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Everything posted by SOAP10

  1. Plz Guys Can Explain to me How to To Fix LVLS Exp Plz
  2. Guys i dont Understand The Older Spawn Selection i readed All The lua andi dont Understand It 100% Guys Plz This is The File Name : s_main.lua g_root = getRootElement( ); classGroups = { }; addEvent( "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", g_root, function( categoryIndex, classIndex, skinIndex, password ) if skinIndex then local class = classGroups[ categoryIndex ].classes[ classIndex ]; if class.password then if not password or password == "soap" then triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_requestPassword", root, class.name ); return; elseif password ~= class.password then outputChatBox( "The password you typed in is incorrect! Try again or cancel to choose different class.", client, 200, 50, 50 ); triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_requestPassword", root, class.name ); return; end end local skin = class.skinMngr.skins[ skinIndex ]; local spawn = true; local spawned; --[[if not classGroups[ cetegoryIndex ].owner then -- if there is NO owner of the clan/gang spawn player spawn = true; else -- if there IS owner of the clan/gang then check if he's member of the clan/gang end]] if spawn then if not class.team then class.team = createTeam( class.name, class.color.red, class.color.green, class.color.blue ); end local plrTeam = getPlayerTeam( client ); if ( ( plrTeam ) and ( plrTeam ~= class.team ) and ( countPlayersInTeam( plrTeam ) == 1 ) ) then destroyElement( plrTeam ); end spawned = spawnPlayer( client, skin.spawnLoc.x, skin.spawnLoc.y, skin.spawnLoc.z, skin.spawnLoc.rot, skin.modelId, 0, 0, class.team ); end if spawned then setElementData( client, "team", class.name ) setElementData( client, "skin", skin.name ) fadeCamera( client, true ); setCameraTarget( client, client ); setTimer( setCameraTarget, 200, 1, client, client ); triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_SpawnedSuccessfully", client ); --setPlayerMoney( client, 500 ); for _, weapon in ipairs( class.weaponMngr.weapons ) do giveWeapon( client, weapon.id, weapon.ammo, false ); end createBlipAttachedTo( client, 0, 2, class.color.red, class.color.green, class.color.blue ) else triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_FailedToSpawn", client ); if countPlayersInTeam( class.team ) == 0 then destroyElement( class.team ); class.team = nil; end end end end ); addEvent( "spawn_receivePassword", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_receivePassword", g_root, function( ) end ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerSpawn", g_root, function ( ) end ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", g_root, function( ) fadeCamera( source, false, 4 ); setTimer( requestMenu, 5000, 1, source ); deleteAllPlayerBlips( source ) end ); function requestMenu( player ) callClientFunc( player, "showSpawnMenu", true, true ); callClientFunc( player, "classSelected" ); end addCommandHandler( "kill", function( plr ) killPed( plr ); end ) function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "category" ); for _, group in ipairs( groups ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), preloadClassesInfo ) function deleteAllPlayerBlips(player) local elements = getAttachedElements(player) if (elements) then for i, element in ipairs(elements) do if (getElementType(element) == "blip") then destroyElement(element) end end end print( "number of players in team: " .. tostring( countPlayersInTeam( getPlayerTeam( player ) ) ) ); end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", g_root, function() deleteAllPlayerBlips(source) end ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function callClientFunc( player, funcName, ... ) if #{ ... } ~= 0 then triggerClientEvent( player, "_clientCallFunction", root, funcName, ... ) else triggerClientEvent( player, "_clientCallFunction", root, funcName ) end end addEvent( "_serverCallFunction", true ) addEventHandler( "_serverCallFunction", root, function( funcName, ... ) _G[ funcName ](...) end ) thi is file name!: s_spawnclasses.lua Group = { }; Group.__index = { };[*] function Group: New( groupElement ) local group = { name = "", classes = { }, }; if getElementType( groupElement ) == "category" then setmetatable( group, self ); self.__index = self; group.name = getElementData( groupElement, "id" ); local children = getElementChildren( groupElement ); for _, child in ipairs( children ) do table.insert( group.classes, Class:New( child ) ); end return group; end return false; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- Class = { }; Class.__index = Class; function Class: New( classElement ) local class = { name = "", info = "", color = { red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255 }, skinMngr = SkinManager:New( ), weaponMngr = WeaponManager:New( ), cameraMngr = CameraManager:New( ), } if getElementType( classElement ) == "class" then setmetatable( class, self ); self.__index = self; class.weaponMngr.__index = class.weaponMngr; class.name = getElementData( classElement, "name" ); local classData = getElementChildren( classElement ); for _, data in ipairs( classData ) do if getElementType( data ) == "info" then class.info = getElementData( data, "text" ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "color" then class.color.red = tonumber( 0 and getElementData( data, "red" ) or 255 ); class.color.green = tonumber( 0 and getElementData( data, "green" ) or 255 ); class.color.blue = tonumber( 0 and getElementData( data, "blue" ) or 255 ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "skin" then class.skinMngr:AddSkin( data ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "weapon" then class.weaponMngr:AddWeapon( data ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "camera" then local camChildren = getElementChildren( data ); for _, camInfo in ipairs( camChildren ) do if getElementType( camInfo ) == "position" then class.cameraMngr:Position( camInfo ); elseif getElementType( camInfo ) == "lookAt" then class.cameraMngr:LookAt( camInfo ); end end end end return class; end return false; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- CameraManager = { }; CameraManager.__index = CameraManager; function CameraManager: New( ) local cameramngr = { pos = { }, lookAt = { }, }; setmetatable( cameramngr, self ); self.__index = self; return cameramngr; end function CameraManager: Position( cameraPosElement ) if cameraPosElement then self.pos.x = tonumber( getElementData( cameraPosElement, "x" ) ); self.pos.y = tonumber( getElementData( cameraPosElement, "y" ) ); self.pos.z = tonumber( getElementData( cameraPosElement, "z" ) ); else return self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.pos.z; end end function CameraManager: LookAt( cameraLookAtElement ) if cameraLookAtElement then self.lookAt.x = tonumber( getElementData( cameraLookAtElement, "x" ) ); self.lookAt.y = tonumber( getElementData( cameraLookAtElement, "y" ) ); self.lookAt.z = tonumber( getElementData( cameraLookAtElement, "z" ) ); else return self.lookAt.x, self.lookAt.y, self.lookAt.z; end end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- Skin = { }; Skin.__index = Skin; function Skin: New( skinElement ) local skin = { name = "", modelId = 0, weaponMngr = WeaponManager:New( ), spawnLoc = { x, y, z }, } if getElementType( skinElement ) == "skin" then setmetatable( skin, self ); self.__index = self; --setmetatable( skin.weaponMngr, WeaponManager ); skin.weaponMngr.__index = skin.weaponMngr; skin.name = getElementData( skinElement, "name" ); skin.modelId = getElementData( skinElement, "id" ); local children = getElementChildren( skinElement ); for _, child in ipairs( children ) do if getElementType( child ) == "spawnpoint" then skin.spawnLoc.x = tonumber( getElementData( child, "x" ) ); skin.spawnLoc.y = tonumber( getElementData( child, "y" ) ); skin.spawnLoc.z = tonumber( getElementData( child, "z" ) ); skin.spawnLoc.rot = tonumber( getElementData( child, "rot" ) ); elseif getElementType( child ) == "weapon" then skin.weaponMngr:AddWeapon( child ); end end return skin; end return false; end function Skin: GetSpawnPosition( ) return self.spawnLoc.x, self.spawnLoc.y, self.spawnLoc.z; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- SkinManager = { }; SkinManager.__index = SkinManager; function SkinManager: New( ) local skinmngr = { skins = { }, }; setmetatable( skinmngr, self ); self.__index = self; return skinmngr; end function SkinManager: AddSkin( skinElement ) table.insert( self.skins, Skin:New( skinElement ) ); end function SkinManager: GetSkins( ) return self.skins; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- Weapon = { }; Weapon.__index = Weapon; function Weapon: New( weaponElement ) local weapon = { id = 0, ammo = 0, }; if getElementType( weaponElement ) == "weapon" then setmetatable( weapon, self ); self.__index = self; weapon.id = tonumber( getElementData( weaponElement, "id" ) ); weapon.ammo = tonumber( getElementData( weaponElement, "ammo" ) ); return weapon; end return false; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- WeaponManager = { }; WeaponManager.__index = WeaponManager; function WeaponManager: New( ) local weaponmngr = { weapons = { }, }; setmetatable( weaponmngr, self ); self.__index = self; return weaponmngr; end function WeaponManager: AddWeapon( weaponElement ) table.insert( self.weapons, Weapon:New( weaponElement ) ); end function WeaponManager: GetWeapons( ) local weapons = { }; for i, weapon in ipairs( self.weapons ) do weapons[ i ] = { }; weapons[ i ].id = weapon.id; weapons[ i ].ammo = weapon.ammo; end return weapons; end function WeaponManager: WeaponCount( ) return #self.weapons; end fILE NAME: c_main.lua g_Me = getLocalPlayer( ); g_root = getRootElement( ); g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement( ); screenSize = { guiGetScreenSize( ) }; --local stripHeight = .15 * (screenSize[ 2 ]*2); letterBox = { stripHeight = screenSize[ 2 ] * .15, stripAlpha = .93, -- 0-1 animLength = 01, -- seconds animStartTick = 0, animFinishTick = 0, keepAnimating = true, flyIn = function ( ) letterBox.animStartTick = 0; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, animateLetterBox_flyIn ); setTempPedRotating( true ); end, flyOut = function ( ) letterBox.animStartTick = 0; setTempPedRotating( false ); removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, animateLetterBox_flyIn ) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, animateLetterBox_flyOut ); end, } local pedRot = 0; allHUDElements = { "ammo", "area_name", "armour", "breath", "clock", "health", "money", "radar", "vehicle_name", "weapon", } iconWidths = { [0] = 21, [1] = 15, [2] = 97, [3] = 55, [4] = 83, [5] = 72, [6] = 55, [7] = 138, [8] = 104, [9] = 59, [10] =40 , [11] =31 , [12] =41 , [14] =10 , [15] =71 , [16] =13 , [17] =10 , [18] =4 , [19] =17, [22] =35 , [23] =50 , [24] =37 , [25] =75 , [26] =67 , [27] =66 , [28] =17 , [29] =35 , [30] =70 , [31] =71 , [32] =22 , [33] =75 , [34] =86 , [35] =74 , [36] =75 , [37] =19 , [38] =54 , [39] =8, [42] = 14, } icons = { [0] = ":killmessages/icons/fist.png", [1] = ":killmessages/icons/brassknuckle.png", [2] = ":killmessages/icons/golfclub.png", [3] = ":killmessages/icons/nitestick.png", [4] = ":killmessages/icons/knifecur.png", [5] = ":killmessages/icons/bat.png", [6] = ":killmessages/icons/shovel.png", [7] = ":killmessages/icons/poolcue.png", [8] = ":killmessages/icons/katana.png", [9] = ":killmessages/icons/chnsaw.png", [10] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_dildo1.png", [11] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_dildo2.png", [12] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_vibe1.png", [14] = ":killmessages/icons/flowera.png", [15] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_cane.png", [16] = ":killmessages/icons/grenade.png", [17] = ":killmessages/icons/teargas.png", [18] = ":killmessages/icons/molotov.png", [19] = ":killmessages/icons/explosion.png", [22] = ":killmessages/icons/colt45.png", [23] = ":killmessages/icons/Silenced.png", [24] = ":killmessages/icons/desert_eagle.png", [25] = ":killmessages/icons/chromegun.png", [26] = ":killmessages/icons/sawnoff.png", [27] = ":killmessages/icons/shotgspa.png", [28] = ":killmessages/icons/micro_uzi.png", [29] = ":killmessages/icons/mp5lng.png", [30] = ":killmessages/icons/ak47.png", [31] = ":killmessages/icons/m4.png", [32] = ":killmessages/icons/tec9.png", [33] = ":killmessages/icons/cuntgun.png", [34] = ":killmessages/icons/sniper.png", [35] = ":killmessages/icons/rocketla.png", [36] = ":killmessages/icons/heatseek.png", [37] = ":killmessages/icons/flame.png", [38] = ":killmessages/icons/minigun.png", [39] = ":killmessages/icons/satchel.png", [42] = ":killmessages/icons/fireextinguisher.png", }; classGroups = { }; classesInfo = { }; classesWeapons = { }; classesSkins = { }; addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function ( ) fadeCamera( true ); setTimer( setCameraMatrix, 50, 1, 1967.71, 1342.9, 26.63, 2034.47, 1343.02, 20.01 ); --letterBox.flyIn( ); preloadClassesInfo( ); createClassSelectionWnd( ); createGroupSelectionWnd( ); createClassDescriptionWnd( ); createClassWeaponWnd( ); createPasswordWnd( ); --setTimer( createTempPed, 100, 1 ); showCursor( true ); showSpawnMenu( false, true ); --showHUDComponents( allHUDElements ); end ); function createTempPed( model ) -- 7474 - object id -- 8661 local x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size(false) / 2 - 70, ( screenSize[ 2 ]/2) --[[/ 1.6 ) * .8]], 10 ); local cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix( ); x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size(false) / 2 - 70, ( screenSize[ 2 ]/2 )--[[ / 1.6 ) * .8]], 10 ) g_ground = createObject( 7474, x, y, z - 1.02, 0, 0, 90 ); tempPed = createPed( 0 and model or 0, x, y, z ); setPedRotation( tempPed, pedRot ); setElementFrozen( tempPed, true ); setPedAnimation( tempPed, "dancing", "dnce_m_b", -1, true, true, false ) --setPedAnimation( tempPed, "cop_ambient", "Coplook_nod", -1, true, true, false ) --setPedRotation( tempPed, 90 ); setElementAlpha( g_ground, 0 ); setTempPedRotating( true ); end function destroyTempPed( ) if tempPed then destroyElement( g_ground ); destroyElement( tempPed ); g_ground = nil; tempPed = nil; end end function setTempPedRotating( rotate ) if ( ( rotate ) and ( not pedRotating ) ) then addEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, rotatePed ); pedRotating = true; elseif ( not rotate ) then removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, rotatePed ); pedRotating = nil; end end function rotatePed( ) if tempPed then pedRot = pedRot + 1; setPedRotation( tempPed, pedRot ); end end function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "category" ); for _, group in ipairs( groups ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "Town" ); for _, group in ipairs( category ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end function hideHUDComponents( components ) for i, comp in pairs( components ) do showPlayerHudComponent( comp, false ); end --showChat( false ); end function showHUDComponents( components ) for i, comp in pairs( components ) do showPlayerHudComponent( comp, true ); end --showChat( true ); end --addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function animateLetterBox_flyIn ( ) if letterBox.animStartTick == 0 then letterBox.animStartTick = getTickCount(); letterBox.animFinishTick = letterBox.animStartTick + letterBox.animLength * 1000; letterBox.keepAnimating = true; end local stripH; local currentStripHeight = letterBox.stripHeight; if letterBox.keepAnimating then local currentTick = getTickCount();
  3. Ok Thanks i i will learn the Lua and i edit it i f i got any Problemei told yea
  4. I have This Spawn Selection The Old Style : And i wanna Edit The Spawn Selection Like That Style:
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