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Everything posted by 2Lio

  1. Hi! I tried creating a script for Police team, but i can't manage to move players to teams when they apply to a job. This is my script: local policeTeam function createPoliceTeam() policeTeam = createTeam("Police", 0, 0, 255) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, createPoliceTeam) function movePlayerToPolice(thePlayer) if (getElementData(thePlayer, "Role") == "LSPD Officer" or getElementData(thePlayer, "Role") == "SFPD Officer" or getElementData(thePlayer, "Role") == "LVPD Officer") then thePlayer:setTeam(policeTeam) thePlayer:setNametagColor(0, 0, 255) end end Which eventHandler do I have to choose for movePlayerToPolice() function? (LSPD Officer, SFPD Officer and LVPD Officer are the jobs names I put on job.slua)
  2. Salve, sto mettendo su un server e ho scaricato varie resource dalla community. Ho anche fatto uno script con un file help.xml con i crediti ai rispettivi autori. Il mio problema è che non riesco a trovare una resource che dia ad ogni team il permesso di usare solo determinate resource. Gli altri team possono vedere gli effetti delle resource del tuo team ma non possono usarle, come tu vedi le loro ma non puoi usarle. Ovviamente certe resource base come le gamemode o altri script importanti, devono restare invariati. Qualcuno sa se esiste uno script del genere o sarebbe capace di crearlo? Apprezzerò davvero molto l'aiuto! Grazie per l'attenzione!
  3. Hi! I'm setting up a server and i have downloaded a lot of resources from the community that i want to put in my server. I have already created a script containing a help.xml with the credits to all the resources' authors. But my problem is that i can not find a resource which give permission to each team to use only certain resources (the other teams see the effects of your team's resources, but they can not use them as you can not use theirs). Does anyone know if it really exists? Or there is anyone able to create one? I will really appreciate the help! Thanks for your attention! Peace
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