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Everything posted by Techial

  1. Techial


    You will need to create your own race resource, which loads every map client-side in it's own dimension.
  2. Instead of using math.random put in the actual position read from XML
  3. Techial


    Instead of using guiSetPosition, you just draw it another place. i = 0 for i < 874 do i = i + 1 dxDrawRectangle(0, i, 1599, 26, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 160), true) end
  4. Oh.. I didn't quite get him, but no you can't. Because the value the getPlayerAccount returns depends on all the variables and objects. Sometimes you get F0003000 and sometimes you get F0003001, so I wouldn't really rely on that though you may use client serial.
  5. You could make a timer finding every minute of the player theCount = setTimer(function() --Your stuff here end, 60000, 0) For example, setAccountData
  6. You may pay a scripter for this, I don't know how much they want, but obviously it isn't hard.
  7. Is it this then? getAccountName
  8. getAccountData setAccountData
  9. The point is that TG and FFS made their own download function.
  10. It's like buying 50 grams of certified crack for 3 dollars. I really doubt you would get a full copy of FFS for 60 bucks..
  11. local an_end = 0 local an_start = 1080/2 -- Depending on screen size local an_val = an_start local posy = 1920/2 local width = 400 local height = 400 function openFunc() if(an_val > an_end) then an_val = an_val - 20 theAnim = dxDrawRectangle(an_val, posy, width, height, tocolor(45,45,45,135), false) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, openFunc)
  12. function achLog( ) local logged1 = getPlayerAccount(source) if (logged1) then setAccountData(logged1, 'achDamage', 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerLogout', getRootElement(), achLog)
  13. You should do a for loop of the ""
  14. Techial


    Well, I also had to fix it, so I fixed the script so it atleast works; and doesn't spit all those errors The only downside with it is that you can't set the starting color, so it will automatically start as black. Usage: colorPicker.openSelect({255,255,255,255}) -- Just to stop it from bugging Code: http://pastebin.com/TFArmjCe
  15. Techial


    BTW, Castillo. You forgot colorPicker.constructor() It should be put before any of the initializations.
  16. Techial


    Thank you Castillo. It works perfect.
  17. EDIT: The problem here is the getAccountData. It saves strings not numbers. So it would basically be: if(logged == "0") then or if(tonumber(logged) == 0) then
  18. Techial


    The one you can find in the scoreboard resource.
  19. EDIT: Sorry, the problem is in your eventHandler. Because, I guess this one checks when a player is wasted. if(position == 2) then for i,v in ipairs(pAlive) do --Code here (Give the money to player v) end end
  20. Techial


    Hi, I've been searching for a tutorial on how to use the colorpicker. Doing some search on Google, Yahoo and well all other search engines; just not found it yet. So I've got the files, and added them to meta.xml. But I just can't seem to find the event to launch the colorpicker (And where it will return stuff) All help is appreciated!
  21. It should also work going on http://game-state.eu/ adding you server there. (Should popup instantly after that)
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