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Nicolas ECM

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Everything posted by Nicolas ECM

  1. Jobs For Roleplay Servers Trucker Job You can download this resource in my website Bus Driver Job You can download this resource in my website Farmer Job You can download this resource in my website
  2. For more information: Discord Group: https://discord.gg/cA9vnVFdYs Discord: NicolasECM#9405 Website: http://nicolasecm.com.co/
  3. You can download the uncompiled version of this resources in: https://nicolasecm.com.co/articles/mta-sa-trabajo-fabricante-v-1 You can download the compiled version of this resources in This link Discord : NicolasECM#9405 Version 1.0 This is a job that is obtained in the yellow blip, consisting of having plantations with possible improvements depending on the money of each player, when entering you will find plants that you can put to grow and at the end you will have the essential raw material for the subsequent manufacture of drugs In the job help panel (F7) (configurable from config.xml) in this panel you will find the exact location of each of the points where you can buy the remaining materials for the creation of the drug (gasoline, chemicals) already at enter the factory that can also be improved they will be able to find a machine in which they select the drug they want to create and then they have to wait for the first process to finish at the end of this they will have to add the chemicals as shown in the video and later receive a The exact amount depends on whether the amount of production improvements you have purchased, in order to use these drugs you can open the panel with the key (F3 for d effect) (configurable from config.xml) and each one gives a benefit to the players for 40 seconds
  4. Hello friends, I will start to release some resources that I have created in order to help the community to improve their own resources with some of the codes that I have created, on my page you will find some resources that you can download for free, this resource have 2 versions, in the first i dont show the code but you can download the version 2.0 In version 2.0 the interface was improved to see the information of the vehicles, the color selection was also added when buying a vehicle, a marker was implemented to save the vehicles when removing them, which has a control for Just save your own, an information panel was created inside the garage with the corresponding information, it was also added to be able to see the life, color and information of each vehicle that is inside the garage, only one vehicle is allowed outside, soon an updated improvement in which there will be a helipad and this will be improved more and more This is my page and you can download the resource at this link https://nicolasecm.com.co/articles/mta-sa-concesionario-y-garaje-v-2 I hope I can be of help to some people who are starting in this, do not forget to subscribe and like it Discord : NicolasECM#9405 this is the version 1.0
  5. TUTORIALES LUA BASICO A INTERMEDIO Al terminar esta serie de tutoriales aprenderas a hacer un sistema de niveles y experiencia grafico. Esta es una serie de tutoriales que hice para que cualquier persona pueda entender la creacion de los resources en mta y el como utilizar las diferentes funciones para los resources que quieran crear desde mi punto de vista, en estos videos explico algunas cosas de programacion basica como variables, listas y de mas que nos pueden ayudar para automatizar y optimizar algunas funciones, al pasar de los videos vamos subiendo la dificultad y utilizando funciones mas avanzadas , no olviden suscribirse y darle like a los videos espero pronto poder subir mas videos explicando algunos de los resources que ustedes me pidan y continuar ayudandolos. #1|Editor de codigo y ambiente de trabajo #2|Creacion de primer resource #3|Creacion primera funcion(Hola Mundo) #4|Funciones basicas para un resource #5|Uso de marcadores y blips #6|Llamada de funciones con argumentos #7|Evaluar condiciones con if #8|Creacion y uso de listas #9|Activar funciones con eventos #10|Creacion y llamada de eventos personalizados #11|Utilizando Timers para eventos #12|Creacion de texto 3d en pantalla #13|Creacion de sonidos #14|Datos de elementos(mas importante) #15|Creando texto sobre marcadores #16|Creacion de Sistema de niveles(parte 1) #17|Creacion de Sistema de niveles(parte 2)
  6. Hola mira este es mi usuario de discord NicolasECM#9405 escribeme y comentame cuales son los errores y llegamos a un acuerdo
  7. Hello, I will start uploading a weekly video showing some of the progress that I have made regarding some resources that I have in mind, in this resource I created a dealer in which users will first have to be registered and the server will give you a garage to save their Vehicles (4 max) also has a panel that will show the information of the vehicles that have currently been purchased, on the map there is an area where you will find the main Garage marked with a red key, where you can enter to see your vehicles and make use of them. In my channel I am also uploading mta scripting tutorials that might also interest you This is the first version and I would like to read what things you would like this resource to have in its future versions, the page will soon be ready for you to download this and many more resources. It is the second version of the resource that I showed some time ago, there is still another version in which there will be the different improvements for the garage, both decorative and capacity and a possible helipad that you have in mind, I hope you like it a lot, all These resources are created with the same as the tutorials only joining everything.
  8. In this publication I want to share some of the work that I have been creating with some of its specifications, I make resources on request you can write to my discord mcnciolas208#9405 This job is a pizza delivery man. The main characteristics that this has are: Show occupation on scoreboard It does not allow to have more than 2 motorcycles at the same time At each delivery you receive the money and an extra tip Timer when getting off the bike to go deliver the order and return, by not returning on time the bike disappears and will start again At the end of all deliveries an extra bonus is given The Values of money for delivery, bonus money, minimum tip and maximum tip are configurable Download Job Pizza Delivery Job show: This job is a garbage collector. The main characteristics it has are: Show occupation on scoreboard At each delivery you reveive the money At the end of all deliveries an extra bonus is given The values of money for delivery and bonus money are configurable When making a delivery it takes 5 seconds to continue to the next point Download Link Garbage Colector Job show: This job is from a drug maker. The main characteristics it has are: Drug use system Purchase of materials for drug production Plantations and Factory for each player Possible improvements (only visible by the player) for plantations and manufactures Improvements in manufacturing time, germination time, quantity of drugs, quantity of materials, visual improvements Download Link Drug System Job show:
  9. Pues si se arto pero hay cosas en las que no me defiendo mucho
  10. Yo se lo principal de scripting, PDMTA ya use eso pero no sirve cuando lo usan 2 o mas personas
  11. Hola a todos, Tengo una duda y es como crear un trabajo de camionero, he visto varios en la comunidad pero ninguno sirve bien, la idea es que cuando acepte el trabajo se teletransporte a un camion y se le marque un punto al jugador, que cuando llegue aya, le de dinero y despues se marque otro punto pero que solo pueda verlo el jugador y usarlo, gracias
  12. Tampoco sirvio y la idea es crear el vehiculo en client
  13. Si eso lo se, pero la otra solucion posible es usar la funcion de parte del cliente, cuando hago eso me aparece un error, o como mas se podria arreglar o hacer eso?
  14. Se crea el vehiculo, pero no me warpea, otra solucion porfavor, muchas gracias igualmente
  15. Hola a todos, quiero usar esta funcion en clientside y pues ya lo intente con triggerServerEvent pero no funciona, me podrian ayudar porfavor clientside function teamSet ( ) rekka = createVehicle (452, -928.1640625, 2589.109375, 40.049991607666, 0, 0, 90) triggerServerEvent("WarpVehiculo", getLocalPlayer(),rekka) end addCommandHandler("vehicle", teamSet) serverside function CambiarWarpVe(vehicle) warpPedIntoVehicle (source, vehicle) end addEvent( "WarpVehiculo", true) addEventHandler( "WarpVehiculo", getRootElement(), CambiarWarpVe) agradesco mucho la ayuda, ya tomas me dijo que si estaba en client-side no lo podia usar en server-side pero intento utilizar la funcion warpPedIntoVehicle en client-side y no funciona aparece error, como se podria solucionar?
  16. Ya lo solucione muchas gracias
  17. Hola a todos, sera que me podrian ayudar con un error del slothbot que es ERROR:Slothbot/sbclient.lua:115: attempt to compare boolean with number esa es la parte donde aparece el error, no se porque pasara porfavor ayuda function chase_shoot(ped) if (isElement(ped)) then local player = getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if (isElement(player)) and (getElementData (ped, "slothbot") == true) then if (getElementType(player) == "ped") or (getElementType(player) == "player") then if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and (isElement(player)) then if (getElementHealth(ped)>0) and (getElementHealth(player)>0) and (getElementData ( ped, "controller" ) == getLocalPlayer()) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition( player ) local ex,ey,ez = getElementPosition( ped ) local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (ex, ey, ez+1, x, y, z+1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if isclear == true then -- if the ped can see the local player local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (ex, ey, ez, x, y, z)) if (getPedWeapon(ped) < 19) and (getPedWeapon(ped) ~= 9) then -- if its a melee weapon hat isnt a chainsaw if (distance < 2 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "pedShootTrigger", ped, "melee" ) setTimer ( chase_shoot, 2300, 1, ped, player ) else setTimer ( chase_shoot, 1500 ,1 , ped, player ) end
  18. Hola a todos tengo una duda como arreglo un problema o algo que me aparece en la consola cada que lo prendo es: Querying MTA master server... problem 28. retrying... Ayuda urgente porfa, gracias de antemano.
  19. Jumm intentare hacerlo, pero si no puedo mañana igualmente me podrias dar un ejemplo con todo porfavor?, gracias
  20. Me podrian dar un ejemplo enargy y el zorro porfavor
  21. Cuando me coloco el cuchillo y tengo la katana en la mano me la remplaza y se pierde la katana, con el setWeaponPropery no deja modificar el daño ya que solo se cambian las armas de fuego con esa funcion, igualmente gracias
  22. Hola a todos tengo una duda como puedo hacer para tener una katana y poder cambiar a el cuchillo sin perder la katana u otra arma que tenga, tambien como puedo hacer para que la katana haga mas daño.
  23. Ah pues si, muchas gracias
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