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Everything posted by CobbTheWarriorsRPG

  1. Well im making this, if somebody damage you and you are in los santos, you dont get damaged but doesnt work --Server Side function cancelDamage( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) local location = getElementZoneName ( attacker, true ) if ( location == "Los Santos" ) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", root, cancelDamage ))
  2. Hmm can you give me an example bro? i doesnt understand the example of the wiki
  3. Well i have a question... Its possible to change the .txd textures of the character cj? Thanks.
  4. It works but, when someone enters and you are holding the marker, the timer is killed
  5. function SpawnPicks ( ) if ( not Marker ) then Marker = createMarker ( -1438.2526855469, 1490.6701660156, 1.8671875-0.5, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", Marker, onMarkerHit ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", Marker, markerLeave ) outputChatBox("#FF0000[ALERTA]#FFFFFFTraficantes avistados en "..getElementZoneName(Marker).."",root, 0,0,0, true) blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( Marker, 19 ) --Bots load bot1 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot (-1451.6501464844, 1498.3551025391, 11.8046875, 0, 28, 0, 0, teamLV, 29, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot1, teamLV) bot2 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot (-1454.3022460938, 1485.8472900391, 11.8046875, 0, 43, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot2, teamLV) bot3 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot (-1460.1511230469, 1498.7517089844, 8.2578125, 0, 73, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot3, teamLV) bot4 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1447.7530517578, 1490.2437744141, 7.1015625, 0, 100, 0, 0, teamLV, 4, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot4, teamLV) bot5 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1400.6428222656, 1488.1295166016, 7.1015625, 0, 102, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot5, teamLV) bot6 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1399.9071044922, 1489.8024902344, 7.1015625, 0, 103, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot6, teamLV) bot7 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1399.6480712891, 1492.4254150391, 7.1015625, 0, 104, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot7, teamLV) bot8 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1385.8913574219, 1489.462890625, 13.84375, 0, 28, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot8, teamLV) bot9 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1375.5046386719, 1488.4661865234, 11.203125, 0, 29, 0, 0, teamLV, 4, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot9, teamLV) bot10 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1383.7861328125, 1494.6298828125, 8.90625, 0, 102, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot10, teamLV) bot11 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1370.4478759766, 1494.6135253906, 1.8515625, 0, 100, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot11, teamLV) bot12 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1372.8487548828, 1495.0855712891, 1.8515625, 0, 103, 0, 0, teamLV, 22, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot12, teamLV) bot13 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1399.1472167969, 1496.5262451172, 1.8671875, 0, 104, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot13, teamLV) bot14 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1398.8568115234, 1483.0720214844, 1.8671875, 0, 28, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot14, teamLV) bot15 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1391.5030517578, 1485.5445556641, 1.8671875, 0, 29, 0, 0, teamLV, 9, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot15, teamLV) bot16 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1422.9012451172, 1492.8765869141, 1.8671875, 0, 100, 0, 0, teamLV, 9, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot16, teamLV) bot17 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1436.3575439453, 1493.6381835938, 1.8671875, 0, 33, 0, 0, teamLV, 9, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot17, teamLV) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, SpawnPicks ) setTimer ( SpawnPicks, 1200000, 0 ) function onMarkerHit (player) if ( not isTimer (timer) ) then timer = setTimer ( function(player) local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." Ha robado la droga!") setElementData(player,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")) setElementData(player,"God",getElementData(player,"God")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"God",getElementData(player,"God")) setElementData(player,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")) setElementData(player,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")) setElementData(player,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")) setElementData(player,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")) destroyElement(bot1) destroyElement(bot2) destroyElement(bot3) destroyElement(bot4) destroyElement(bot5) destroyElement(bot6) destroyElement(bot7) destroyElement(bot8) destroyElement(bot9) destroyElement(bot10) destroyElement(bot11) destroyElement(bot12) destroyElement(bot13) destroyElement(bot14) destroyElement(bot15) destroyElement(bot16) destroyElement(bot17) destroyElement ( Marker ) destroyElement ( blip ) marker = nil end, 12000, 1, player) end end function markerLeave( ) if isTimer( timer ) then killTimer (timer) end end
  6. In the lines 4 and 5, expected element at argument 2, got nil
  7. Doesnt work bro see function onMarkerHit (player) if ( not isTimer (timer) ) then timer = setTimer ( function() local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." Ha robado la droga!") setElementData(player,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")) setElementData(player,"God",getElementData(player,"God")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"God",getElementData(player,"God")) setElementData(player,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")) setElementData(player,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")) setElementData(player,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")) setElementData(player,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")) destroyElement(bot1) destroyElement(bot2) destroyElement(bot3) destroyElement(bot4) destroyElement(bot5) destroyElement(bot6) destroyElement(bot7) destroyElement(bot8) destroyElement(bot9) destroyElement(bot10) destroyElement(bot11) destroyElement(bot12) destroyElement(bot13) destroyElement(bot14) destroyElement(bot15) destroyElement(bot16) destroyElement(bot17) end, 5000, 1) end destroyElement ( marker ) destroyElement ( blip ) marker = nil end
  8. No errors on debugscript, and when you stay in the marker along two minutes does not give the drug
  9. Well, im trying to make, when you stay in a marker for 2 minutes, the timer called timer gives to you "drugs", and when you stay in the marker along two minutes does not give the drug function SpawnPicks ( ) if ( not marker ) then marker = createMarker ( -1438.2526855469, 1490.6701660156, 1.8671875-0.5, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", Marker, onMarkerHit ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", Marker, markerLeave ) outputChatBox("#FF0000[ALERTA]#FFFFFFTraficantes avistados en "..getElementZoneName(marker).."",root, 0,0,0, true) blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( marker, 19 ) --Bots load bot1 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot (-1451.6501464844, 1498.3551025391, 11.8046875, 0, 28, 0, 0, teamLV, 29, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot1, teamLV) bot2 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot (-1454.3022460938, 1485.8472900391, 11.8046875, 0, 43, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot2, teamLV) bot3 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot (-1460.1511230469, 1498.7517089844, 8.2578125, 0, 73, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot3, teamLV) bot4 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1447.7530517578, 1490.2437744141, 7.1015625, 0, 100, 0, 0, teamLV, 4, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot4, teamLV) bot5 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1400.6428222656, 1488.1295166016, 7.1015625, 0, 102, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot5, teamLV) bot6 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1399.9071044922, 1489.8024902344, 7.1015625, 0, 103, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot6, teamLV) bot7 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1399.6480712891, 1492.4254150391, 7.1015625, 0, 104, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot7, teamLV) bot8 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1385.8913574219, 1489.462890625, 13.84375, 0, 28, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot8, teamLV) bot9 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1375.5046386719, 1488.4661865234, 11.203125, 0, 29, 0, 0, teamLV, 4, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot9, teamLV) bot10 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1383.7861328125, 1494.6298828125, 8.90625, 0, 102, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot10, teamLV) bot11 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1370.4478759766, 1494.6135253906, 1.8515625, 0, 100, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot11, teamLV) bot12 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1372.8487548828, 1495.0855712891, 1.8515625, 0, 103, 0, 0, teamLV, 22, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot12, teamLV) bot13 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1399.1472167969, 1496.5262451172, 1.8671875, 0, 104, 0, 0, teamLV, 27, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot13, teamLV) bot14 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1398.8568115234, 1483.0720214844, 1.8671875, 0, 28, 0, 0, teamLV, 31, "guarding", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot14, teamLV) bot15 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1391.5030517578, 1485.5445556641, 1.8671875, 0, 29, 0, 0, teamLV, 9, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot15, teamLV) bot16 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1422.9012451172, 1492.8765869141, 1.8671875, 0, 100, 0, 0, teamLV, 9, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot16, teamLV) bot17 = exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( -1436.3575439453, 1493.6381835938, 1.8671875, 0, 33, 0, 0, teamLV, 9, "waiting", true ) exports [ "slothbot" ]:setBotTeam ( bot17, teamLV) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, SpawnPicks ) setTimer ( SpawnPicks, 1200000, 0 ) function onMarkerHit (player) if ( not isTimer(timer) ) then --Here timer = setTimer ( function() local acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(player).." Ha robado la droga!") setElementData(player,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Weed",getElementData(player,"Weed")) setElementData(player,"God",getElementData(player,"God")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"God",getElementData(player,"God")) setElementData(player,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Speed",getElementData(player,"Speed")) setElementData(player,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Lsd",getElementData(player,"Lsd")) setElementData(player,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Steroids",getElementData(player,"Steroids")) setElementData(player,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")+math.random(1,30)) setAccountData(acc,"Heroin",getElementData(player,"Heroin")) destroyElement(bot1) destroyElement(bot2) destroyElement(bot3) destroyElement(bot4) destroyElement(bot5) destroyElement(bot6) destroyElement(bot7) destroyElement(bot8) destroyElement(bot9) destroyElement(bot10) destroyElement(bot11) destroyElement(bot12) destroyElement(bot13) destroyElement(bot14) destroyElement(bot15) destroyElement(bot16) destroyElement(bot17) end, 120000, 1) killTimer(timer) destroyElement ( marker ) destroyElement ( blip ) pickup = nil end end function markerLeave( ) if isTimer( timer ) then killTimer (timer) end end
  10. Hi... i Need a scripter for doing a drug sell system, its so easy, but i dont know how to do it, if you are interested contact me on PM or leave a message, i will pay.
  11. No pero mira, es un panel para el vendedor, y otro panel para el comprador (se abre cuando este golpea un marcador), digamos yo soy el vendedor, tengo un editbox y coloco el precio de la marihuana en 1 y le doy guardar, ahora quiero que al vendedor al entrar al marcador vea el precio!
  12. Buenas, estoy tratando de hacer un panel de venta de drogas, todo iba muy bien...pero ya no sé como hacer que cuando le coloques un precio digamos a la maría, éste precio quede guardado y aparesca en el editbox de el comprador, las drogas se almacenan en setAccountData, aun no estan agregadas por que no sé como realizar esto, una ayudita? gracias! client Side -Window sell y compra GUIEditor = { label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() ventanaCompra = guiCreateWindow(222, 119, 395, 349, "Comprar Drogas a usuario", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ventanaCompra, false) cerrarCompra = guiCreateButton(46, 293, 93, 46, "Cerrar", false, ventanaCompra) cantidadCripa = guiCreateEdit(248, 46, 43, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) cantidadRuedas = guiCreateEdit(248, 87, 43, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) cantidadPerica = guiCreateEdit(248, 128, 43, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) cantidadLsd = guiCreateEdit(248, 169, 43, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) cantidadHeroina = guiCreateEdit(248, 210, 43, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) cantidadRivotril = guiCreateEdit(248, 251, 43, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) precioCripa = guiCreateEdit(149, 46, 86, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) guiEditSetReadOnly(precioCripa, true) precioRuedas = guiCreateEdit(149, 87, 86, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) guiEditSetReadOnly(precioRuedas, true) precioPerica = guiCreateEdit(149, 128, 86, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) guiEditSetReadOnly(precioPerica, true) precioLsd = guiCreateEdit(149, 169, 86, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) guiEditSetReadOnly(precioLsd, true) precioHeroina = guiCreateEdit(149, 210, 86, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) guiEditSetReadOnly(precioHeroina, true) precioRivotril = guiCreateEdit(149, 251, 86, 31, "", false, ventanaCompra) guiEditSetReadOnly(precioRivotril, true) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(15, 47, 124, 236, "Cripa Precio\n\n\nRuedas Precio\n\n\nPerica Precio\n\n\nLsd Precio\n\n\nHeroina Precio\n\n\nRivotril Precio", false, ventanaCompra) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(241, 23, 50, 13, "Cantidad", false, ventanaCompra) comprarCripa = guiCreateButton(310, 46, 68, 31, "Comprar", false, ventanaCompra) comprarRuedas = guiCreateButton(310, 87, 68, 31, "Comprar", false, ventanaCompra) comprarPerica = guiCreateButton(310, 128, 68, 31, "Comprar", false, ventanaCompra) comprarLsd = guiCreateButton(310, 169, 68, 31, "Comprar", false, ventanaCompra) comprarHeroina = guiCreateButton(310, 210, 68, 31, "Comprar", false, ventanaCompra) comprarRivotril = guiCreateButton(310, 251, 68, 31, "Comprar", false, ventanaCompra) --ventana Sell panelSell = guiCreateWindow(251, 207, 294, 319, "Venta de drogas", false) guiWindowSetSizable(panelSell, false) priceWeed = guiCreateEdit(147, 30, 53, 29, "", false, panelSell) priceRuedas = guiCreateEdit(147, 59, 53, 29, "", false, panelSell) pricePerica = guiCreateEdit(147, 88, 53, 29, "", false, panelSell) priceLsd = guiCreateEdit(147, 117, 53, 29, "", false, panelSell) priceEsteroides = guiCreateEdit(147, 146, 53, 29, "", false, panelSell) priceRivotril = guiCreateEdit(147, 175, 53, 29, "", false, panelSell) stopSell = guiCreateButton(29, 234, 100, 48, "Parar de vender", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(29, 40, 94, 16, "Cripa", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(29, 66, 94, 16, "Ruedas", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(29, 92, 94, 16, "Perica", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(29, 120, 94, 16, "LSD", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(29, 149, 94, 16, "Esteroides", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[6] = guiCreateLabel(29, 178, 94, 16, "Rivortril", false, panelSell) GUIEditor.label[7] = guiCreateLabel(145, 210, 45, 14, "Precios", false, panelSell) guardaCripa = guiCreateButton(219, 33, 65, 26, "Guardar", false, panelSell) guardaRuedas = guiCreateButton(220, 62, 64, 26, "Guardar", false, panelSell) guardaPerica = guiCreateButton(220, 91, 64, 26, "Guardar", false, panelSell) guardaLsd = guiCreateButton(220, 120, 60, 26, "Guardar", false, panelSell) guardaEsteroides = guiCreateButton(220, 149, 60, 26, "Guardar", false, panelSell) guardaRivotril = guiCreateButton(220, 178, 60, 26, "Guardar", false, panelSell) guiSetVisible ( panelSell, false) guiSetVisible ( ventanaCompra, false) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", cerrarCompra, cerrarCompraEvent, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", stopSell, cerrarVentaEvent, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guardaCripa, addPrecioCripa, false ) end ) --Window Shop --Funciones para vendedor function venderDroga( localPlayer ) triggerServerEvent ( "onClick", getLocalPlayer() ) guiSetVisible ( panelSell, true) showCursor ( true ) end addCommandHandler("venderdroga", venderDroga ) function addPrecioCripa (localPlayer) local valorCripa = guiGetText ( priceWeed ) if ( tonumber(valorCripa) > 0 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "addCripaCost", getLocalPlayer(), source ) outputChatBox("has puesto un precio a la cripa de "..valorCripa.."") else outputChatBox("Coloca un valor mayor a 0") end end function cerrarVentaEvent ( localPlayer ) triggerServerEvent ( "onClick2", getLocalPlayer() ) guiSetVisible ( panelSell, false) showCursor ( false ) end --Funciones comprador function MarkerHit ( p, matchingDimension ) local priceCripa = triggerServerEvent ( "valorCripa", getLocalPlayer() ) if p == localPlayer then guiSetVisible ( ventanaCompra, true) showCursor ( true ) guiSetText(precioCripa, "..priceCripa..") end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(marker), MarkerHit ) function cerrarCompraEvent ( localPlayer ) guiSetVisible ( ventanaCompra, false) showCursor ( false ) end Server Side function drug( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) marker = createMarker ( x, y, z-1, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) end addEvent( "onClick", true ) addEventHandler("onClick", root , drug) function destroyMarker( ) if isElement( marker) then destroyElement(marker) end end addEvent( "onClick2", true ) addEventHandler("onClick2", root , destroyMarker) function asignarValoresCripa(source, valorCripa) setAccountData( source,"valorCripa", valorCripa) end addEvent( "addCripaCost", true ) addEventHandler("addCripaCost", root , asignarValoresCripa) function darValoresCripa (p) getAccountData(p,"valorCripa") end addEvent( "valorCripa", true ) addEventHandler("valorCripa", root , darValoresCripa) Muchas gracias!
  13. A lot of thanks bro!, it works! And thanks for solve my question!
  14. A lots of thanks @Mrtasty Its works! but... im trying to add more distances, but it doesnt work see men if tonumber(distance) >= 100 then string = type .. " BONUS 70$! Distance: " .. distance .. " Time: " .. time givePlayerMoney (source, 70) elseif tonumber(distance) >= 150 then string = type .. " BONUS 1000$! Distance: " .. distance .. " Time: " .. time givePlayerMoney (source, 1000) end
  15. @MrTasty ERRO: stunt\main_server.lua atempt to compare a number whit string And thanks for the help bro!
  16. Ohh made, Sorry. Here is the problem Line 62 to 64, im tring to do this: if the distance is the same or more to 100 on a wheelie it gives to you 70 bucks! local root = getRootElement() local resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local textTable = {} addEvent("onPlayerStuntComplete", true) function onStuntStart_server(resource) local players = getElementsByType("player") for i,v in ipairs(players) do createPlayerDisplay(v) end end function createPlayerDisplay(player) textTable[player] = {} textTable[player].display = textCreateDisplay() textTable[player].textitem = textCreateTextItem ("", .5, .85, "low", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.5, "center") textDisplayAddText(textTable[player].display, textTable[player].textitem) setElementData(player, "stuntTextTimer", false) end function onPlayerJoin_server() createPlayerDisplay(source) end function onPlayerQuit_server(reason) -- kill the timer of the current display if it exists local oldTimer = getElementData(source, "stuntTextTimer") if (oldTimer) then killTimer(oldTimer) end -- destroy text objects and clear the player's table textDestroyTextItem(textTable[source].textitem) textDestroyDisplay(textTable[source].display) textTable[source] = nil end function onStunt(type, vehicle, time, distance, height, rotation, greatLanding) assert(vehicle and isElement(vehicle), "omgz i cant see the vehicle") assert(source and isElement(source), "omgz i cant see the player") -- get rid of the current display if it exists local oldTimer = getElementData(source, "stuntTextTimer") if (oldTimer) then killTimer(oldTimer) hidePlayerDisplay(source) end -- create the new display local string if (type == "Jump") then string = "JUMP BONUS $50! Distance: " .. distance .. " Height: " .. height .. " Rotation: " .. rotation .. "º Time: " .. time .. "s" givePlayerMoney (source, 50) if (greatLanding) then string = string .. "\nLANDING BONUS 20$! What a great landing!" givePlayerMoney (source, 20) end else if (type == "Two-Wheeler") then type = "TWO-WHEELER" elseif (type == "Wheelie") then type = "WHEELIE" elseif (type == "Stoppie") then type = "STOPPIE" else error("unexpected stunt type recieved") end string = type .. " BONUS 70$! Distance: " .. distance .. " Time: " .. time if " .. distance .. " >= 100 then givePlayerMoney (source, 70) end end textItemSetText(textTable[source].textitem, string) textDisplayAddObserver(textTable[source].display, source) local timer = setTimer(hidePlayerDisplay, 5000, 1, source) setElementData(source, "stuntTextTimer", timer) end function hidePlayerDisplay(player) textDisplayRemoveObserver(textTable[player].display, player) setElementData(player, "stuntTextTimer", false) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onStuntStart_server) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, onPlayerJoin_server) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, onPlayerQuit_server) addEventHandler("onPlayerStuntComplete", root, onStunt)
  17. Hello, i have a problem, i need help with this code, im trying to make a resource, wich when you do "stunt", it gives x money to you acording to the distance, here the code: local root = getRootElement() local resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local textTable = {} addEvent("onPlayerStuntComplete", true) function onStuntStart_server(resource) local players = getElementsByType("player") for i,v in ipairs(players) do createPlayerDisplay(v) end end function createPlayerDisplay(player) textTable[player] = {} textTable[player].display = textCreateDisplay() textTable[player].textitem = textCreateTextItem ("", .5, .85, "low", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.5, "center") textDisplayAddText(textTable[player].display, textTable[player].textitem) setElementData(player, "stuntTextTimer", false) end function onPlayerJoin_server() createPlayerDisplay(source) end function onPlayerQuit_server(reason) -- kill the timer of the current display if it exists local oldTimer = getElementData(source, "stuntTextTimer") if (oldTimer) then killTimer(oldTimer) end -- destroy text objects and clear the player's table textDestroyTextItem(textTable[source].textitem) textDestroyDisplay(textTable[source].display) textTable[source] = nil end function onStunt(type, vehicle, time, distance, height, rotation, greatLanding) assert(vehicle and isElement(vehicle), "omgz i cant see the vehicle") assert(source and isElement(source), "omgz i cant see the player") -- get rid of the current display if it exists local oldTimer = getElementData(source, "stuntTextTimer") if (oldTimer) then killTimer(oldTimer) hidePlayerDisplay(source) end -- create the new display local string if (type == "Jump") then string = "JUMP BONUS $50! Distance: " .. distance .. " Height: " .. height .. " Rotation: " .. rotation .. "º Time: " .. time .. "s" givePlayerMoney (source, 50) if (greatLanding) then string = string .. "\nLANDING BONUS 20$! What a great landing!" givePlayerMoney (source, 20) end else if (type == "Two-Wheeler") then type = "TWO-WHEELER" elseif (type == "Wheelie") then type = "WHEELIE" elseif (type == "Stoppie") then type = "STOPPIE" else error("unexpected stunt type recieved") end string = type .. " BONUS 70$! Distance: " .. distance .. " Time: " .. time if " .. distance .. " >= 100 then givePlayerMoney (source, 70) end end textItemSetText(textTable[source].textitem, string) textDisplayAddObserver(textTable[source].display, source) local timer = setTimer(hidePlayerDisplay, 5000, 1, source) setElementData(source, "stuntTextTimer", timer) end function hidePlayerDisplay(player) textDisplayRemoveObserver(textTable[player].display, player) setElementData(player, "stuntTextTimer", false) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onStuntStart_server) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, onPlayerJoin_server) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, onPlayerQuit_server) addEventHandler("onPlayerStuntComplete", root, onStunt) Lot of thanks!.
  18. Hello, Im trying to mading a script who creates bots whit the weapon who copies you in the comand this is the script function SpawnHunter ( player, wep ) wep = tonumber(wep) if wep then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( player ) local accountname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accountname, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then exports [ "slothbot" ]:spawnBot ( x, y, z, 90, 288, 0, 0, locos, wep, "guarding", true ) end end end addCommandHandler("spawnbot", SpawnHunter) But doesnt work. Thanks a lot.
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