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Vic (3/54)



  1. Thanks for the help, I managed to make it working.
  2. Thanks for the help, but I meant a mathematical formula.
  3. Is there any mathematical formula to convert Bytes to Megabytes? For example I have a car mod that's 7.30 MB. I use fileGetSize, but it returns bytes. And I'd like to know how many Megabytes it are instead of Bytes. Thanks
  4. PalmTree

    Table help

    How i do get table string, no number? Like this: local poland = { ["Pivac"] = { ["Beer"] = { ["Brieck"] = {collor="Yellow"}, ["Grass"] = {collor="Green"} } } } now i need know how i get 'brieck' and 'grass' at same time. so not 'poland.Pivac.Brieck' i tried using for i = 1, #poland do outputDebugString(poland.Pivac.Beer[i]) end but no work thanksyou from Poland
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