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Everything posted by Maj2235

  1. Hello. Due to that problem: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=48472 I decided to check out older versions of MTA DM, so downloaded 1.0, installed it, and pasted maps in resources folder. But, when I try to load them, there starts download, but when it ends, nothing happens. Load window does not disappear, and when I click "cancel" option, there aren't any objects. I tried converting map to MTA Race object, and then back to MTA DM using official converter, but that doesn't help. Have you any ideas how I can make my maps work in MTA 1.0?
  2. I am not that far. Here you have last two objects: <object id="object (roadsSFSE79) (1)" doublesided="false" model="11132" interior="0" dimension="0" alpha="255" posX="-3783.599609375" posY="7275.099609375" posZ="1.7999999523163" rotX="0" rotY="10.244750976563" rotZ="83.485107421875"></object> <object id="object (roadsSFSE79) (2)" doublesided="false" model="11132" interior="0" dimension="0" alpha="255" posX="-3582.5" posY="6827.5" posZ="-1.6000000238419" rotX="0" rotY="3.240966796875" rotZ="215.49133300781"></object>
  3. Hello. I am building motorway outside of San Andreas on the sea. For now everything looks fine, but after some time this happens: http://i48.tinypic.com/2iq881.png It looks like there's limiter or something like this. I need more space, and this is not far from mainland. On servers I saw islands build farther than I am already. It happens on every version of MTA 1.x, tried reinstalling, updating to 1.3.1 etc. and nothing happens. Everything works fine only on MTA Race, but I prefer MTA 1.3.x for Map Editor.
  4. Hello. I am receiving this problem: I tried to delete every _editor_backup and reinstall MTA, but it doesn't help. Problem is still appearing.
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