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Everything posted by Wrieh

  1. Hey all, I maded a Trucker Race map. There arent Vehicle Changes in it. But i want to add some trailers to it. That u have trailers to the Truck. Can someone make a script that there are trailers coupled to the Trucks? Sorry for my bad english. Greetz wrieh.
  2. Wrieh

    IRC Script

    Hey, i use the IRCScript called ''IRCEcho" Here is the script: --// VRockers MTASA IRC Echo \\-- --//--- Created by VRocker ---\\-- --//------- Functions: -------\\-- -- ircInit() - Initializes the module with the resource so it can be used -- ircOpen( IP, Port, Nick, Channel, [ Password ] ) - Readys a connection to a specified IRC Server. Returns IRCConnection -- ircDisconnect( IRCConnection ) - Disconnects from the IRC Server -- ircMessage( IRCConnection, text ) - Sends a message to the current IRC channel -- ircNotice( IRCConnection, Nick, text ) - Sends a notice to Nick -- ircChangeNick( IRCConnection, newNick ) - Changes the bots nickname to newNick -- ircJoin( IRCConnection, channel ) - Joins a channel -- ircPart( IRCConnection, channel) - Parts a channel -- ircRaw( IRCConnection, text ) - Sends raw commands to the IRC Server -- ircIsVoice( IRCConnection, szChan, szNick ) - Checks if the nickname is voiced on the channel -- ircIsHalfop( IRCConnection, szChan, szNick ) - Checks if the nickname is a half op on the channel -- ircIsOp( IRCConnection, szChan, szNick ) - Checks if the nickname is an op on the channel -- ircIsSuper( IRCConnection, szChan, szNick ) - Checks if the nickname is a super op on the channel -- ircIsOwner( IRCConnection, szChan, szNick ) - Checks if the nickname is an owner on the channel -- ircGetStatus( IRCConnection, szChan, szNick ) - Returns the status of the person ( 0 = no status, 5 = owner ) --//-------- Callbacks: -------\\-- -- irc_onConnecting( IP, Port ) - Called when the IRC connection is connecting -- irc_onConnected() - Called when the server is connected -- irc_onDisconnected() - Called when the server loses connection to the IRC server -- irc_onFailedConnection() - Called when the server loses connection to the IRC server -- irc_onPrivMsg( nick, text ) - Called when somebody speaks in the current channel or PMs the bot -- irc_onNotice( nick, text ) - Called when the bot is sent a notice -- irc_onJoin( nick, channel ) - Called when a user enters the channel -- irc_onPart( nick, channel ) - Called when a user leaves the channel -- irc_onQuit( nick, text ) - Called when a user quits IRC -- irc_onNickChange( oldNick, newNick ) - Called when somebody changes their nickname -- irc_onRaw( text ) - Called when an unrecognised IRC command is recieved root = getRootElement() szChans = {} function onResourceStart( res ) ircInit( ) if ( res == getThisResource () ) then pIRC = ircOpen( "irc.gtanet.com", "6667", "Partyandco", "#Partyandco" ) szChans[ pIRC ] = "#Partyandco" end if pIRC then ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "Resource Started: " .. getResourceName( res ) ) end end function onResourceStop( res ) if ( res == getThisResource () ) then if pIRC then ircDisconnect( pIRC ) pIRC = nil end end if pIRC then ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "Resource Stopped: " .. getResourceName( res ) ) end end function onPlayerJoin() if pIRC then ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "5* " .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " Have joined the server." ) end end function onPlayerQuit( reason ) if pIRC then ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "5* " .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " Have left the server. (" .. reason .. ")" ) end end function onPlayerChat( text ) if pIRC then ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "12" .. getPlayerName( source ) .. ": " .. text ) end end function onPlayerWasted( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if pIRC then local causeOfDeath = getWeaponNameFromID ( weapon ) if attacker then if attacker == source then ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "3" .. getPlayerName( attacker ) .. " killed himself. (" .. causeOfDeath .. ")" ) else ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "3" .. getPlayerName( attacker ) .. " killed " .. getClientName( source ) .. ". (" .. causeOfDeath .. ")" ) end else ircMessage( pIRC, szChans[ pIRC ], "3" .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " died. (" .. causeOfDeath .. ")" ) end end end --// Callbacks \\-- function irc_onConnecting( szIP, usPort ) outputServerLog( "Connecting to IRC (" .. szIP .. ":" .. tostring( usPort ) .. ")" ) end function irc_onConnected() outputServerLog( "IRC Connected!" ) end function irc_onDisconnected() outputServerLog( "IRC Disconnected \"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Sad\" />" ) end function irc_onPrivMsg( szChannel, szNick, szText ) outputServerLog( "IRC <> " .. szNick .. ": " .. szText ) if string.find( szText, "!say" ) == 1 then outputChatBox(szNick .. " [iRC]: " .. string.sub( szText, 6 ) ) elseif string.find( szText, "!players" ) == 1 then ircMessage( pIRC, szChannel, "4There are currently " .. getPlayerCount() .. " players connected" ) end end function irc_onNotice( szFrom, szTo, szText ) outputServerLog( "IRC Notice <> " .. szFrom .. ": " .. szText ) if szFrom == "NickServ" then if string.find( szText, "This nickname is registered" ) then ircMessage( pIRC, "nickserv", "NORMAL IS HERE PASS" ) end end end function irc_onJoin( szChan, szNick ) outputServerLog( "IRC <> " .. szNick .. " joined " .. szChan ) end function irc_onPart( szChan, szNick ) outputServerLog( "IRC <> " .. szNick .. " left " .. szChan ) end function irc_onQuit( szNick ) outputServerLog( "IRC <> " .. szNick .. " quit IRC." ) end function irc_onRaw( text ) --outputServerLog( text ) end function irc_onNickChange( oldNick, newNick ) outputServerLog( "IRC <> " .. newNick .. " changed their nick to " .. oldNick ) end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", root, onResourceStart ) addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", root, onResourceStop ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, onPlayerJoin ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root, onPlayerChat ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, onPlayerWasted) Whats wrong with it? I started my server with the loaded module. And he says this script is loaded to. But when i try to run it my server restarts?? And i cant see anything happening on IRC I use btw ServerFFS>
  3. Hey, is there an MTA MA for Mta DM?
  4. Hey, is there an MTA MA for Mta DM?
  5. Hey, I maded a Race DD Map in the MTA Race editor. Now i have some Questions. - i want to convert it to a MTA DM Map. Are here any Tools or something for? - Is there a possibelity that i can add Music to the map? - Is it possible that there comes a message in the screen when te maps starts? I hope that u people can help me . Ty, Wrieh
  6. Hey, I maded a Race DD Map in the MTA Race editor. Now i have some Questions. - i want to convert it to a MTA DM Map. Are here any Tools or something for? - Is there a possibelity that i can add Music to the map? - Is it possible that there comes a message in the screen when te maps starts? I hope that u people can help me . Ty, Wrieh Oops posted in wrong section would u admins be so friendly to remove this topic :V?
  7. What you understand at popular clans?, I know many popular clans and they never talked about :')
  8. But no DD and DM maps
  9. Hi, There are many peoples who wants MTA Race on Vista; Post here if you want it on Vista i will add you to the name list: Namelist: Wrieh Reasons why they have to make an patch: - Race is old skool - Much people want an Vista Patch - DD and DM Maps dont work on MTA DM
  10. Wrieh

    !stats system

    Hi im making a script (for my own server) Its a race dm Server so i want a !stats script Can someone give me that?
  11. maybe: on *:text:!kick*:#: { if ( $nick isop %echochan ) { /mta.kick 1 $2 } elseif ( $2 != $mta.nick($1,$2) ) Msg %echochan $2 isnt online! }
  12. Wrieh

    Wriehs echo bot!

    @say do i have created and the echo the rest do you have don,
  13. Wrieh

    Wriehs echo bot!

    Hi i have created an echo bot on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { /msg %echochannel 3[ $+ $+ CHAT $+ $+ ]1 $mta.nick($1,$2): $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace: { msg %echochannel 7[SERVER] The Map $mta.race(1) Has started! } on *:SIGNAL:mta.death: { /msg %echochannel 7[ $+ $+ SERVER $+ $+ ]1 $mta.nick($1,$2) Died! } on *:SIGNAL:mta.text: { /msg %echochannel 3[ $+ $+ CHAT $+ $+ ]1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3- } on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { /msg %echochannel 7[ $+ $+ SERVER $+ $+ ]1 $mta.nick($1,$2) joined the game. } on *:SIGNAL:mta.pm: { if ($2 != 254) /msg %echochannel 7[ $+ $+ SERVER $+ $+ 0]1 $mta.nick($1,$2) send a pm to $mta.nick($1,$3). } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part: { /msg %echochannel 7[SERVER] $mta.nick($1,$2) had left the game. } on *:QUIT:#:{ if ( $chan == %echochan ) /mta.text 1 $nick has quit IRC! } on *:SIGNAL:mta.adcon: { if ($1 == %echoserverid) && ( $2 == 254 ) && ($3 == /me) msg %echochan 7[ADMIN] 6 $+ $4- if ($1 == %echoserverid) && ( $2 == 254 ) && ($3 != /me) msg %echochan 7[ADMIN] $3- if ($1 == %echoserverid) && ( $2 == 255 ) && ($3 == /me) msg %echochan 7[CONSOLE] 6 $+ $4- if ($1 == %echoserverid) && ( $2 == 255 ) && ($3 != /me) msg %echochan 7[CONSOLE] $3- } on *:TEXT:!say*:#: { if ($chan == %echochannel) { if ($2 == /me) { /mta.text 1 /me $nick [iRC]: $3- } else { /mta.text 1 $NICK [iRC]: $2- } } } on *:TEXT:@say*:#wrieh: { if ($nick == %lvl3) { /mta.text 1 $2- } } on *:TEXT:!player*:#:{ if ($chan == %echochan) { player $1- } } alias player { var %a = 0, %b = None while (%a < %loop) { if ($mta.nick(1,%a) != $null) { if ($mta.level(1,%a) >= 0) { if (%b == None) %b = $mta.nick(1,%a) else %b = %b $+ , $mta.nick(1,%a) } } !inc %a } msg %echochan $mta.server(1).players $+ / $+ 24 players online: %b $+ . } on *:TEXT:!ip*:#: { msg $chan IP: $mta.server(1).ip $+ : $+ $mta.server(1).cport } on *:TEXT:!mesay*:#: { if ($nick ison %echochan) { /mta.text 1 /me $NICK [iRC] : $2- } } on *:join:#:{ if ( $chan == %echochan ) /mta.text 1 $nick has joined IRC! } on *:part:#:{ if ( $chan == %echochan ) /mta.text 1 $nick has has leaved IRC (Reason: Parted) } on *:kick:#:{ if ( $chan == %echochan ) /mta.text 1 $knick has leaved IRC! (Reason: Kicked) } on *:TEXT:!map*:#:{ msg $chan Server is currently playing: $mta.race(1) } on *:TEXT:!stopecho*:#:{ if ( $nick == $me ) /mta.disconnect 1 } on *:TEXT:!startecho*:#:{ if ( $nick == $me ) /mta.connect 1 } on *:TEXT:!setecho*:#:{ if ( $nick == $me ) /set %echochannel $2- if ( $nick == $me) /set %echochan $2- if ( $nick == $me ) /set %echoserverid 1 } The options in this echo are: !stopecho The echos stops and disconnects! !startecho the echo starts and connects! !say You can say something ingame @say Admins say no nickname !say /me you say something in the purple! !mesay '' '' '' '' '' '' !players you can see who is ingame! !setecho You do need this before you can run your echo !map You can see what map is playing! Much phun with it!
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