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Everything posted by zixxonx

  1. Podaj pełne linki i powiedz o co Ci chodzi
  2. You should ask for the hostname of your ip database, databases can be on other server than (dedi with your gameserver)
  3. You got a MySQL database from MyServ? Also, you can try to input also port & socket in mysql: local handler = mysql_connect("", "username", "password", "database", 3306, "/var/lib/libmysqlclient.so.15", "")
  4. U started your home MySQL server & gave correct data in the configuration file?
  5. Thats function i use: local gWeekDays = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" } function FormatDate(format, escaper, timestamp) Check("FormatDate", "string", format, "format", {"nil","string"}, escaper, "escaper", {"nil","string"}, timestamp, "timestamp") escaper = (escaper or "'"):sub(1, 1) local time = getRealTime(timestamp) local formattedDate = "" local escaped = false time.year = time.year + 1900 time.month = time.month + 1 local datetime = { d = ("%02d"):format(time.monthday), h = ("%02d"):format(time.hour), i = ("%02d"):format(time.minute), m = ("%02d"):format(time.month), s = ("%02d"):format(time.second), w = gWeekDays[time.weekday+1]:sub(1, 2), W = gWeekDays[time.weekday+1], y = tostring(time.year):sub(-2), Y = time.year } for char in format:gmatch(".") do if (char == escaper) then escaped = not escaped else formattedDate = formattedDate..(not escaped and datetime[char] or char) end end return tostring(formattedDate) end firstplayed = tostring(mapinfo.map.firstplayed) firstplayed = FormatDate("d-m-Y-h-m", " ", firstplayed) lastplayed = tostring(mapinfo.map.lastplayed) lastplayed = FormatDate("d-m-Y-h-m", " ", lastplayed) outputChatBox(firstplayed) outputChatBox(lastplayed) It returns: (day).01.2014-(hour)-01 The minute is always 01! Whats the problem?
  6. Now that local baxza = mysql_query(baza, "INSERT INTO `mapy` (map, author, firsplayed, lastplayed) VALUES ( map="..mapa..", \""..ktostworzyl.."\", "..timestamp..", "..timestamp..")") unknown column 'bandito' in field list bandito is map name... i did \""..map.."\" but instead of putting nam name it puts 0 in map column... the type of column is "TEXT", should it be varchar or something? I'll try and edit this post. edit: varchar isnt working... edit2: i did it: local baxza = mysql_query(baza, "INSERT INTO mapy (map, author, firsplayed, lastplayed) VALUES ( map=\""..mapa.."\", \""..ktostworzyl.."\", "..timestamp..", "..timestamp..")") and thats error [2014-01-05 07:04:56] INFO: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'the Dam, "Ransom", 1388905496, 1388905496)' at line 1
  7. local query = mysql_query(baza, "SELECT * FROM mapy WHERE map="..mapName) if(result and mysql_num_rows( result ) > 0) then local rows = mysql_fetch_assoc(result) mapinfo.map.firstplayed = rows['firsplayed'] or timestamp mapinfo.map.played = rows['total'] or 0 mapinfo.map.rate = rows['rate'] or 0 mysql_query(baza, "UPDATE mapy SET lastplayed="..timestamp..",total=total+1 WHERE map="..mapName.."") else local mapa = mapName local autor = mapInfo.author local baxza = mysql_query(baza, "INSERT INTO `mapy` (map, author, firstplayed, lastplayed) VALUES ("..mapa..", "..autor..", "..timestamp..", "..timestamp..")") That's a piece of my code. It should work good for me but it wont, when this query is executed: local query = mysql_query(baza, "SELECT * FROM mapy WHERE map="..mapName Im getting a mysql error: unknown column (there is my map name) in where clause, i did adding the map but it wont add cuz this error. Any1 know how can i do it?
  8. ./debugscript 3 then show us errors (or in server.log)
  9. Wystarczyło zobaczyć github Wielebnego. https://github.com/lpiob/MTA-TokyoRPG
  10. juz tak btw mysql to nie jest najlatwiejsze wyjscie, mozesz to tak samo dobrze zrobic na wbudowanym sqlite.
  11. Yeah it work correctly, idk how it can help but it helped. And i wont to create new thread so can i ask here? if messageType == 2 then cancelEvent() local r,g,b local druzyna = getPlayerTeam(source) r, g, b = getTeamColor ( druzyna ) --outputChatBox end I did it, but now how to get all players from current team? I have no idea how can i do it.
  12. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=727 You mean that? That script is SQLite, i think it was just a mismatch of words. You need to convert it to MySQL.
  13. Przecież ludzkie oko i tak nie zobaczy dobrze siedemdziesięciu klatek/s więc po co tyle?
  14. Im muting player with this: mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( target ) ] = 3000 (i put 3000 for testing ) and that's my checker function muteChecker() for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if(anymute >= 1) then if(mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] == 0) then setElementData(player, "Muted", false) SkryptMsg(getPlayerName(player) .." has been unmuted by system!") anymute = anymute - 1 elseif(mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial (player ) ] > 1000) then mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] = mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] - 1000 end end end end setTimer(muteChecker, 1000, 0) And i'm getting attempt to compare number with nil What's bad? Thats my script local mutedSerials = { } anymute = 0 function muteSomeone ( player, cmd, target, reason, czas ) if ( target and reason and czas ) then local target = getPlayerFromNamePart ( target ) if ( not isElement ( target ) ) then SkryptMsg ( "There is no player with this name", player) return end local czas = tonumber ( czas ) --local czas = mToMs ( czas ) if ( czas and czas >= 1 and not isPlayerMuted ( target ) ) then local milliseconds = math.floor ( czas * 60000 ) SkryptMsg ( getPlayerName ( target ) .." has been muted for ".. tostring ( czas ) .." minutes (".. reason ..") .") -- setPlayerMuted ( target, true ) --setTimer ( setPlayerMuted, milliseconds, 1, target, false ) mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( target ) ] = 3000 setElementData(target, "Muted", true) anymute = anymute+1 end else SkryptMsg ( "Syntax: /mmute player reason time (in minutes)", player) end end addCommandHandler ( "dexmut", muteSomeone ) function muteChecker() for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if(anymute >= 1) then if(mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] == 0) then setElementData(player, "Muted", false) SkryptMsg(getPlayerName(player) .." has been unmuted by system!") anymute = anymute - 1 elseif(mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial (player ) ] > 1000) then mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] = mutedSerials [ getPlayerSerial ( player ) ] - 1000 end end end end setTimer(muteChecker, 1000, 0) function getPlayerFromNamePart(name) if name then for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if string.find(getPlayerName(player):lower(), tostring(name):lower(), 1, true) then return player end end end return false end
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSGRKZVC ... CD6E75BBDD Look at this video, at the minimap. How the scripter achieved rendering those objects (vgehshade_01) on minimap?
  16. Im making a shader panel/scoreboard columns panel and thats my xml file: "true" carpaint="false" roadshine="false" killscol="true" deathscol="true" winscol="true"> That's good and it should work but i think those true and false are just strings, i did it local shaderwater = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile,"shaderwater") then outputChatBox(shaderwater) I should get error talking me about booleans but it shows the value also i must did it: xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlFile,"shaderwater",tostring(getElementData(player, "shaderwater"))) To save it properly. Can i change those strings too booleans or is there any other function to save booleans properly?
  17. Hi i have a small problem. Im drawing a 145px (it needs to be 145 to fit with my radar ;p) and the max veh health hp is 1000 ( i made it 100 by math), i made that bar: dxDrawRectangle(posx3,posy3,carhealth/10 , height3,tocolor(0,180,0,250) ,false) its just going to create 100px bar and when i do dxDrawRectangle(posx3,posy3,15*(carhealth/10) , height3,tocolor(0,180,0,250) ,false) The bar is showing good, but when my vehicle hp is very low (its firing) it still draw that 50px i added, is there any fix for that? I really want it!
  18. Hi can someone help me with making vehicle collisions? I already got this addEventHandler("onClientVehicleCollision", root, function(collider) driver = getVehicleOccupant ( collider ) outputChatBox("You collided with " .. getPlayerName(driver), source) end ) But i want to know how to get this into server onPlayerWasted and make ** NICK(collider from onclientvehiclecollidtion) killed you ** Can someone help me?
  19. Hi! I got about 600 maps on my server but they names are: [censured word] name... and i want to change it to [DD] name Is there any automatic way to do it?
  20. i already did it but in still wont work
  21. That's server side and i have that file in my meta
  22. local function playerChat(message, messageType) if getElementData ( source, "tempdata.mute" ) == true then if messageType == 0 then cancelEvent() end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat) it wont to hide the message, i tested and it should work. also this ownt work local function playerChat(message) cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, playerChat) why?
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