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Civilian (7/54)



  1. but marker 1 and marker 2 are working. , else are not working . marker1 + marker2 same script - one for going into int , and one for come out of int.
  2. check this script. first script is working but other two are not working. markers are created but not working(first one is working). local marker = createMarker(-3448.3002929688,717.09802246094,115.39465332031, "arrow", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 150 ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, function (player) setElementPosition(player, 2541.7,-1304.01,1026.07) setElementInterior(player, 2) -- change number to the house number ! end ) local marker2 = createMarker(2541.7,-1304.01,1026.07, "cylinder", 1.5, 239, 213, 0) setElementInterior(marker2,2) setElementDimension(marker2, 2541.7,-1304.01,1026.07) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker2, function (player) setElementPosition(player, -3448.3002929688,719.09802246094,114.39465332031) setElementInterior(player, 0) end ) local marker3 = createMarker(-3431.9597167969,816.32800292969,114.08576202393, "cylinder", 1, 0, 0, 255, 150 ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker3, function (player) setElementPosition(player, 2264.5004882813,1619.4150390625,1090.4453125) setElementInterior(player, 1) -- change number to the house number ! end ) local marker4 = createMarker(2264.5004882813,1619.4150390625,1090.4453125, "cylinder", 1.5, 239, 213, 0) setElementInterior(marker4,1) setElementDimension(marker4, 2264.5004882813,1619.4150390625,1090.4453125) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker4, function (player) setElementPosition(player, -3431.9597167969,816.32800292969,114.08576202393) setElementInterior(player, 0) end ) local marker5 = createMarker(-3435.5629882813,805.88952636719,114.08576202393, "cylinder", 1, 0, 0, 255, 150 ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker5, function (player) setElementPosition(player, 2807.62,-1174.1,1025.58) setElementInterior(player, -- s8) --> -- change number to the house number ! end ) local marker6 = createMarker(2807.62,-1174.1,1025.58, "cylinder", 1, 239, 213, 0) setElementInterior(marker6,8) setElementDimension(marker6, 2807.62,-1174.1,1025.58) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker6, function (player) setElementPosition(player, -3435.5629882813,805.88952636719,114.08576202393) setElementInterior(player, 0) end see if there is any bug.. thanx!
  3. check this. function registerPlayer(username,password,passwordConfirm) if not (username == "") then if not (password == "") then if not (passwordConfirm == "") then if password == passwordConfirm then local account = getAccount (username,password) if (account == false) then local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password)) if (accountAdded) then triggerClientEvent(source,"hideRegisterWindow",getRootElement()) outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFYou have sucessfuly registered! [username: #ABCDEF" .. username .. " #FF0000| #FFFFFFPassword: #ABCDEF" .. password .. "#FFFFFF]",source,255,255,255,true ) setTimer(outputChatBox,800,1,"#0000FF* #FFFFFFYou can now login with your new account.",source,255,255,255,true ) else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFF An unknown error has occured! Please choose a different username/password and try again.",source,255,255,255,true ) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! An account with this username already exists!",source,255,255,255,true ) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Passwords do not match!",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Please confirm your password!",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Please enter a password!",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox ("#0000FF* #FFFFFFError! Please enter a username you would like to register with!",source,255,255,255,true) end end everytime i get the same error - An unknown error has occured! Please choose a different username/password and try again
  4. im a noob can you give a sample.
  5. i can move an object from 1 place to other and by code. but i dont know how to move an object all time from 1 place to another all time without code. something like. i want to move an airplane model around a place all time. can you give me the sample.
  6. hi all . this is the best server i have seen ( this is not mine) . try this. the teaming system is best in it. check out its forums. http://creativegamingtechnologies.net76.net/index.php


    I am not understanding , so please write a script to teleport to LVPD HQ


    what if I want to teleport to HVPD HQ.?


    teleportmaker = createMarker(-3480.7614746094, 826.58349609375, 113.88046264648, 'cylinder', 2.0, 25, 1, 1, 90) function teleport( markerHit, matchingDimension ) if markerHit == teleportmaker and matchingDimension then player = source playername = getPlayerName(player) outputChatBox( playername.." has teleported", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0 ) setElementPosition ( player, 239.24244689941, 141.27333068848, 1003.0234375) end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerMarkerHit", getRootElement(), teleport ) I tried this but I want to teleport to a interior which dimension I have set , but when teleported to that teleporter ,it teleports their but interior don't comes. I teleported to air.
  10. DYNAMO


    this not working , only chatbox works but not teleporting. local myMarker = createMarker(-3481.140625, 826.65930175781, 113.88046264648, 'cylinder', 2.0, 25, 1, 1, 90) function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) local elementType = getElementType( hitElement ) outputChatBox( elementType.." Teleported", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0 ) setElementPosition ( source, 238.24238586426, 139.32133483887,1003.0234375) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", myMarker, MarkerHit )
  11. DYNAMO


    When I do some scripts in my resource folder , when I see other day ,everything is vanished.
  12. function createTheElevator () Elevator = createObject ( 3885, 1525.546875, -1352.9073486328, 328.25183105469, 0 , 0 , 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), createTheElevator ) function moveElevator ( ) moveObject ( Elevator, 6000, -3252.2414550781, 699.95812988281, 118.09313201904, 0 , 0 , 0 ) setTimer ( movingElevatorBack, 20000, 1 ) end addCommandHandler("swat3",moveElevator)
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