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Everything posted by UserToDelete

  1. No puedes usar "source" en un trigger a un evento, donde source aun no existe. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root, DestruirVehiculo)
  2. Predefined_variables_list MTA Predefined variables Shared exports -- returns a table of resource names containing all export functions resource -- returns a resource element of the resource the snippet was executed in resourceRoot -- returns a resource root element of the resource the snippet was executed in root -- returns the root element of the server Client Only guiRoot -- returns the root element all GUI elements. localPlayer -- returns the player element of the local player. The list of hidden variables, that can be found in functions - handlers: Shared source -- The player or element the event was attached to this -- Element, which was attached function-handler. eventName -- the name of the event ("onResourceStart", "onPlayerWasted" etc.) Server Only client -- the client that called the event local car = {} function vehicle(vehicle) if client then source = client end if car[source] then destroyElement(car[source]) car[source] = nil end if not getPedOccupiedVehicle( source ) then local vehicleID = getVehicleIDFromName(vehicle) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) car[source] = createVehicle( vehicleID, x+5, y, z ); local x,y,z = nil warpPedIntoVehicle(source, car[source]) end end addEvent("onCrearVehiculo", true) addEventHandler("onCrearVehiculo", root,vehicle) function DestruirVehiculo(source) if car[source] then destroyElement(car[source]) end end addCommandHandler("dv", DestruirVehiculo)
  3. 20% de descuento y post actualizado a algo mas visual. Se agradece a todos los que estan en cydrio y a los que no
  4. Simplest than yours function refreshResource(res) if ( not res or not getResourceState(res) ) then return false end -- no given resource if ( not getResourceLoadFailureReason(res) == "" ) then return false end -- given resource failed to load local resourceName = getResourceName(res) local meta_file = ":"..resourceName.."/meta.xml" if ( not fileExists(meta_file) ) then return false end -- no meta file was found fileRename(meta_file, meta_file.."_") refreshResources() fileRename(meta_file.."_", meta_file) refreshResources() startResource(getResourceFromName(resourceName)) end By the way, your function would only properly work 1 time since it doesn't clear global variables and it'd only work with the resource where it's being loaded from. If bytes of file changes your script will never WORK.
  5. Es lo que estoy preguntando, si tienen control de eso
  6. Me refiero al procedimiento, si yo hago cd ../../usuario6 voy a poder ver los ficheros de otro usuario? (Por ejemplo)
  7. No parece mala la idea, aunque espero que tengas conocimientos sobre como limitar a los usuarios y que no puedan ver algo que no deban ver si pudieras dar mas detalles de como haces los servers te agradezco, ya que la seguridad es un tema que hoy en dia se toca mucho
  8. Calcula que cada elementData o Variable será 1-5 KB como maximo de memoria ram, como maximo me refiero a esto setElementData(source, "0x![QT!4901TWQ]]!{}A┼4C6»54←&5▀Û48○4♣J68", "►4┬pb◙431AA1○8└7▀♦64○8¢8J")
  9. Gracias por un codigo mas limpio, no conocia exactamente la funcion de sub, gracias, solo sabia que se podia hacer con gsub a traves del $1 o como sea Esto tambien es bueno pero me quedo con la de Tomas, Gracias a los dos por la ayuda
  10. Se que se puede, pero no se como, si alguien puede decirme la forma en la que gsub hace exactamente lo mismo que esto que he hecho se lleva una galleta str="Hola me llamo venado" local b = {} for d=1, x:len()-1 do table.insert(b, string.char(string.byte(str, d))) end str = "" for k,v in ipairs(b) do str = str..v end return str --Termina con un "Hola me llamo venad"
  11. esa coma al final de la tabla loco, que sino da erró!
  12. Si te refieres a la misma hora del juego, usa esto: PD: Es extraído de mi servidor Cliente timesync = {} setMinuteDuration(1000*1000) function timesync.clientmain (h,m) setTime(h,m) end addEvent("timesync.settime", true) addEventHandler("timesync.settime", root, timesync.clientmain) Servidor timesync = {} function timesync.main () for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local h,m = getTime() triggerClientEvent(v, "timesync.settime", v, h,m) end end setTimer(timesync.main, 1000,0)
  13. Hay un problema con game state, que pasa desde hace siempre, y que marca los servidores de offline cuando en realidad no lo estan, no se fien por el game-state. Saludos Con los comentarios aqui recibidos, decidí no modificar nada del codigo de momento, (Aunque igual modifico en un futuro el tema de que aparezca cydrio.com en vez de GNU/Linux cuando entras. Decidí aplazar el tema del shutdown porque me gustaria aprender C++ antes de tocar nada
  14. Y también habría que buscar una manera de que un servidor que ejecute una compilación personalizada sea compatible con clientes que utilicen la original, o viceversa, lo cual creo que es un tanto difícil teniendo en cuenta que MTA: SA tiene un archivo net.dll que es de código cerrado para evitar precisamente eso y otros abusos. No entiendo bien eso, cydrio ya usa un servidor de compilacion no oficial, es decir, se modificar el source y se recompila y funciona perfectamente, a que te refieres con eso?
  15. No se podria apagar desde dentro, pero si desde el panel de control
  16. En unas semanas se lanzará un tipo especial de servidores en el que no podrás apagarlo porque se eliminará esa parte del codigo del source para los servidores, de forma que haras shutdown y no pasará nada, lanzará un error en log de que esa funciona no existe, son servidores forzados a 24/7
  17. Need basic libraries on Windows Server (Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable)
  18. UserToDelete


    No puedes ocultar la barra de descarga, ya que es la misma que carga los resources, tales como el login que mencionas
  19. Ahora se pueden generar nombres aleatorios desde https://ssl.cydrio.com/servicios/mta/namegenerator/es
  20. Como no se me habria ocurrido antes, y que pongo, un resource con una tabla?, la funcion es un exports. El foro ya es no lo que era
  21. Alguna vez te preguntaste como puedes obtener nombres aleatorios estilo... [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TacitRearend49 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WindySamovar56 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OvertFox34 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MysteriousBookcase57 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LivingElm58 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SafeRain92 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FreezingMink1 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EagerArchitect93 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] StealthyBulldozer3 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ChillyPig72 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ViolentTemples51 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EqualBeard28 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BrightComputer51 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ScaredMaple12 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ThirstyFrigate7 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DifficultCouncilman98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ElegantCaddy98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LamentableRetina97 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MeekBijou97 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PerfectHostess66 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] KnownConductor26 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MixedFedora72 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BoilingChalk93 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AloofFox24 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] KnowingCardtable80 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AfraidCurrent25 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EarthyOryx43 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MellowWrestler78 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GainfulConductor84 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ImminentKomodo86 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OppositeSoldier87 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HurriedHitchhiker35 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FascinatedBalaclava52 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BrightShrew91 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FanaticalBones19 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ClumsyHighseat86 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NiceWrap27 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] UpbeatCyclist26 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SupremeTapir56 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AberrantLobster12 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RusticLocker25 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] UnkemptDinghy3 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HandsomelyBench23 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RedundantMangrove93 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HaltingConsole95 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FunctionalFinch86 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CuddlyEclipse68 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LongingFugitive83 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TacitYak72 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] VenomousRetina29 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AboardSkull45 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TangibleShaper91 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RuddyHood43 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ThinSubway8 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] Far-flungBus73 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FlashyPaper38 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ReflectiveCanes98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TremendousEarth55 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RitzyCombatant99 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PenitentBassoon56 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TallFuton1 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ImportantKazoo58 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NoiselessGyro93 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] StrongGarbageman78 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] KaputLoris18 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EnchantedKettledrum5 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] QuizzicalReindeer73 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] Bite-sizedCasserole83 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] VastWagon70 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WholesaleSuv85 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SableNotebook23 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GoodSon51 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NutritiousWrap49 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LoudBanquette9 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FrailAcrobat78 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LethalVeil98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] UnablePaints23 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LuckyThumb27 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GratefulGolfkart46 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PowerfulCornet37 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DifficultWheeler23 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] UnusualOrchestra57 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AbackTea33 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CrookedShark30 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EnviousVases9 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ShortCutthroat80 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ThreeRivulet63 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BouncyTiger98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NaturalMeerkat97 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AuspiciousCeres98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] VagabondSpider39 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AngryKetch36 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CrazyYak82 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ImminentEyelashes43 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HandsomelyPond33 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LearnedMousse95 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NonstopBijou92 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] StatuesqueZampone7 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DelicateHatrack78 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SableCockroach5 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NostalgicStreets43 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BeneficialDragonfly5 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SecretKitten22 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HumdrumMangrove64 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PerpetualJackal27 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BerserkTapir12 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] StandingPenguin27 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CurvedBranch8 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MundaneDinghy80 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PaltryYak13 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SillyBrute74 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HollowPad50 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GabbyToes83 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ClosedWhirlwind91 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AboundingBoar70 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CheerfulTarsier23 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NostalgicCanes38 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LiteratePlate94 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MacabrePaints84 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LivelyTurban13 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MightyVeil68 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NoisyMontero23 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ObservantSubway42 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AwarePen13 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DearCemetery89 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GreyCeilingfan41 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SadTurban91 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MinorClipper88 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HighKomodo97 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TawdryCarjacker3 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LanguidFruit68 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SteadfastChalice75 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MiscreantDart22 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OldJeep56 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HotPuddle79 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DeeplyChampion18 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OrdinaryBanquette89 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LyricalDonkey27 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DesertedTuba26 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SeparateTypewriter48 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EndurableSquirrel41 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DifficultGondola66 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LewdHail92 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GrievingManatee33 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SameViolin66 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WryDragster29 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SuperWindchimes16 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RapidSaxophone75 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EnviousNetbook75 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LovelyRebel94 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OffbeatGarlic65 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] JoblessTelephone7 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PossessiveTulip80 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BrownOffender86 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RaspyBroom46 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GreasyWhale46 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TemporaryBalaclava11 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GeneralOnions96 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BrashBuffet59 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BoredUkulele72 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DeeplyKleenex37 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BizarreAlpenglow86 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ImaginaryEchidna28 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LowlyOyster85 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TorpidBed17 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AuspiciousFinisher56 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AlertCommando21 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PainfulTransporter93 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] StandingAlligator43 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FaultyTrolley58 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CharmingRioter87 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OafishRubber13 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] VioletStepstool8 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WaggishCoffee50 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HatefulSeeds40 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AvailableCascades7 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] InnateDavenport62 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MaleTurban60 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MindlessFlatbed81 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DevilishWoofer61 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TastefulPrince92 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HardRearend65 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GloriousDagger32 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TenseSubway20 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] JuicyChurches79 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WorriedTrundlebed39 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LeftClouds38 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AbstractedBlizzard63 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ChivalrousGlue61 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OverratedCoffee90 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SleepyCadet29 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] BurlyVegetables78 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SlimyBattleship87 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] TremendousMuseum42 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FatLyre98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] GodlyToes88 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RedundantFigurine63 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ChillyLyrebird59 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] RoomyArmchair77 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MarkedAnkle89 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AncientWalnuts75 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NippyTongue98 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LegalBucket77 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LiterateDivan61 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OrangeDevil11 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] QuickestHair66 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CombativeGambler60 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ValuableGyro12 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AheadBuggy38 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HumorousSubway64 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LightTherapist36 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] JadedCredenza19 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WiryJeep89 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] UnbecomingCemetery32 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ScatteredCaboose19 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LuckySnake8 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AdorableStar91 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DetailedCandy21 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LushDinghy62 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MakeshiftWheelman55 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AbnormalKnife87 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OppositeBowler46 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SoreKetch94 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LethalOwl53 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] LegalGyro7 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FarBoar44 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MelodicGerbil72 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FuzzyLeeks7 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] CallousSeafoam24 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PhobicOrator62 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] ForgetfulDuck84 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PicayuneButcher18 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] QuickestCakebatter50 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DefeatedMother36 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] JoblessSaxophone15 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PeriodicLemur17 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] EqualTsunami9 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HardTrucker58 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] DelightfulCombatant3 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FoamyOkapi3 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] PeriodicCurrent42 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AlertDulcimer13 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FemaleCormorant96 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] NippyBarometer51 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] FastColon94 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] WantingChiffonier61 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] MassiveMousse60 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AverageFire40 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] AbaftYak22 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] HomelessCanoe63 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] OffbeatLocomotive12 [2016-06-04 23:03:50] SimplisticEasel79
  22. Ya va hace un mes que se debio de celebrar, que paso al final y quien gano?
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