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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. xeon17

    [HELP] Please

  2. xeon17

    [HELP] Please

    Working thanks. And when i want to "onPlayerJoin" ? this not work function test () guiSetVisible(v, false) guiSetVisible(b, false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), test)
  3. xeon17

    [HELP] Please

    You're using server side events and client side functions together and that will never work. Use onClientResourceStart instead.
  4. ... addEventHandler('onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function () for _,player in pairs (getElementsByType('player')) do local money = getMysqlData(player,"Money") if (money) then triggerClientEvent(player,"showMoney", root, money) end end end)
  5. xeon17

    MTA not opening....

    Isn't that illegal?
  6. xeon17

    Vehicle shop

    function BuyWeaponOnServer(weapon_name, thePlayer, theVehicle) player_money = getPlayerMoney(source) player_account = getPlayerAccount(source) local price_car = "1200" local price_truck = "2200" local price_halftrack = "3500" local price_tiger = "8000" if(weapon_name == "car") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) if(player_money >= tonumber(price_car )) then takePlayerMoney(source, tonumber(price_car )) car = createVehicle ( 470, -1068.9, -1205.79, 130 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, car ) else outputChatBox("You do not have enough money!", source, 255, 0, 0) end elseif(weapon_name == "truck") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) if(player_money >= tonumber(price_truck)) then takePlayerMoney(source, tonumber(price_truck)) truck = createVehicle ( 433, -1068.9, -1205.79, 130 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, truck ) else outputChatBox("You do not have enough money!", source, 255, 0, 0) end elseif(weapon_name == "halftrack") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) if(player_money >= tonumber(price_halftrack)) then takePlayerMoney(source, tonumber(price_halftrack)) halftrack = createVehicle ( 552, -1068.9, -1205.79, 130 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, halftrack ) else outputChatBox("You do not have enough money!", source, 255, 0, 0) end elseif(weapon_name == "tiger") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) if(player_money >= tonumber(price_tiger)) then takePlayerMoney(source, tonumber(price_tiger)) tiger = createVehicle ( 432, -1068.9, -1205.79, 130 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, tiger ) else outputChatBox("You do not have enough money!", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEvent("buy_vehicle", true) addEventHandler("buy_vehicle", getRootElement(), BuyWeaponOnServer)
  7. xeon17

    Vehicle shop

    warpPedIntoVehicle have two arguments, the first one is missing in your code. The first argument is the player which you wish to warp inside the vehicle. In your case, the player argument is source.
  8. Glad to hear that it works fine
  9. addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", root, function (player, matchingDimensions) if (source == markerG6 and matchingDimensions)) then if (getElementType(player) == "player" and getPlayerTeam (player) and getTeamName (getPlayerTeam(player))) == "German" then triggerClientEvent (player, "CreateVshop_g", player) else outputChatBox("You can't buy form the enemys shop!", player,255,50 ,50 ) end end end) function captureAreaG6() destroyElement ( UA6 ) destroyElement ( markerA6 ) GA6 = createRadarArea ( -1220, -1165, 250, 300, 40, 40, 40, alpha ) markerG6 = createMarker ( -1082.77, -1173.14, 128, "cylinder", 3, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) end
  10. Check this topic: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=92263
  11. The player argument is missing...
  12. Source is not defined, a loop would solve it.
  13. Didn't knew that vehicles and peds can also use a command lmao.
  14. When you install USBWebServer you have to acces: localhost:8080/phpmyadmin on your web browser. There you can create a database, edit it rows,columns,everything.
  15. First you have to download and install a Web Server. I prefer USBWebServer. Here are a few informations about it, which may will help you to setup it. When you install it, you have to acces localhost:8080/phpmyadmin and create a database for your MTA Server. For more information about MySQL check Google.
  16. Eu ja te ajudei cara, mas parece que você é estúpido demais para receber algum comentário positivo de alguém. Aliás todo mundo ja viu que você não sabe como se comportar em um fórum público, não confunda essa comunidade com o jardim de infância que você frequenta, a propósito não tenho preconceito com sua idade mental mas se você não quer ajuda, não posso fazer nada.. Além disso, se você acha que os meus posts não fazem sentido. Por que você ainda me responde? Qual é o seu objetivo?
  17. Você pode verificar o link que te enviei e encontrar a resposta para sua pergunta facilmente em vez de fazer spam no fórum com besteiras e desperdiçando meu tempo!
  18. Você já ouviu falar sobre esse site incrível http://www.google.com onde você pode procurar sobre esse tipo de coisa sem necessidade de pedir ajuda? Google
  19. O problema é que vocês dois têm um baixo conhecimento do Linux E este topico foi resolvido há muito tempo. Eu não vejo o ponto em continuar isso?
  20. If you really tried, then show us the code.
  21. I guess he mean mods, and yes there is a way to lower their MB. Check this
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