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  1. Oh I found the issue. It was my fault but now I get this SQL Error: Incorrect DateTime Value for column 1 at jailtime at row 1
  2. Attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'nn' Also the jailtime still comes up result2: table: 1B85D638 result2 jailtime: 2013-12-15 23:27:05
  3. I can show you the entire script if need be. Just let me know
  4. It stores when the player will be released, for example /jail [iD of Player] [Number of Hours] Should log 1 hour later from the current time if I put 1 hour as the "Number of Hours" then the script checks every 5 mins if the time to be released has passed. At least thats what it is supposed to do..
  5. Duration is done in hours. It allows for logging while the player is offline
  6. Can you show me how I would do that? Thanks for all the help.
  7. setElementFrozen(value, false) mysql:query_free("UPDATE characters SET jail='0' WHERE id = " .. dbid) mysql:query_free("UPDATE characters SET jailtime=NULL WHERE id = " .. dbid) outputChatBox("You are no longer in Jail!", value, 0, 255, 0)
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