerName(p)" this will write the name of admin players its "getPlayerName (thePlayer)" ? function not fuction addCommandHandler ( "staffchat", function ( thePlayer, _, ... ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), "staff" ) ) then for i, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)) "staff" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "[staff] ".. getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) ..": ".. table.concat({...}, " "), p, 0, 0, 120 ) end end end end ) ??? ( dont know if its correct )
  9. oK mjnonfik --SERVER topnames = {} topmoney = {} topkills = {} function top(thePlayer, commandName) local accountTable = getAccounts( ) for i,account in pairs(accountTable) do accountname = getAccountName(account) money = getAccountData(account,"money") or 0 kills = getAccountData(account,"kills") or 0 table.insert (topnames,accountname) table.insert (topmoney,money) table.insert (topkills,kills) end triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "top", thePlayer, topnames, topmoney, topkills ) end addCommandHandler( 'top', top ) --CLIENT function top(topnames,topkills,topmoney) top10window = guiCreateWindow( 0.20, 0.20, 0.61, 0.58, "money kills players", true ) guiWindowSetSizable( top10window, false ) guiSetProperty( top10window, "CaptionColour", "FF737373" ) guiSetAlpha( top10window, 0.65 ) top10gridlist = guiCreateGridList( 0.015, 0.06, 0.97, 0.82, true, top10window ) top10button = guiCreateButton( 0.015, 0.90, 0.97, 0.08, "Close", true, top10window ) guiSetFont( top10button, "default-bold-small" ) guiSetFont( top10gridlist, "default-bold-small" ) top10column1 = guiGridListAddColumn( top10gridlist, "Player", 0.4 ) top10column2 = guiGridListAddColumn( top10gridlist, "Kills", 0.15 ) top10column3 = guiGridListAddColumn( top10gridlist, "Money", 0.15 ) for i,theKey in pairs(topnames) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(top10gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(top10gridlist, row, top10column1, theKey, false, false ) end for i,theKey in pairs(topkills) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(top10gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(top10gridlist, row, top10column2, theKey, false, false ) end for i,theKey in pairs(topmoney) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(top10gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(top10gridlist, row, top10column3, theKey, false, false ) end guiSetVisible(top10window, true ) addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', top10button, closeBtnTop10, false ) end addEvent( "top", true ) addEventHandler( "top", localPlayer, top )
  10. nono i want its like it:
  11. hi, i have top player money and kills but when i put the table in the gridlist its do something like it: ( its not on the same line) thx.
  12. You have to transfer the information from the function (works only serverside) to the client using triggerClientEvent. ok ty
  13. hi, i want to know how to get the type of the resource started (onClientResourceStart) in the meta: thanks.
  14. hi, is there a event or function for check when object hit another element ??? thanks.
  15. (s)ection

    Server list spam

    mtasa:// they say its by them and they stolen name and scripts
  16. (s)ection

    Server list spam

    mtasa:// stolen resources and maps thanks
  17. why only yooutube work local width, height = 1600, 900 -- Create the browser local webBrowser = createBrowser(width, height, false) -- Request the pages requestBrowserPages({"www.youtube.com", "www.nyan.cat"}) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() -- Update pixel data updateBrowser(webBrowser) -- Draw the line local x, y = 110.7, 1024.15 dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x, y, 23.25, x, y, 14.75, webBrowser, 18.2, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), x, y+1, 19) end ) addCommandHandler("youtube", function() outputChatBox("YouTube?") loadBrowserURL(webBrowser, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdemFfbS5H0") end ) addCommandHandler("nyan", function() outputChatBox("Nyan!") loadBrowserURL(webBrowser, "http://nyan.cat") end )
  18. dont know i dont scripted it soryy
  19. when i launch 2 granades it add it on the both grenade ( multi text on the first grenade ) $
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