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Everything posted by Neproify

  1. Hi. I've be the programmer on the MTA RP server. And I have problem. Player have animation. All is okay, but where player has shotted by everything weapon, he don't have any damage. Are there problem with the my script?
  2. Hello, I have the code like this: local SQL local function connect() -- w ponizszej linii uzupelnij dane autoryzacji SQL = dbConnect("mysql", "dbname=game;host=localhost", "root", "password", "share=1") if (not SQL) then outputServerLog("BRAK POLACZENIA Z BAZA DANYCH!") else zapytanie("SET NAMES utf8;") end end And when I start the server the server log show this error: [2014-02-02 17:07:31] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB2/sql.lua:16: dbConnect failed; Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '' (111) Are there any solution of this problem?
  3. Thank you. That's solution.
  4. Hello. I create my gamemode and I spotted a problem. In the register and login system I use the MySQL. How to create variable for the player. This variable stores a score, money, etc.
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