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Everything posted by papam77

  1. Hello, can you tell me with this does not work? When I click to button nothing happend it has to say ,,true" local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() function test2 () dxDrawRectangle(sX/4, sY/4, sX/8, sY/8, tocolor(0,255,0,255), false) showCursor(true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, test2 ) function test ( button, state, x, x ) if (button == 'left' or button == 'right' or state == 'down') then local checkX = ( x > sX/4 and x < sX/8 ) local checkY = ( y > sY/4 and y < sY/8 ) if ( checkX and checkY ) then outputChatBox("true") end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), test)
  2. papam77

    Sound name

    I had this on my old radio: function onClientSoundChangedMeta(streamTitle) local tTags = getSoundMetaTags(source) if (tTags) then for tag,value in pairs(tTags) do outputChatBox(string.gsub(string.format('#ffffffArtist: %s | Title: %s', tag, value), "f/", "ft. "), 255, 255, 255, true) end end end And I decided to use MTA:SA Visualiser, but I don't know how to get song name, because it shows me only stream name local startx = 112 local starty = 1026 local startz = 14 local screenStartX = guiGetScreenSize() local SPECWIDTH = screenStartX local screenStartX = screenStartX * 0 local SPECHEIGHT = (SPECWIDTH / 16) * 7 -- height (changing requires palette adjustments too) local screenStartY = SPECHEIGHT / 2 local BANDS = 40 local use_dx = true local peakData, ticks, maxbpm, startTime, release, peak, peaks function reset ( ) peaks = {} for k=0, BANDS - 1 do peaks[k] = {} end peakData = {} ticks = getTickCount() maxbpm = 1 bpmcount = 1 startTime = 0 release = { } peak = 0 end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, function ( url ) if ( stream ) then destroyElement(stream) end -- Deal with sound stream = playSound("http://www.181.fm/winamp.pls?station=181-power&style=&description=Power%20181%20(Top%2040)&file=181-power.pls", false ) setSoundMinDistance(stream, 1) setSoundMaxDistance(stream, 10000) setTimer(setSoundPanningEnabled, 1000, 1, stream, false) startTicks = getTickCount() ticks = getTickCount() reset ( ) -- Deal with shaders -- Create shader shader_cinema, tec = dxCreateShader ( "texreptransform.fx" ) if not shader_cinema then return end -- If the image is too bright, you can darken it -- If the image is too bright, you can darken it dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gBrighten", -0.25 ) -- Set the angle, grayscaled, rgb local radian=math.rad(0) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gRotAngle", radian ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gGrayScale", 0 ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gRedColor", 0 ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gGrnColor", 0 ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gBluColor", 0 ) -- Set image alpha (1 max) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gAlpha", 1 ) -- Set scrolling (san set negative and positive values) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gScrRig", 0) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gScrDow", 0) -- Scale and offset (don't need to change that) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gHScale", 1 ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gVScale", 1 ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gHOffset", 0 ) dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gVOffset", 0 ) if not shader_cinema then outputChatBox( "Could not create shader. Please use debugscript 3" ) return else -- new render target slightly bigger tar = dxCreateRenderTarget ( SPECWIDTH, SPECHEIGHT ) -- reduce our width SPECWIDTH = SPECWIDTH - 6 -- Apply our shader to the drvin_screen texture engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( shader_cinema, "drvin_screen" ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function ( ) -- Get 2048 / 2 samples and return BANDS bars ( still needs scaling up ) local fftData = getSoundFFTData(stream, 2048, BANDS) -- get our screen size local w, h = guiGetScreenSize() -- if fftData is false it hasn't loaded if ( fftData == false ) then dxDrawText("Stream not loaded yet.", w-300, h-150) return end -- Draw a nice now playing thingy if ( getSoundMetaTags(stream).stream_name ~= nil ) then local len = string.len(getSoundMetaTags(stream).stream_name) dxDrawText("Now Playing: " .. getSoundMetaTags(stream).stream_name, w-(270+(len*2.-- s8) -->), h-150) else dxDrawText("Now Playing: -", w-(270), h-150) end -- Calculate our bars by the fft data calc ( fftData, stream ) end) end) -- Util stuff function timetostring ( input, input2 ) local minutes = input / 60 local seconds = input % 60 local minutes2 = input2 / 60 local seconds2 = input2 % 60 return string.format("%2.2i:%2.2i", minutes2, seconds2) end function avg ( num ) return maxbpm / bpmcount end function avg2 ( num1, num2, num ) return (num1+num2)/num end function round(num, idp) return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (idp or 0) .. "f", num)) end function getAverageBPM ( ) return maxbpm / bpmcount end function min ( num1, num2 ) return num1 <= num2 and num1 or num2 end function max ( num1, num2 ) return num1 >= num2 and num1 or num2 end function calc ( fft, stream ) -- Render to a render target and clear it dxSetRenderTarget( tar, true ) -- Set a random seed math.randomseed ( getTickCount ( ) ) -- Get our "Average" bpm local bpm = getSoundBPM ( stream ) if ( bpm == false or bpm == nil or bpm == 0 ) then bpm = 1 end local calced = {} local y = 0 local bC=0 local specbuf = 0 local w, h = guiGetScreenSize() local r,g,b = 0,0,0 local var = bpm + 37 -- use bpm to determine r,g,b though there are better ways of doing this. if ( var <= 56 ) then r,g,b = 99, 184, 255 end if ( var >= 57 and var < 83 ) then r,g,b = 238, 174, 238 end if ( var >= 83 and var < 146 ) then r,g,b = 238, 174, 238 end if ( var >= 146 and var < 166 ) then r,g,b = 99, 184, 255 end if ( var > 166 and var <= 200 ) then r,g,b = 238, 201, 0 end if ( var >= 200 ) then r,g,b = var, 0, 0 end local tags = getSoundMetaTags(stream) local bSpawnParticles = true if ( bpm <= 1 and getSoundBPM ( stream ) == false and getSoundPosition ( stream ) <= 20 ) then r,g,b = 255, 255, 255 dxDrawImage ( 0, 00, SPECWIDTH, SPECHEIGHT+100, "bg.png", 0, 0,0, tocolor(r, g, b, 255) ) dxDrawText(string.format("Learning...", bpm), screenStartX+10, screenStartY-30, screenStartX+10, screenStartY-30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "arial") bSpawnParticles = false else -- always make this bigger because when you tint it the image will look smaller. local var = 600 local var2 = 400 dxDrawImage ( -var2, -var, SPECWIDTH+(var2*2), SPECHEIGHT+(var*2)+100, "bg.png", 0, 0,0, tocolor(r, g, b, 255) ) end local movespeed = (1 * (bpm / 180)) + 1 local dir = bpm <= 100 and "down" or "up" local prevcalced = calced -- loop all the bands. for x, peak in ipairs(fft) do local posx = x - 1 -- fft contains our precalculated data so just grab it. peak = fft [ x ] y=math.sqrt(peak)*3*(SPECHEIGHT-4); -- scale it (sqrt to make low values more visible) if (y > 200+SPECHEIGHT) then y=SPECHEIGHT+200 end -- cap it calced[x] = y y = y - 1 if ( y >= -1 ) then dxDrawRectangle((posx*(SPECWIDTH/BANDS))+10+screenStartX, screenStartY, 10, max((y+1)/4, 1), tocolor(r, g, b, 255 )) end if ( bSpawnParticles == true ) then for key = 0, 40 do if ( peaks[x][key] == nil ) then if ( #peaks[x] <= 20 and prevcalced[x] <= calced[x] and ( release[x] == true or release[x] == nil ) and y > 1 ) then local rnd = math.random(0, 0) peaks[x][key] = {} if ( dir == "up" ) then peaks[x][key]["pos"] = screenStartY else peaks[x][key]["pos"] = screenStartY+((y+1)/4) end peaks[x][key]["posx"] = (posx*(SPECWIDTH/BANDS))+12+screenStartX+(2-key) peaks[x][key]["alpha"] = 128 peaks[x][key]["dirx"] = 0 release[x] = false setTimer(function ( ) release[x] = true end, 100, 1) end else if ( bpm > 0 ) then local maxScreenPos = 290 local AlphaMulti = 255 / maxScreenPos value = peaks[x][key] if ( value ~= nil ) then local sX = value.posx dxDrawRectangle( value.posx, value.pos, 2, 2, tocolor(r, g, b, value.alpha)) value.pos = dir == "down" and value.pos + movespeed or value.pos - movespeed value.posx = value.posx + (movespeed <= 2 and math.random(-movespeed,movespeed) or math.random(-1, 1)) value.alpha = value.alpha - (AlphaMulti) - math.random(1, 4) if ( value.alpha <= 0 ) then peaks[x][key] = nil end end end end end end end if ( bSpawnParticles == true ) then dxDrawText(string.format((tags.artist ~= nil and tags.artist .. ", " or "") .."BPM: %i", bpm), screenStartX+10, screenStartY-30, screenStartX+20, screenStartY-30, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "arial") end dxDrawText(tags.title or tags.stream_name or "Unknown", screenStartX+10, screenStartY-60, screenStartX+10, screenStartY-60, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 ), 2, "arial") dxDrawText(timetostring(getSoundLength(stream), getSoundPosition(stream)), SPECWIDTH-50, screenStartY-40, SPECWIDTH-80, screenStartY-40, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "arial") dxSetRenderTarget() dxSetShaderValue ( shader_cinema, "gTexture", tar ) end
  3. But I defined g_Money like getPlayerMoney() local g_Money = getPlayerMoney()
  4. function boughtSM ( button ) if button == "left" then if ( g_Money == 15 ) or ( g_Money > 15 ) then outputChatBox ("#ffffffYou bought Salad Meal", 255,255,255, true ) takePlayerMoney (15) else outputChatBox ("#ff0000Sorry, you have no enough money", 255,255,255, true ) takePlayerMoney (0) end end end Why it needs restart script to check money again? Because When I set my money to 15, I need then restart this script to check it again, because without restart it writes You've no enough money... Where's the problem?
  5. Oh now it works, but here is problem.... From every side i see it elsewhere and when is between ped and me cca 50m it's big, I need it with same size still.
  6. Hello guys, Is possible to do distance around ped with no marker? I mean if is player 5m near to ped then he can press X or something to open Ped's menu? I need it with no marker. And why is the text floating on my screen randomly when I look to a ped function md () local get3D = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( 2184.70, -3279.12, 1684.65 ) dxDrawText ( "PED1", get3D,tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown" ) end addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, md )
  7. Hello, Is possible to get in gamemode race with ped pickup (Hunter)? I don't want it with marker. I need to take it with ped and change from ped to hunter.
  8. And what about dxDrawText? http://www.img.tpx.cz/uploads/relative.png http://www.img.tpx.cz/uploads/relative2.png local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() function design () showCursor ( true ) -- Header -- dxDrawRectangle ( 0, 0, sX/1, sY/20, tocolor ( 0, 125, 255, 255 ) ) dxDrawText("Sign In", sX/1.1, 0, sX/2, sY/2, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 3.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) end addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, design ) It is not relative, but why? I mean the text scale
  9. Hello, I have problem with dxDrawRectangle, here is code: dxDrawRectangle ( sX/(25*100), sY/(25*100), sX/3, sY/30, tocolor ( 0, 125, 255, 255 ) ) And what am I doing? http://www.img.tpx.cz/uploads/thisthist ... isthis.jpg sX 25*100 and sY 25*100 is correct it is in the left side (up), but when I am changing the sX it is making sY smaller, but why? I need it like on the image.
  10. local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize () -- sY = UP -- sX = SIDES function header () dxDrawRectangle ( sX/1920, sY/25*100, sX/50, sY/3, tocolor ( 0, 125, 255, 255 ) ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, header ) Hello, Why 25*100 doesn't work? Now i have to use 2500 to hit this upper side. http://www.img.tpx.cz/uploads/hitthis.png I do not know why, but i have to use big numbers to get this position, I mean the red upper line.
  11. function startMusic() setRadioChannel(0) song = playSound("http://www.181.fm/winamp.pls?station=181-power&style=&description=Power%20181%20(Top%2040)&file=181-power.pls") addEventHandler ('onClientSoundChangedMeta', song, onClientSoundChangedMeta) end function makeRadioStayOff() setRadioChannel(0) cancelEvent() end function onClientSoundChangedMeta (streamTitle, strTitle) local tTags = getSoundMetaTags (song) local c = 255,255,255,true if tTags then for tag, value in pairs (tTags) do outputChatBox (string.format('#ffffffArtist: %s | Title: %s',tag, value),255,255,255,true) end return strTitle:gsub ('f/', 'ft. ') end return true end function toggleSong() if not songOff then setSoundVolume(song,0) songOff = true outputChatBox("#ffffffRadio state = #ff0000OFF", 255,255,255, true ) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) else setSoundVolume(song,1) songOff = false setRadioChannel(0) outputChatBox("#ffffffRadio state = #00ff00ON", 255,255,255, true ) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addCommandHandler("musicmusic",toggleSong) bindKey("F10","down","musicmusic") addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic) Still f/somebody
  12. And is possible to do something like local ft = outputChatBox() if ( ft == f/ ) then -- ??? end And change it, but dunno how.
  13. But there's problem if is song called somebody ft. somebody it looks like somebody f/somebody. Why?
  14. Below? Like this? function startMusic() setRadioChannel(0) song = playSound("http://www.181.fm/winamp.pls?station=181-power&style=&description=Power%20181%20(Top%2040)&file=181-power.pls") end addEventHandler ('onClientSoundChangedMeta', song, onClientSoundChangedMeta) function makeRadioStayOff() setRadioChannel(0) cancelEvent() end function outputSoundMeta (sound) local tTags = getSoundMetaTags (song) if tTags then for tag, value in pairs (tTags) do outputChatBox (string.format('Artist: %s | Title: %s', tag, value)) end return true end return false end addCommandHandler ("soundinfo", outputSoundMeta) function onClientSoundChangedMeta (streamTitle) local tTags = getSoundMetaTags (song) if tTags then for tag, value in pairs (tTags) do outputChatBox (string.format('Artist: %s | Title: %s', tag, value)) end end return true end function toggleSong() if not songOff then setSoundVolume(song,0) songOff = true outputChatBox("#ffffffRadio state = #ff0000OFF", 255,255,255, true ) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) else setSoundVolume(song,1) songOff = false setRadioChannel(0) outputChatBox("#ffffffRadio state = #00ff00ON", 255,255,255, true ) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addCommandHandler("musicmusic",toggleSong) bindKey("F10","down","musicmusic") addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic)
  15. function startMusic() setRadioChannel(0) song = playSound("http://www.181.fm/winamp.pls?station=181-power&style=&description=Power%20181%20(Top%2040)&file=181-power.pls") end function makeRadioStayOff() setRadioChannel(0) cancelEvent() end function outputSoundMeta (sound) local tTags = getSoundMetaTags (song) if tTags then for tag, value in pairs (tTags) do outputChatBox (string.format('Artist: %s | Title: %s', tag, value)) end return true end return false end addCommandHandler ("soundinfo", outputSoundMeta) function onClientSoundChangedMeta (streamTitle) local tTags = getSoundMetaTags (song) if tTags then for tag, value in pairs (tTags) do outputChatBox (string.format('Artist: %s | Title: %s', tag, value)) end end return true end addEventHandler ('onClientSoundChangedMeta', song, onClientSoundChangedMeta) function toggleSong() if not songOff then setSoundVolume(song,0) songOff = true outputChatBox("#ffffffRadio state = #ff0000OFF", 255,255,255, true ) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) else setSoundVolume(song,1) songOff = false setRadioChannel(0) outputChatBox("#ffffffRadio state = #00ff00ON", 255,255,255, true ) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),makeRadioStayOff) addCommandHandler("musicmusic",toggleSong) bindKey("F10","down","musicmusic") addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),startMusic) I edited it a bit and what's the problem? Why it doesn't show the song name when song get changed?
  16. And when radio change the song?
  17. And how can use it if is it online radio? Give me an example please
  18. Hello, How can get song name from radio? I saw it on some servers, so it is possible. This radio is already giving the song name to mp3 players in PC but i need to get song name in a game. So how? Radio: http://www.181.fm/winamp.pls?station=18 ... 0(Top%2040)&file=181-power.pls
  19. Hello how can hide player names in default gamemode play ? I still can't find it.
  20. Positions are bad... Everything is on bad place.
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