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Everything posted by Tomc0

  1. Tomc0

    Creating Ped

    And are you sure you are at this dimension?
  2. Tomc0

    Creating Ped

    Can we see your script..?
  3. Tomc0

    Move vehicle

    Thank you, DakiLLa and Dev!
  4. Tomc0

    Move vehicle

    Hello! I have a little question... Is it possible to move a car like this? local auto = createVehicle( 470, 135, 1953.8000488281, 19.5 ) function MoveAuto() moveObject( auto, 10000, 123.40000152588, 2403.3999023438, 16.60000038147 ) end
  5. Tomc0

    Set Camera

    Maybe you can use toggleAllControls for it.
  6. Tomc0

    Set Camera

    That's why you need to use: function Camera( thePlayer ) fadeCamera( thePlayer, true ) end (When the resource starts)
  7. Tomc0

    Set Camera

    Then try to use: setCameraTarget
  8. Tomc0

    Set Camera

    Maybe you can use: fadeCamera
  9. Maybe this will help you: http://tinyurl.com/help-tmc
  10. Man, I'm failed! Sorry for the stupid question! Thank you very much for the quick answer!
  11. Hello! I have a little question. I made a script, the script teleports a ped into the player's vehicle, when the player hits the marker. But I have a problem with this. I want to teleport the ped near the player in the vehicle. Is it possible? The code: (because maybe I made a mistake) local ember = createPed ( 101, -1922.0999755859, 722.70001220703, 45.599998474121 ) -- ember = ped local ped_felvetel = createMarker ( -1921.9090576172, 724.75140380859, 44.81519317627, "corona", 1 ) -- the point where we need to pick up the ped (marker) function szallitas( thePlayer ) local auto = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) if auto then warpPedIntoVehicle ( ember, auto ) else outputChatBox("Szerezz egy autót!") -- Szerezz egy autót means "Get a car!" (Hungarian languagE) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", ped_felvetel, szallitas )
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