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  1. My code worked? P.S: I corrected a typo at getElementPosition. Yea, working just fine.
  2. Finally. Thanks for helping me guys.
  3. Which is not working for some reason. Would disabling the integrity check cause any problems at all?
  4. Ok, so I rewrote my whole script because of the problem. When someone enters a checkpoint, a new vehicle will be created 20 units higher. After that, the ped gets warped into the new created vehicle and the old one gets destroyed. There is just a small problem with the script. I'm running it in racemode, so the whole mode gets restarted because of the Race script integrity check. I know that I could just disable the integrity check, but I feel like I shouldn't do that. Is there any way to solve that problem?
  5. function warphigh(checkpoint, time) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) setElementPosition (source, x, y, z+20) setPlayerRotation (source, getPlayerRotation (source)) end addEvent('onPlayerReachCheckpoint') addEventHandler('onPlayerReachCheckpoint', getRootElement(), warphigh) Still not working. I run it inside the map with: <meta> <script src="warphigh.lua" type="server"/> </meta>
  6. Thanks for the help, but sadly it does not work. function warphigh(checkpoint, time) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) setElementPosition (source, x, y, z+20) setPlayerRotation (source, getPlayerRotation (source)) end addEvent('onPlayerReachCheckpoint') addEventHandler('onPlayerReachCheckpoint', getRootElement(), warphigh())
  7. Hello, I wrote a function which should warp a player who reaches a checkpoint a few feet higher. function warphigh (source) local x, y, z, r = 0, 0, 0, 0 x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) r = getPlayerRotation (source) z = (z + 20) setElementPosition (source, x, y, z) setPlayerRotation (source, r) end addEvent('onPlayerReachCheckpoint') addEventHandler('onPlayerReachCheckpoint', getRootElement(), warphigh(source)) I run it with, warphigh(source) but nothing happens at all, neither error messages nor crashes. Thanks in advance.
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