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Captain Cody

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Everything posted by Captain Cody

  1. Is this server side or client side or both
  2. I got the wheels to show up by loading the DFF files that came with them but I need to find out the ID for the vehicle.txd so I can load the TXD wheel files. The Files I got are 1.dff 2.dff 3.dff And 5 more And Some tga files that should go into vehicle.txd ive had some previous wheel mods that all had there own txd files that worked just fine but this one only has the stuff to go into the vehicle.txd
  3. Noooo Ive got them replaced I just need to find ID for the vehicle.txd its a file that contains alot of the wheel stuff
  4. Sooo Any One going to respond to dis please
  5. Ive been collecting wheels to upload to my server and they all have files to upload to vehicle.txd either 1 whats the id for vehicle.txd or 2 how would I do this?
  6. Hmm well I cant help but I can tell people wat yee need He Needs it so it adds the bought cars to a table but he cant figure out how/
  7. And btw the Dff files wont do nothin Ive tryed with trucks trying to make wheels bigger it wont work you need to edit the colision file for the wheels some how
  8. How can I make it so a Wrench "dildo replacemnt" can Fix a car from out side?
  9. wats dat trailer your using
  10. Then How can I make it so on /dogwarp it warps the dog to me and pauses it untill I glue it to vehicle
  11. And How can I make them follow certain people
  12. How would I make it so I can glue the dogs onto cars by command function Spawndoggy (source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local rot= 90 local skin=79 local interior=0 local dimension=0 local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) local weapon=0 local mode= "following" local modesubject=source setElementData(source, "isDogSpawned", true) dog = call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x, y+5, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) setTimer ( call, 5000, 1, getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "setBotAttackEnabled",dog,false ) end addCommandHandler("spawndog", Spawndoggy) function dogA(source) if not getElementData(source, "isDogSpawned") then outputChatBox("Spawn one dog first! Use /spawndog", source) else outputChatBox("Your dog will start attacking now!", source) setTimer ( call, 5000, 1, getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "setBotAttackEnabled",dog, true ) end end addCommandHandler("Dogattack", dogA) I have that sceript And glue2
  13. I noticed it starts following other people if they come near and how can I make it so on command the dog stays aka waiting instead of following
  14. 2 things how can I make it so it only follows me? and warps into cars and out of cars when u get in and out of cars
  15. I said is there a way to add command /Dogattack Not wat ever u did...
  16. Ah ok I'll try it btw How can I make it so when u use command /dogattack the dog will attack people? then when u do it again it stops attacking
  17. Wait wat this is same script aint it?
  18. can you try to explain to me as best as you can how I would get the dog to follow the person that spawned him and not attack everyone if not by command /dattack
  19. Where do I define it at? I thought I should put resource name there
  20. Captain Cody


    Ive been working on a dog script for my server but when I spawn a dog it kills me and everyone else function Spawndoggy (source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local rot= 90 local skin=79 local interior=0 local dimension=0 local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) local weapon=0 local mode= "following" local modesubject=source setTimer ( call, 12, 1,getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "setBotAttackEnabled",dog,false ) call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "spawnBot", x, y+5, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension, team, weapon, mode, modesubject) end addCommandHandler("spawndog", Spawndoggy)
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