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    Full Metal Jacket

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  1. I kinda had the same problem but i fixed it by removing a file named serverconfigtool.suthingwierd then it fixed
  2. Little more ontopic: When is somebody going to make a great teamscript with that information? Or update the old one?
  3. Have though of that a long time there's 3 things that is in dm that should be in stunt: Speedometer, Spectator and working Stadium!
  4. First on the other you can't choose what map u wanna play and secound of all if u didn't update 0.3 filters it shows both 0.3 and 0.4 on other!
  5. I know that the one that used to be at th epolice station is at Malibu and the one in the ms shop still there but what about the other?
  6. no like 30 secound but I edited it 3 timer after that becuase of bad spelling!
  7. Here you go http://pontush.bravehost.com/filters.txt Right click and save as the file to your All seeing eye folder!!!
  8. pH

    MTAMA Scripting

    You just load it in MTAMA as a normal gamemode and then if anyone writes !countdown in the chat it start counting down!
  9. pH

    MTAMA Scripting

  10. pH

    LAN on ASE and MTA

    ASE does find lan games look around a lil u will find it
  11. You dont know how mIRC addon work right? The mirc gamemodes is just chat addons (You can't change anything ingame) with ability to do everything you can do with the admin tools
  12. When is a new version of MTA server config coming?
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