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Everything posted by Rouzbeh

  1. hi, i want a code to get replace characters between "[ ]" from playername like: [clan]playername to playername delete "[x]" from playername
  2. OH My God performance browser was cheating me, lol i have use nload a minute ago in linux and see totally my server had 25GB outgoing and now that shit performanceborwser is showing me fake sent http, thats a bad bug!!!
  3. ip is: | http port: 22005 (you can't join this ip from out if Iran) and my most players online is under 15, i had under 50 users totally!!!
  4. you need to get time of all clients , getRealTime() in clientside resource, so which player see different time and weather
  5. while server is running, if i want edit a client resource, i should edit client file in external http and restart the server for server detect new file??
  6. so is this normal? i had 230GB HTTP Sent in last 2weeks with less than 10 players! (my resources have 180mb size)
  7. hello, i have runed a server and i see when server have 2-3 players (who downloaded resources before), i have little game bw usage but large sent HTTP in performance browser! see this http://i58.tinypic.com/2q31ah5.jpg (230 GB in Aug!!! ) this used with max 10 players online for some hours until now! and my players downloaded .zip resources from another link manuelly and put it in their resources so my server does'nt sent this large size! if i continue like this i will run out bandwidth soon, plz help me!!!
  8. i want stop http bandwidth using, i dont need it!!!
  9. Hi, i have high http usage bandwidth in my server but players not download resources from my server! what is SENT http in Performance Browser! i have 200gb http usage in last week and total 2gb player bw usage! how i can reduce sent http
  10. hi, if i want use an external web server so i should copy my client files to external directory ? and when i want update my resource i have to copy my client files in both vps and web server or just to web server?
  11. [2015-08-07 05:16:47] ERROR: Could not load /root/multitheftauto_linux-1.4.1/x64/./dbconmy.so - /root/multitheftauto_linux-1.5.0/x64/./dbconmy.so: symbol __cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient.so.16 with link time reference[2015-08-07 05:16:47] ERROR: sql/server.lua:9: dbConnect failed; Could not connect [2015-08-07 05:16:47] ERROR: sql/server.lua:14: Failed to connect to MySQL! Retrying in 5 seconds... i have these errors, i really searched all of net and do very things but not work and still have this problem plz help me, when i update from 1.4 to 1.5 this problem appear...
  12. hi when i connect to mta servers then kick for this reason: AC#11 6JEI i deleted all of my cheats/cleos but still have this error how i can solve this? what i should do?
  13. hi how i can attach an icon (Like Afk icon) near Playername?! (my means playername that showing on player skin body) and is Playernames a resource? or its become with mta client?
  14. So What? lol i think its for fps, means who have more fps have more speed wow, so what i can do for all players with different fps have same speed?
  15. hi, i used setModelHandling serverside for some vehicles like lamborghini have maxpseed: 400km/h but when i and my friend Do drag with same cars, my friend have very more speed from me, thats not lag and we change cars alot, but he sit in one car, so that car will have more speed from same car with that model(we Race in Exactly same), i know his not using cheats... so whats the problem? Is it MTA Bug?! i saw this problem with another players sometimes...
  16. hi, if i understand true, we can add objects in 2 ways , one with CreateObject in Resource and two is in a .map file, so whats is differnce between these? i want make some objects, vehicles and later use them in scripting(like no one can enter that and i need define elements), i confused a little...
  17. hi, i have a login & register system, i want : when user type in password editbox , see * except entered content , like more login systems, so how?!, thnaks
  18. good, and another question whats is difference between using dbQuery and executeSQLQuery?
  19. very thanks for link, but my question is: is it sql injection possible in using dbQuery? for example: local qh = dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=?", playerName ) local result = dbPoll( qh, -1 ) if playerName contain a special/harmful word, is sql injection possible here?
  20. hi, if i understand right, both dbQuery and executeSQLQuery can use for SELECT data from table and in executeSQLQuery sql injection is impossible but what about dbQuery? is it important i use executeSQLQuery for SELECT or i can do that with dbQuery safe too? and which is better for SELECT ?
  21. i did try your method and changed mass, braking deceleration, engine inertia, engine acceleration and ... but now cars seems a bit unnormally
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