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Everything posted by an4rei

  1. Looks nice. Right now we are trying to reproduce the so-called 'tool belt' as it is in your sketch
  2. an4rei

    Bullet Tracer

    How am I supposed to know the bullet speed,location, etc. Also how can I apply the fx as a shader to the bullet(first time i mess with shaders)
  3. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=119 plz.
  4. fixed it few hours ago , thank you.
  5. I've assigned a dff to a object(1645 ,some weird bed ) and then done the next thing: local fgt = createObject ( 1645,-810.13623046875, 2535.4724121094, 96.055953979492 -0.7, 0, 0, 0 ) setObjectBreakable(fgt, false) problem is , the object still evaporates(some small spark in the middle of some really white smoke , probably from the shaders I'm using) after 1 hit .
  6. fixed it in different way. thanks anyway.
  7. an4rei

    Bullet Tracer

    Any ideas on how to reproduce the script? Ill see later on how to make a shader using that fx.
  8. Any ideas? When i increase the model size it gets farther from the body and when i lower, gets closer, idk about the position though
  9. Hope I'm posting in the right category So I've pretty much made an AK in 3dsmax inspired from some other game and when the mod loads , the weapon positioning is like this: Any ideas on how to get the right position? I've tried loading the default DFF in 3ds max of the ak and I've just put my model over it and I got the same thing.
  10. an4rei

    Bullet Tracer

    Any ideas on how to reproduce the bullet tracer from the next video?: It has a download link that contains 2 .dat files , 1 fx and 1 asi. Thank you.
  11. rotations per minute I suppose.
  12. lmfao , why would he need to post the whole script?
  13. nu trebuie sa faci 1000 de fonturi.
  14. Bă răileanu , dute învaţă engleză că aici nu te ajută nimeni. căcat de 'black steel'
  15. Hai mai dă-te-n pula mea şi tu. Crezi că îţi intră careva pe server doar pentru că că îţi postezi tu 'marele record' pe forumuri? Mă mir că nu ai postat de pe celălalt cont 'Drano' sau cum pula mea se cheamă.
  16. bumpty bump , same problem for the last days.
  17. Aşa vorbeşte mămica cu tăticu la tine acasă?
  18. trebuie account-system făcut de tine A-Z. da unde te crezi coae , la stână? pentru o implementare care are 3 linii nu trebuie sa faci de la 'aTOz'] si da, ma doare in pula mea ca e topicul vechi.
  19. Hope I'm posting in the right place. In the last few days , some random guy keeps crashing my server instantly with the next error: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc Anyone knows about this possible exploit/memory leak or whatever? The server isn't even responding to start/stop commands now in the CP. Thank you.
  20. Mori futuţi gura mă-ti de copil.
  21. Cea ce am vandut era facut de mine. Stii cati mi-au cerut scripturile ? Dar eu am avut respect pentru Show.
  22. Thank you both , I've used first example and it worked.
  23. Hello , I need some help with next thing: Here is an example: function reward() --gets the player's serial and searches the mysql table for it --if the serial exists in mysql table , will outputchatbox something --if the serial doesn't exists in mysql table will do something like GivePlayerMoney + adds the serial in the mysql table addCommandHandler("gift" , reward) I hope you have understood what I want to make , 1 use command for each player. Thanks.
  24. Thanks for the feedback. Someone bought the map for a RPG server.
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