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Everything posted by guix

  1. All of you having problems submitting translations or requesting new languages: contact Talidan on IRC: irc://irc.multitheftauto.com/#mta
  2. Obviously it was a mistake.
  3. You can do it with function atan2 Ok it's not easy when you don't know where to start, so here is a little example: function getAnglesBetweenPoints3D( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) x1 = x2 - x1 y1 = y2 - y1 x2 = math.atan2( x1, y1 ) * 57.29578 y2 = math.atan2( z2 - z1, math.sqrt( (x1 * x1) + (y1 * y1) ) ) * 57.29578 return x2, y2 end function displayAngles() local x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = getCameraMatrix( localPlayer ) local a1, a2 = getAnglesBetweenPoints3D( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) outputChatBox( string.format( "a1 = %.2f a2 = %.2f", a1, a2 ) ) end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, displayAngles ) The angle you asked is a2, but you will need a1 as well isn't it?
  4. Hello, Using getCameraMatrix, you have the direction vector of where the player is looking
  5. Have you tried deleting gta_sa.set in My Documents/GTA San Andreas User Files
  6. In the tutorial section: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=148&t=52868
  7. Yes, that's how I found that push eax's length was 1 byte. I don't understand why you say 2 bytes? And I tried to change that number to 3, 6, really anything between 1 and 10, it's still crashing Also, by looking at other hooks in the same file, I see things like this in comments, for example: HookInstall ( HOOKPOS_CEventVehicleDamageCollision_Bike, (DWORD)HOOK_CEventVehicleDamageCollision_Bike, 6 ); ... void _declspec(naked) HOOK_CEventVehicleDamageCollision_Bike ( ) { // .006B8EC6 DC 1D F8 9E 85 00 fcomp ds:__real@0000000000000000 < Hook > // 006B8ECC 8B F1 Another example: HookInstall(HOOKPOS_CPed_IsPlayer, (DWORD)HOOK_CPed_IsPlayer, 6); ... void _declspec(naked) HOOK_CPed_IsPlayer () { /* 005DF8F0 mov eax,dword ptr [ecx+598h] <hook> 005DF8F6 test eax,eax <return> */ Which is why I think that number is the size of the first instruction at the hook position. I'm confused I can successfully disable the wheels by doing: #define HOOKPOS_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size 0x6AA666 DWORD RETURN_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size = 0x6AA675; void _declspec(naked) HOOK_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size() { _asm { jmp RETURN_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size } } But I can't find how to push those floats! I tried: #define HOOKPOS_CAutomobile_ProcessWheels 0x6AA666 DWORD RETURN_CAutomobile_ProcessWheels = 0x6AA669; float fTest1, fTest2, fTest3; void _declspec(naked) HOOK_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size() { fTest1 = 0.5f; fTest2 = 0.5f; fTest3 = 0.5f; _asm { mov eax, offset fTest3 push dword ptr [eax] mov eax, offset fTest2 push dword ptr [eax] mov ecx, offset fTest1 push dword ptr [ecx] //mov eax, fTest3 //push [eax] //mov eax, fTest2 //push [eax] //mov ecx, fTest1 //push [ecx] jmp RETURN_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size } } Amongst other things, but it always crash ... Can you tell me how to fix it please.
  8. Hello, I try to make a hook in CAutomobile::ProcessWheel (it's how I named sub_6AA290), however I can't make it work, it crash the game as soon as I join my server. In IDA disassembly, the part I want to hook is this: push eax ; f3 // 0x6AA666 push eax ; f2 // 0x6AA667 push ecx ; f1 // 0x6AA668 lea ecx, [esp+0F8h+m] ; this // 0x6AA669 fstp [esp+0F8h+var_F8] // 0x6AA66D call CMatrix__SetScales // 0x6AA670 CMatrix__SetScales is how I named sub_59AF00, the function prototype is (from what I understand): int __thiscall CMatrix__SetScales( CMatrix *this, float f1, float f2, float f3 ) My goal actually, is to set custom values for f1, f2 and f3 So in \MTA10\multiplayer_sa\CMultiplayerSA.cpp, I did: #define HOOKPOS_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size 0x6AA666 DWORD RETURN_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size = 0x6AA669; void HOOK_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size(); void CMultiplayerSA::InitHooks() { ... // I'm not sure to understand the last parameter, // I've set it to 1 because from what I understand, // it must be the size of the instruction at the pos that is hooked. // So "push eax" is only 1 byte (opcode 0x50)... but is this correct? HookInstall ( HOOKPOS_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size, (DWORD)HOOK_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size, 1 ); ... } float fTest; void _declspec(naked) HOOK_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size() { fTest = 0.5f _asm { // f3 push fTest // f2 push fTest // f1 push fTest // useless in my case? jmp RETURN_CAutomobile_ProcessWheel_Size } } So as I said, it crash the game with this code. I tried many different things, the best result I had was a flickering screen and the front-right wheel with width 0, and the 3 other wheels with weird width. Please help a ASM beginner, tell me what is wrong in my code and if possible, how to fix it. Thanks PS: Here is the crash infos: Version = 1.4-custom.0.000 Time = Thu Feb 14 13:12:14 2013 Module = Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x4CF7F7BB EAX=3F800000 EBX=00B2C701 ECX=00B201D5 EDX=BF0CCCCE ESI=155BD698 EDI=00000003 EBP=00000004 ESP=0028FBFC EIP=4CF7F7BB FLG=00210297 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
  9. guix

    bar exp

    Hello, Press F8, type "debugscript 3" to see if there are errors such as level, Name or Expreq being nil.
  10. guix

    Question - Lua

    Hello, What do you mean? You can use most of Lua's stock functions, as far as I know only the os library has been removed.
  11. I never used regular expressions but it looks like Lua's patterns, only less useful, for example with string.match you can parse a line and store results into variables in a single function call (almost like sscanf). Not bad anyway, it's just not useful for me, might be for others
  12. Hello, you got it close: use sub instead (and add "end" after the if statement) http://codepad.org/9cM8U1zq
  13. Hello, Check in server's config file for setting "fpslimit".
  14. Solved: local bCommandKeyIsDown = {} local iCommandKeysDownCount = {} function handleKeyboard( key, state ) local cmds = getCommandsBoundToKey ( key, "down" ) if cmds then for cmd, _ in pairs ( cmds ) do iCommandKeysDownCount[cmd] = (iCommandKeysDownCount[cmd] or 0) + (state and 1 or -1) bCommandKeyIsDown[cmd] = (iCommandKeysDownCount[cmd] ~= 0) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientKey", root, handleKeyboard )
  15. Hello I have a problem in my script that I can't seem to solve. Here is a part of my code: local bCommandKeyIsDown = {} function handleKeyboard( key, state ) local cmds = getCommandsBoundToKey ( key, "down" ) if cmds then for cmd, _ in pairs ( cmds ) do bCommandKeyIsDown[ cmd ] = state end end end addEventHandler( "onClientKey", root, handleKeyboard ) Then I check for bCommandKeyIsDown in a onClientRender, like this: function handleSomething() if bCommandKeyIsDown[ "my_command" ] then DoSomething() end end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, handleSomething ) The problem is when I bind multiple keys to "my_command": let's say W and X are the 2 keys bound to that command. - If I press and release W OR X, it work as expected - But if I press and hold W down, and then I press X and release X, then it's like W have been released too, but I'm still holding it down. I understand why it does that, but I don't know how to solve. Help?
  16. Hello! (Looks like courteous people are a rare thing on this forum) A much easier and more efficient way of doing this is with the element matrix: local fMatrix = getElementMatrix( iVehicle ) -- Calculate a position that is 10 units (meters) in front of the vehicle's position. local X = fMatrix[4][1] + ( fMatrix[2][1] * 10 ) local Y = fMatrix[4][2] + ( fMatrix[2][2] * 10 ) local Z = fMatrix[4][3] + ( fMatrix[2][3] * 10 )
  17. guix

    Vehicle Handling

    Hello and welcome! What is your problem? Maybe you need to use setModelHandling instead?
  18. I have tried with this before but it doesn't work very well (especially when vehicle is upside down ) It's what I used in 3rd post, It's what I use in my script for now, until I make a proper fix to be very accurate with all vehicle.
  19. Please read the first post, or just the topic title. I don't need this, I was just answering to his weird, indiscrete question...
  20. I try to add a detection when vehicle is upside down, to make a "autoflip". I think I fixed it by replacing isVehicleOnGround by: local fGroundZ = getGroundPosition ( fPositionX, fPositionY, fPositionZ ) if fPositionZ - fGroundZ < 3 then // vehicle is close to ground Works very well but need to test more.
  21. Hello, I have an small problem because isVehicleOnGround does'nt always work , for example with Dumper or Monster, it's most of the time returning false, only if for example I do a big jump and when landing the suspensions go down, so then it is true for a short time. I believe it's something to do with comparing distance from vehicle's mass center with ground. What can I do?
  22. Thank you, I've just found the same thing on the sticky just above... Sorry!
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