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Everything posted by Ab-47

  1. Ab-47


    setVehicleLightState ( car, 2, 0 )
  2. Ab-47

    How to ... ?

    /restart resourename
  3. Some people are dumb and use the same server/host, MTA can ban the Host, IP, serial and name if they wanted. And if they come back, I'm sure someone of the MTA community would have spotted them, and ban them again. Quite easy really, you can also have some MTA supporters if the MTA community team were too busy in something/somewhat.
  4. Press "E" and try to find a point where you can get the ID information. If that doesn't work, I'd suggest to press "F" and search through: "Current Elements" double click the object you want to remove, or you can isolate the object. Once you've gained control of the object, click "Del" if you wanted to remove it, do whatever it is you're trying to do, like move it or something. If it's not doing you any good, I'd suggest to CTRL + Z it, only if it's the last object to be placed. If that's not the problem and you cant see the object in the list, spawn another object, I'd say a trash can or something, then check the current elements list again it'd be right at the end. Then you can easily get rid of the trash can or w/e using del.
  5. I heard people DDoS using linux, there can be various preventions, seek knowledge from various sources and see which ways you can prevent it. There are many great answers above, try to use them. An answer to your question is, yes it is illegal.
  6. Ab-47

    Need For Speed Nos

    Make a script, make a meta file start the resource and test.
  7. Lmao, next time mention it in the topic as solved or something I was just checking a few topics and found 1 with no replies so yea posted
  8. That's not racism, That's simply called a fact.. Western european internet connections are just ALOT faster than your average third world country internet connection. I really hate people that just scream racism at everything, it kinda makes you a racist actually for seeing racism in things that are not racist. You know actually I was using the term 'Racist' for that reason you stated, I find it funny many don't Idc. However, I can say Americans are total dipshits because they live across the world, exactly what this guy is saying, an insult towards players living across the world, I can say that Osama Bin Laden had better internet connection than you, because you're 1 over the average with ping.
  9. Ab-47

    Change Name in Resource

    It'd be fine as long as your account name is the same.
  10. I guess you should learn a bit more about ACL in the MTA Wiki then try again.
  11. Ab-47

    Creepy MTA BUG #2

    Is your internet connection etc.. Working fine? Try using a router direct instead of your modem of fix any issues such as long cables, telephone lines connected. Otherwise if internet isn't the problem, re-install MTA.
  12. So everyone from Saudi Arabia are laggers? Lal not true
  13. Ab-47

    Can't open mta

    Get a new cracked version of GTA or if you're using a CD then re-install it..
  14. Wait I just figured out warping is server sided, and this whole shit is client, meh dumb D: Ciao
  15. This is something similar.. Where you can attach objects to your existing vehicle local ccx,ccy,ccz,ccrx,ccry,ccrz= 0,2.5,0.1,0,0,0 local cx,cy,cz,crx,cry,crz= 0,-1.5,-0.1,0,0,-90 local x,y,z,rx,ry,rz= -0.7,-0.0,0.8,0,0,-90 local ax,ay,az,arx,ary,arz= -0.4,-0.0,0.8,0,0,-90 local aax,aay,aaz,aarx,aary,aarz= -0.1,-0.0,0.8,0,0,-90 local aaax,aaay,aaaz,aaarx,aaary,aaarz= 0.2,-0.0,0.8,0,0,-90 local aaaax,aaaay,aaaaz,aaaarx,aaaary,aaaarz= 0.5,-0.0,0.8,0,0,-90 function upgradeTheCar(cmd) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) cminigun = createObject( 1636, 2,2,2) minigun = createObject( 2985, 2,2,2) base = createObject( 360, 2,2,2) abase = createObject( 360, 2,2,2) aabase = createObject( 360, 2,2,2) aaabase = createObject( 360, 2,2,2) aaaabase = createObject( 360, 2,2,2) setElementCollisionsEnabled ( base, false ) attachElements ( cminigun, veh, ccx,ccy,ccz,ccrx,ccry,ccrz) attachElements ( minigun, veh, cx,cy,cz,crx,cry,crz) attachElements ( base, veh, x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) attachElements ( abase, veh, ax,ay,az,arx,ary,arz) attachElements ( aabase, veh, aax,aay,aaz,aarx,aary,aarz) attachElements ( aaabase, veh, aaax,aaay,aaaz,aaarx,aaary,aaarz) attachElements ( aaaabase, veh, aaaax,aaaay,aaaaz,aaaarx,aaaary,aaaarz) end addCommandHandler("upgradeMyCar", upgradeTheCar)
  16. Actually figured that out a while ago, however thanks. Could someone try to help me on the main point. Thanks
  17. Ahoi guys, I'm new in the forum thing so forgive me if I messed up with any parts of the rules or creating a topic guidlines ------------- OK So, I need help with 'Creating a warp button' that actually warps, I'm a regular scripter just got of from newbie ;o but.. I don't get how I can make a part of my script work. ------------- What does my script do? Well basically I made a GUI, random GUI which I thought I'd turn it into a warping thing and extra text or w/e and so, I created a button where when you click it, you'd be warped to that specific location with an outputChatBox message. What's wrong with the script? Well there's 2 things which I'm not quiet getting, the first is the outputChatBox color, I added the outputChatBox like this: outputChatBox ( "text", 255, 0, 0 ) which I tried making it red, then discovered that I can also use: outputChatBox ( "text", thePlayer, 0, 0 ) whilst adding thePlayer after the function variable. OK, so, the other problem (the main problem) is the Warp button. What's not working is, when I click the button the outputChatBox message comes (yet in white, not red) and doesn't warp. Nor do I get an argument error etc.. ------------- Here's the overall script: function GUI () Window = guiCreateWindow ( 88, 66, 617, 472, "", false ) showCursor ( true ) guiWindowSetMovable ( Window, false ) guiWindowSetSizable ( Window, false ) guiCreateStaticImage( 110, 10, 400, 200, "fDrD0.png", false, Window ) CloseButton = guiCreateButton ( 548, 368, 168, 74, "Close", false, Window ) WarpButton = guiCreateButton ( 300, 150, 150, 100, "Warp", false, Window ) guiSetFont ( CloseButton, "default-bold-small" ) for k, v in ipairs ( files ) do local data = split ( v, string.byte (";") ) local memo = guiCreateMemo ( 150, 300, 350, 120, "Text", false, Window) guiMemoSetReadOnly ( memo, true) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", WarpButton, function warp ( thePlayer ) if source == WarpButton then setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2040, 1478, 10.67 ) outputChatBox ( "You have been warped to the bank", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", CloseButton, function() if source == CloseButton then guiSetVisible( Window, false ) showCursor( false ) guiSetInputEnabled( false ) end end ) end addCommandHandler ( "opengui", GUI ) where the main problem I have is here: function GUI () WarpButton = guiCreateButton ( 300, 150, 150, 100, "Warp", false, Window ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", WarpButton, function warp ( thePlayer ) if source == WarpButton then setElementPosition ( thePlayer, 2040, 1478, 10.67 ) outputChatBox ( "You have been warped to the bank", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end ) end So if anyone can help me, I'd be more than thankful. Thanks for reading, sorry if it's a bit too long, the fault is actually minor but I'm just too dumb atm to figure out what the hell it is D: Cya guys
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