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  1. Nahar

    Help please fast

    Thanks! it's working.
  2. function chatDis(command) cancelEvent() outputChatBox("THE CHAT IS DISABLED",source,255,0,0) if hasObjectPermissionTo ( command, "function.banPlayer" ) then addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),chatDis) end end function chatEN(command) if hasObjectPermissionTo ( command, "function.banPlayer" ) then outputChatBox("THE CHAT IS NOW ENABLED ",getRootElement(),255,0,0) removeEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),chatDis) end end addCommandHandler("cd",chatDis) addCommandHandler("ce",chatEN) How i can add there that it work only for the team spectators? i mean when i write ./ce no one can write in the chat even admins. how i can add like admins can talk and others cant.
  3. Hey guys, Im searching scripter who can do an userpanel whit this features: For this features: Garage System ,Light Shop , Wheel Shop , Skin Shop , Other Features , Donator Panel, Map Shop, we can offer 50 euro. Please if you are interested send me a pm whit your skype or add me on skype: nahar997
  4. Add me on skype: nahar997 i can help you.
  5. Yes, but it don't work and it don't show any error on debugscript.
  6. Hey guys, Here is an auto-b system, sometime it work and sometime not, I don't where is the problem. DestructionDerby = setmetatable({}, RaceMode) DestructionDerby.__index = DestructionDerby DestructionDerby:register('Destruction derby') winprice = nil winplayer = nil dead = 0 function DestructionDerby:isApplicable() return not RaceMode.checkpointsExist() and RaceMode.getMapOption('respawn') == 'none' end function DestructionDerby:getPlayerRank(player) return #getActivePlayers() end -- Copy of old updateRank function DestructionDerby:updateRanks() for i,player in ipairs(g_Players) do if not isPlayerFinished(player) then local rank = self:getPlayerRank(player) if not rank or rank > 0 then setElementData(player, 'race rank', rank) end end end -- Make text look good at the start if not self.running then for i,player in ipairs(g_Players) do setElementData(player, 'race rank', '' ) setElementData(player, 'checkpoint', '' ) end end end function DestructionDerby:onPlayerWasted(player) if isActivePlayer(player) then self:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) if getActivePlayerCount() <= 1 then local activePlayers = getActivePlayers() if #activePlayers == 1 then if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "isDonator") ~= true or string.find(g_MapName, "[sHOOTER]", 1, true) or string.find(g_MapName, "[FUN]", 1, true) or string.find(g_MapName, "[DD]", 1, true) or getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(activePlayers[1])) == 425 then RaceMode.endMap() else TimerManager.createTimerFor("map",player):setTimer(clientCall, 2000, 1, player, 'Spectate.start', 'auto') end else RaceMode.endMap() end else TimerManager.createTimerFor("map",player):setTimer(clientCall, 2000, 1, player, 'Spectate.start', 'auto') end local pvpElements = getElementsByType ( "pvpElement" ) for theKey,pvpElement in ipairs(pvpElements) do if (getElementData(pvpElement, "player1") == player or getElementData(pvpElement, "player2") == player) and getElementData(pvpElement, "accepted") == true then local player1 = getElementData(pvpElement, "player1") local player2 = getElementData(pvpElement, "player2") if player1 == player then addPlayerArchivement( player2, 44 ) outputChatBox("#256484:PVP: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(player2).." has won a PVP war against "..getPlayerName(player1).." and receives "..tostring(getElementData(pvpElement, "money")).." VIP.",getRootElement(),255,0,0, true) setPlayerMoney(player2, getPlayerMoney(player2)+getElementData(pvpElement, "money")*2) elseif player2 == player then addPlayerArchivement( player1, 44 ) outputChatBox("#256484:PVP: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(player1).." has won a PVP war against "..getPlayerName(player2).." and receives "..tostring(getElementData(pvpElement, "money")).." VIP.",getRootElement(),255,0,0, true) setPlayerMoney(player1, getPlayerMoney(player1)+getElementData(pvpElement, "money")*2) end destroyElement(pvpElement) break end end if getActivePlayerCount() ~= 0 then if isLoggedIn(player) == true and getElementData(player, "AFK") == false then local onlinePlayers = 0 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do onlinePlayers = onlinePlayers + 1 end local endPoints = math.floor(onlinePlayers*(8.5+(onlinePlayers/100))/(getActivePlayerCount()+1)) local endMoney = math.floor(onlinePlayers*(65+(onlinePlayers/100))/(getActivePlayerCount()+1)) if g_eventInProgress == 1 or g_eventInProgress == 2 or g_eventInProgress == 3 then endPoints = endPoints*2 end outputChatBox("#00aa46:Points: #ffffff You received "..tostring(endPoints).." points and "..tostring(endMoney).." VIP for playing this map.", player, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData(player, "Points", getElementData(player, "Points") + endPoints) setElementData(player, "Money", getElementData(player, "Money") + endMoney) if isTimer ( WinTimer ) then killTimer ( WinTimer ) end end end end RaceMode.setPlayerIsFinished(player) showBlipsAttachedTo(player, false) end function DestructionDerby:onPlayerQuit(player) if isActivePlayer(player) then self:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) if getActivePlayerCount() <= 1 then local activePlayers = getActivePlayers() if #activePlayers == 1 then if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "isDonator") ~= true then RaceMode.endMap() end else RaceMode.endMap() end end end end function DestructionDerby:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) -- Update ranking board for player being removed if not self.rankingBoard then self.rankingBoard = RankingBoard:create() self.rankingBoard:setDirection( 'up', getActivePlayerCount() ) end local timePassed = self:getTimePassed() self.rankingBoard:add(player, timePassed) -- Do remove finishActivePlayer(player) -- Update ranking board if one player left local activePlayers = getActivePlayers() if #activePlayers == 1 then givePlayerBetWinning (activePlayers[1]) self.rankingBoard:add(activePlayers[1], timePassed) setElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter") + 1) if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter") == 5 then addPlayerArchivement(activePlayers[1], 12) elseif getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter") == 7 then addPlayerArchivement(activePlayers[1], 13) elseif getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter") == 11 then addPlayerArchivement(activePlayers[1], 14) end if tonumber(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter")) >= tonumber(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "WinningStreak")) then setElementData(activePlayers[1], "WinningStreak", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter")) end if isTimer ( WinTimer ) then killTimer ( WinTimer ) end local onlinePlayers = 0 local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do onlinePlayers = onlinePlayers + 1 if activePlayers[1] ~= thePlayer then if isLoggedIn(thePlayer) == true then setElementData(thePlayer, "winningCounter", 0) end end end local endPoints = math.floor(onlinePlayers*(8.5+(onlinePlayers/100))) local endMoney = math.floor(onlinePlayers*(65+(onlinePlayers/100))) if g_eventInProgress == 1 or g_eventInProgress == 2 or g_eventInProgress == 3 then endPoints = endPoints*2 end if isLoggedIn(activePlayers[1]) == true and getElementData(activePlayers[1], "AFK") == false then outputChatBox("#00aa46:Points: #ffffff You received "..tostring(endPoints).." points and "..tostring(endMoney).." VIP for winning this map.", activePlayers[1], 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData(activePlayers[1], "WonMaps", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "WonMaps")+1) --triggerClientEvent ( activePlayers[1], "onRefreshGui" ) setElementData(activePlayers[1], "Points", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "Points")+ endPoints) setElementData(activePlayers[1], "Money", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "Money")+ endMoney) if onlinePlayers >= 10 then addPlayerArchivement( activePlayers[1], 8 ) end if string.find(g_MapInfo.name, "[DM]", 1, true) then setElementData(activePlayers[1], "DMWon", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DMWon")+1) end if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DMWon") == 100 then addPlayerArchivement( activePlayers[1], 19 ) end if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DMWon") == 1000 then addPlayerArchivement( activePlayers[1], 21 ) end if string.find(g_MapInfo.name, "[DD]", 1, true) then setElementData(activePlayers[1], "DDWon", getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DDWon")+1) end if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DDWon") == 100 then addPlayerArchivement( activePlayers[1], 20 ) end if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DDWon") == 1000 then addPlayerArchivement( activePlayers[1], 22 ) end end local ran_win_mesage = { [1] = "He won "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DMWon")).." DM maps", [2] = "He won "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "DDWon")).." DD maps", [3] = "He drove "..tostring(math.floor(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "KM"))).." KM in this server!", [4] = "He did "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "TopTimes")).." toptimes!", [5] = "He is Level "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "Rank")).."!", [6] = "He got "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "Money")).." Vero", [7] = "He played "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "PlayedMaps")).." maps!", [8] = "He got "..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "Points")).." points!", [9] = "His winning streak is x"..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "winningCounter")).."!", [10] = "He is already for "..tostring(math.floor(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "TimeOnServer")/60)).." minutes on the Server!" } local hasCustomText = false if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "isDonator") == true then if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "useWinsound") ~= 0 then local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do if getElementData(thePlayer, "toggleWinsounds") == 1 then callClientFunction(thePlayer, "playSound", "audio/winsounds/"..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "useWinsound"))..".mp3") end end end if getElementData(activePlayers[1], "customWintext") ~= "none" then showWinMessage("#FFFFFF"..tostring(getElementData(activePlayers[1], "customWintext")), "#00aa46"..tostring(ran_win_mesage[math.random(1,10)]), 0, 170, 77) hasCustomText = true end end if hasCustomText == false then showWinMessage("#FFFFFF".._getPlayerName(activePlayers[1]) .. '#00aa46 has won the map!', "#FFFFFF"..tostring(ran_win_mesage[math.random(1,10)]), 0, 170, 77) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- activePlayerList stuff -- function isActivePlayer( player ) return table.find( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) end function addActivePlayer( player ) table.insertUnique( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) end function removeActivePlayer( player ) table.removevalue( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) end function finishActivePlayer( player )
  7. Nahar


    Any example please?
  8. Nahar


    Hey all, i made a script which change tag color every 10 sec, but i don't know how to make tag random color, i made this: local r local g local b if(phase)then r,g,b,a = getColorFromString(colors[1]) else r,g,b,a = getColorFromString(r,g,b) end local team = getTeamFromName(Names[1]) if(team)then for i,p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if(getPlayerTeam(p) == team)then for v,blip in pairs(getAttachedElements(p)) do if getElementType(blip) == "blip" then setBlipColor(blip,r,g,b,255) break end end setTeamColor ( team , r, g, b) end end end How i can make tag color change ( random) every 10 sec?
  9. Nahar


    ciao, ho provato a fare uno script che cambia il colore della tag ogni 10 secondi, ma il colore resta sempre lo stesso, lo voglio farlo random ma non so come farlo. local r local g local b if(phase)then r,g,b,a = getColorFromString(colors[1]) else r,g,b,a = getColorFromString(r,g,b) end local team = getTeamFromName(Names[1]) if(team)then for i,p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if(getPlayerTeam(p) == team)then for v,blip in pairs(getAttachedElements(p)) do if getElementType(blip) == "blip" then setBlipColor(blip,r,g,b,255) break end end setTeamColor ( team , r, g, b) end end end
  10. Nahar


    Any example? or can u show me how make it?
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