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  1. just try making it only on server side, it is easier in this case
  2. --setTimer(outputChatBox, time, how many times to repeat(use 0 for infinite), "And the string you want to output") --like this: setTimer(outputChatBox, 1000, 1, "String") --it outputs String on the chatBox after 1 sec
  3. Most certanly the zombie isnt the source
  4. use createBlipAttachedTo the zombies
  5. try lifting the vehicle a few inches from the moving object so that it reenters the colshape of the object. Should solve it
  6. Not need be there should be a check for the hitElement type so that it doesnt try to fixVehicle the player outputing an error
  7. table1 = { [1] = {"This is the first row"}, [2] = {"This is the second row"} } for k, v in ipairs(table1) do outputChatBox("This is the row's index: "..k..", and this is the value of that row: "..v ) end it should output on the chat box:" This is the row's index: 1, and this is the value of that row: This is the first row This is the row's index: 2, and this is the value of that row: This is the second row "
  8. It is a loop through a table "for" every "k" (key/index) and ", v" (value) "in ipairs(tableName)" (valid k and v on the same row of the table tableName) "do" something
  9. psydomin

    move ped

    Push? to the ground? An animation could work
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