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Everything posted by _DrXenon

  1. Umm, then maybe the second argument on triggerServerEvent is 'source' which refers to the button not the player?
  2. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/shaders/shader_skidmarks.zip
  3. I did not look onto the code, but dublicating the resource would do the trick :PP
  4. I think that the triggerServerEvent should be inside (within the range) of the if statement and not beneath it since you are sending vars that were only idenitfied within the If statement.
  5. not quite sure, but you can easily replace the car wheel traces color by applying a yellow shader to the wheel traces texture. You can get the texture name of it using this; https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/shaders/shader_tex_names.zip Oh btw, ^ this script also changes the color of those traces in addition to getting its name, But it is not what you really need.
  6. maybe get the vehicle speed onClientRender when no keys are pressed (since you are complaining about the automatic deceleration that is caused by friction and gravity when the gas pedal is released) and then setting the vehicle speed to a lower speed, this way you can decide how long and how will your vehicle stop eventually according to the equations that you will use. For instance; -- getElementSpeed : useful function -- setElementSpeed : useful function function automaticSpeedDeceleration() if getKeyState("fowards") == false then -- or even getControlState("accelerate") == false might be more useful here I think local speed = getElementSpeed(vehicle) setElementSpeed(vehicle,1,speed - (speed/4)^2) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,automaticSpeedDeceleration) Not quite sure how accurate can that be, but I guess something like that. And if that works, You would probably need to lower the deceleration rate since it is happening on every frame, and making it big can cause the car to stop immediatley when no keys are pressed (I am talking about (speed/4)^2)
  7. lol. dxDrawTextOnElement function is a useful function on MTA wiki which does this job.
  8. @Daniels69 Well, I'd rather understand what the main issue here before posting some random script. The guy wants to draw a text on the vehicle which exists on the 3D world, not to create custom vehicle names for certain vehicles.
  9. Well, if you were familiar with those functions then a small example could help you, but since you are not then this is going to take some time and I actually don't have free time now to write a whole script but I'll make sure to help you tomorrow on my free time. So keep me updated about this issue.
  10. Well sure, You will need the functions; dxCreateRenderTarget, dxDrawRext, dxSetRenderTarget, dxDrawImage3D. It won't be that hard if you can script. You simply need to create a render target then create a text inside that render target using dxDrawText and dxSetRenderTarget and then you can draw the texture of this render target as a 3D image on the car. I can give a short example if you are not familiar with those functions.
  11. If the question is only about possibility, then the answer is yes It is possible
  12. maybe try rotating the player before disabling his collisions? that wouldn't too?
  13. _DrXenon


    I think dx always comes correct regarding its position when it comes to using guieditor (while GUI doesn't). Anyway, It may be blurry because 1080/1900 is not close to be equal to 900/1600. (I don't see any blur in the images tho)
  14. You are crazy! All that would be cool if it was just true. But I think just like all other servers, When I enter it will be empty not even those peds you talking about will exist.
  15. Nice Nice. Btw, the royal rumble on the beach was between NPCs or real players? and the fight on Grove street? Because It would be impressive if it was an NPC fight.
  16. that the guy applied to be part of thier clan and the latest post before his post was on 2005 so I started imagining how old may the clan members be now and how many children they have.
  17. hhahaah oh my god that's so funny. Daaaam, They are like 35 years old each now and everyone of them has like 3 or 4 children and 2 of them will begin playing MTA next year! The fk I just said above?
  18. will you mind deleting everything in your file and pasting that code below instead and then test? vehicle = createVehicle( 503, 1513.61328125, -1479.384765625, 9.7, 0, 0, 272 ) setVehicleColor( vehicle, 0, 0, 0 ) ID = 3 myBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( vehicle, ID ) function lockPrivate( theplayer, seat, jacked ) if source == vehicle and seat == 0 then local account = getPlayerAccount( theplayer ) local accountName = (getAccountName ( account ) ) if not( accountName == "Quiel1290" or accountName == "noOne" ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("#9E0000This vehicle is locked for following users:#0D9905 |GB|{Q}uiel #9E0000Shared With #0D9905NoOne ", theplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#0D9905Welcome to your vehicle, Sir!", theplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), lockPrivate ) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicle, true)
  19. this is enough to get the account name of a player local accountName = getAccountName(account) No need for the function you were using and I have no idea whether it even works this way.
  20. ._. Create the marker on the dimension you choose and add the lines above so whenever anyone in any dimension hits the marker no function will be triggered unless you are in the same dimension of the marker. Isn't that what you want?
  21. well make sure to use ... local marker_dim = getElementDimension(your_marker) local player_dim = getElementDimension(the_player) if marker_dim == player_dim then -- do the function end ... so the function works only if the marker and the player are on the same dimension, right?
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