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Everything posted by xScatta

  1. @CodyL so the event is don't removed by itself when i destroy the element attached to it? And then if its don't removed then can it lag when i don't remove it from destroyed markers for a couple times?
  2. hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement = processLineOfSight ( float startX, float startY, float startZ, float endX, float endY, float endZ, [ bool checkBuildings = true, bool checkVehicles = true, bool checkPlayers = true, bool checkObjects = true, bool checkDummies = true, bool seeThroughStuff = false, bool ignoreSomeObjectsForCamera = false, bool shootThroughStuff = false, element ignoredElement = nil, bool includeWorldModelInformation = false, bool bIncludeCarTyres ] ) set ignoredElement to localPlayer and where its positions do startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ = getCameraMatrix() and then check if 'hit' is true and hitElement is the element which are u looking on.
  3. Hey, i have an question. When u attach event ex. onMarkerHit to marker and then if u destroy the marker - is the event removed by itself? Then if it's not and i don't removeEventHandler from it can it lag when i don't remove it from destroyed markers for a couple times? Thanks for answers.
  4. Hey Guys do you know any shader which will apply a color to texture. So i can apply R,G,B and Alpha to texture to make it colored . Thanks.
  5. Make sure you are doing it only in server side cause client side dimensions are strange for me ;-;.
  6. @Nina This is from wiki. dxDrawText
  7. @Bladow jak zginiesz to kliknij enter
  8. Ja sugeruję piracką wersję ale akurat na takich problemach się nie znam.
  9. Powiem tak. Mało oferujesz zakładam że każdy programista ( przynajmniej większość ) ma wystarczającą ilość pieniędzy żeby założyć własny serwer. Więc dlaczego miałby akurat wejść na TS'a i dołączyć do "ekipy" za byle administratora skoro może to wszystko zrobić sam i mieć większe zyski?
  10. @Ren_712 thanks that's that what i wanted but there's one problem. I'm not sure how to use it
  11. Hey man u can use two values for the dxDrawText scale dxDrawText
  12. I want to lay a .png so it will be applied to the MTA texture, So the mta texture will be visible UNDER the transparent places of the image applied
  13. No no. I wan't to apply an image .png to a texture in MTA:SA but not completely replace it, just apply it so two textures will be visible. Like that: applying image texture = : actual ingame texture = I :I
  14. How can i make rust shader ( apply it to vehicles and make them rusty ) ? Like in the subject. Thanks. xScatta
  15. xScatta


  16. Hey guys. How can i apply image to texture? I don't mean replacing it cause i know how to do it. I want to apply image to an texture i wan't to choose the opacity or alpha of the texture applied. Thanks. Or how to make rust shader so i can apply it to anything.
  17. Hey ! U can do it by triggering clientside event from server look. --server addCommandHandler("sms",function (player,cmd,sms) -- Command triggerClientEvent("onSMSTrigger",sms) -- Triggering a clientside event which changes the SMS for all clients. end) -- client local sms = " " addEvent("onSMSTrigger",true) -- Making the Event so the server can trigger it. addEventHandler("onSMSTrigger",root,function(newSMS) -- function which changes the text. sms = newSMS -- changing the message end) addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,function() -- Drawing event. dxDrawText(sms,5,500,1,1,tocolor(255,255,255,250),1.2,'default-bold','left','top',false,false,false,false,false) -- drawing the actual message end)
  18. @lopezloo Can you release the first person for public? it's amazing!
  19. @McDeKi dzięki wielkie. Thanks to all who helped. Please close
  20. @.:HyPeX:. Maybe some examples in code? Please.
  21. Hey, guys! I have a question because im not good at shaders. But Lua isn't problem. So let's go to the problem. I need to make Tank Tracks moving. I've seen in a MTA SA video by Einheit101 . He said he used shaders and some math calculations. But my problem is the shaders. Or if anyone know other idea how to make it then please say it xScatta ( Sorry for that grammar )
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