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Everything posted by ||BuLLeT||

  1. remove here things with outputChatBox and it will not show in chat just remove that
  2. client works but server...(look debug script down there) if u know how to fix it, pls post how whole server file would need to look like in [lua ]
  3. ok, thanks and heres problem what to do?
  4. ||BuLLeT||

    Server RPG

    ja sam za ali prije bi da se ti pridružiš mojem server jer vec je otvoren s dobrim scripovima
  5. its not showing blip and its not showing even disc when i come to that place
  6. So its Disc system, it should show GUI when you go on it and it should kill player when he click button "Start New Life"
  7. Hello i need help here with my disc system, so i created new GUI copy/paste code to script as c.lua,and its not working, but i think server side have bugs somewhere because it isnt worked before too! s.lua function Respawn() Respawn = createMarker(1565.5197753906,-1634.7216796875,13.55480670929,"cylinder",0.2999, 248, 248, 255, 150 ) cph = createPickup (1565.5197753906,-1634.7216796875,13.55480670929, 3, 1277, 0 ) Respawn = createMarker(-2442.1293,753.10,35.17,"cylinder",0.2999, 248, 248, 255, 150 ) cpp = createPickup (-2442.1293,753.10,35.17, 3, 1277, 0 ) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),Respawn) blip = createBlip ( 1565.5197753906,-1634.7216796875,13.55480670929,35 ) blip = createBlip ( -2442.1293,753.10,35.17,35 ) function RespawnGUI(hitElement) if source == Respawn1 then triggerClientEvent (hitElement,"RespawnGUI",getRootElement()) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit",getRootElement(),RespawnGUI) function RespawnGUI(hitElement) if source == Respawn then triggerClientEvent (hitElement,"RespawnGUI",getRootElement()) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit",getRootElement(),RespawnGUI) function kill() setElementHealth(source,0) end addEvent("kill", true) addEventHandler("kill",getRootElement(),kill) c.lua --[[------------------------------------------------- Notes: > This code is using a custom font. This will only work as long as the location it is from always exists, and the resource it is part of is running. To ensure it does not break, it is highly encouraged to move custom fonts into your local resource and reference them there. --]]------------------------------------------------- GUIEditor = { tab = {}, button = {}, edit = {}, window = {}, gridlist = {}, label = {}, tabpanel = {}, } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(240, 267, 632, 467, "Hawk|RPG Disc System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.tabpanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(10, 23, 613, 388, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.tab[1] = guiCreateTab("Disc", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(15, 36, 226, 59, "Address:", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) local font_0 = guiCreateFont(":[Hawk]GuiEditor/fonts/PetitFormalScript.ttf") guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], font_0) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 255, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(15, 95, 226, 59, "Value:", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], font_0) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 255, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(15, 154, 226, 59, "Owner:", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], font_0) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[3], 255, 254, 254) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(21, 229, 129, 44, "Buy", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(21, 300, 129, 44, "Sell", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) GUIEditor.tab[2] = guiCreateTab("Garage", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(13, 23, 587, 197, false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Names", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Health", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Fuel", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Cost", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Status", 0.2) GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(28, 234, 175, 67, "Spawn Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(226, 234, 175, 67, "Repair Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.button[5] = guiCreateButton(420, 234, 175, 67, "Park Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.tab[3] = guiCreateTab("Weapons", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.gridlist[2] = guiCreateGridList(26, 69, 220, 285, false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], "Weapon", 0.4) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], "Ammo", 0.4) GUIEditor.gridlist[3] = guiCreateGridList(383, 69, 220, 285, false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], "Weapon", 0.4) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[3], "Ammo", 0.4) GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(63, 48, 219, 42, "Your Weapons", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[4], font_0) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(468, 48, 219, 42, "Storage", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[5], font_0) GUIEditor.button[6] = guiCreateButton(262, 118, 103, 55, "--->", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) GUIEditor.button[7] = guiCreateButton(262, 228, 103, 55, "<---", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(264, 180, 101, 43, " ammo ", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) GUIEditor.button[9] = guiCreateButton(255, 10, 125, 61, "Done", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) GUIEditor.button[10] = guiCreateButton(32, 419, 187, 39, "Start New Life", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.button[11] = guiCreateButton(426, 418, 187, 39, "Close", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) function kill() triggerServerEvent("kill", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[2], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[3], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[4], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[5], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[6], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[7], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[8], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[9], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[10], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_TabPanel[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[6], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Tab[2], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Tab[3], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[7], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Button[2], false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[5], kill, false) function hide() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[2], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[3], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[4], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[5], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[6], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[7], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[8], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[9], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[10], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_TabPanel[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[6], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Tab[2], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Tab[3], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Label[7], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Button[2], false) showCursor ( false ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement( ), hide) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[4], hide, false ) end addEvent ("RespawnGUI",true) addEventHandler ("RespawnGUI",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),RespawnGUI) Anybody help? (I'm new in this)
  8. call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","Money",root,20) call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","Class",root,100) function update() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do local money = getPlayerMoney(v) setElementData(v,"Money",money ) end for g, v in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do local gang = getElementData(v,"spawnedAs") or "N/A" setElementData(v,"Class",gang ) end end setTimer(update, 100, 0) playerBlips = {} function startup () local xml = xmlLoadFile("spawns.xml") -- open the XML file local cityNodes = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml) -- get all child nodes of the root node () local cities = {} -- create a new global variable to store the welcome messages for i,node in ipairs(cityNodes) do local classnodes = xmlNodeGetChildren(node) for i2,node2 in ipairs(classnodes) do local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node2, "name") local r = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node2, "r") local g = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node2, "g") local b = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node2, "b") if not getTeamFromName(name) then createTeam( name , r , g , b) end end end xmlUnloadFile(xml) -- Logout all players for safety. local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) -- Get every player for k, player in ipairs ( players ) do -- For every player do the following... account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) -- Get every player's account if ( not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then -- For every player that's logged in.... logOut ( player ) -- Log them out. end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),loggedOut) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, startup) function playerSpawn (spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ, team, permission, skin, weapons, player, skinName, sR, sG, sB ) local playerAccountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) --outputConsole("user." .. playerAccountName .. ", " .. permission) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user." .. playerAccountName, aclGetGroup(permission)) then spawnTeam = getTeamFromName(team) spawnPlayer (player, spawnX , spawnY, spawnZ, 0, skin, 0, 0, spawnTeam) -- spawns player with random skin fadeCamera (player, true) setCameraInterior (player, 0 ) setCameraTarget (player, player) local tR , tG , tB = getTeamColor(spawnTeam) local r = sR or tR local g = sG or tG local b = sB or tB playerBlips[player] = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b, 255, 0, 65535, getRootElement()) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) if(weapons) then local weps = split(weapons, ",") for i, node in ipairs(weps) do --outputConsole(node) local wepinfo = split(node, ".") local wepid = wepinfo[1] --outputConsole(wepid) local wepammo = wepinfo[2] --outputConsole(wepammo) giveWeapon ( player, wepid, wepammo ) end end setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player), "skinName", skinName) setElementData(player, "spawnedAs", skinName) triggerClientEvent(player, "onSpawnSuccessful", getRootElement()) else triggerClientEvent(player, "onSpawnError", getRootElement() , "You Dont Have Permission .") end end addEvent("onPlayerSpawnButton", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawnButton", getRootElement(), playerSpawn) function playerDespawn() local player = source if playerBlips[player] then if getElementType(playerBlips[player]) == "blip" then destroyElement(playerBlips[player]) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), playerDespawn) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), playerDespawn) function saveProperty(a, b, c, playah) local player = playah or source local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount(player) if not isPedDead(player) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) setAccountData(playeraccount, "x", x) setAccountData(playeraccount, "y", y) setAccountData(playeraccount, "z", z) local skin = getElementModel(player) setAccountData(playeraccount, "skin", skin) local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)) setAccountData(playeraccount, "team", team) local permission = "spawn.spawn" setAccountData(playeraccount, "permission", permission) local weaponsarray = {} for i=1, 12 do if(getPedWeapon(player, i) ~= 0 and getPedTotalAmmo(player, i) > 0) then table.insert(weaponsarray, getPedWeapon(player, i) .. "." .. getPedTotalAmmo(player, i)) end end local weaponstring = table.concat(weaponsarray,",") setAccountData(playeraccount, "weapons", weaponstring) setAccountData(playeraccount, "aliveonquit", true) else setAccountData(playeraccount, "aliveonquit", false) setAccountData(playeraccount, "x", nil) setAccountData(playeraccount, "y", nil) setAccountData(playeraccount, "z", nil) setAccountData(playeraccount, "permission", nil) setAccountData(playeraccount, "team", nil) setAccountData(playeraccount, "skin", nil) setAccountData(playeraccount, "weapons", nil) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveProperty) function wasPlayerAlive() if getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "aliveonquit") then --outputConsole("Seems like playah wus alive!") local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) local x = getAccountData(playerAccount, "x") local y = getAccountData(playerAccount, "y") local z = getAccountData(playerAccount, "z") local team = getAccountData(playerAccount, "team") local permission = getAccountData(playerAccount, "permission") local skin = getAccountData(playerAccount, "skin") local weps = getAccountData(playerAccount, "weapons") local skinName = getAccountData(playerAccount, "skinName") playerSpawn(x , y , z, team, permission, skin, weps, source, skinName) else triggerClientEvent(source, "onPlayerWasntAlive", source) end end addEvent("wasPlayerAliveEvent", true) addEventHandler("wasPlayerAliveEvent", getRootElement(), wasPlayerAlive) function loggedOut() cancelEvent() outputChatBox("You can't log out!", source, 255, 0 ,0) end function stopdown() local players = getElementsByType("player") for i, player in ipairs(players) do saveProperty(nil, nil, nil, player) killPed(player) logOut(player) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, stopdown) So you would ask wheres problem here? hmm, its when i start script, spawn is not showing,it just log players out and when they login nothing, i want that when script starts that spawn menu is showing to players so they can spawn! Anybody could help? DO NOT COPY THIS PLEASE!
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