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Everything posted by BrooklyN#

  1. Help me ! I want to put a little sound effect when I open and close my GUI Thanks
  2. Error: Attemp to perform arithmetic on local 'x' (a boolean value) Warning: Bad argument @ 'getElementPosition' And I don't want command, I want the map to start with the truck and trailer attached, like a spawnpoint
  3. I try this: for i, vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do if vehicle then if(getVehicleName(vehicle) == "Roadtrain")then local trailer = createVehicle(435, 3469.1201171875, -1544.19921875, 4.9000000953674) if trailer then attachTrailerToVehicle(vehicle, trailer) end end end end but, I spawn just with the Trailer ._. and I want spawn with the Truck attached with the Trailer Help me
  4. The truck with the trailer is attached successfully, but not spawnpoint as I wanted.. How i do the player spawn in this vehicle?
  5. Hi , I'm making one map and the spawn is a truck, and I want this truck spawn with a Trailer (Petrotr) linked It's possible? If yes, how?
  6. Buymap function of a race userpanel dont work I buy one map normally, but is not set to the next map Some help? function buyMap(thePlayer,mapName) if mapIsAlreadySet == false then if not (mapName == "") then local playerCash = tonumber(loadPlayerData(thePlayer,"cash")) if playerCash >= mapCost then executeCommandHandler("pnfnsdhasd3w7432jhdsbw3ersdncsdir",thePlayer,mapName) savePlayerData(thePlayer,"cash",playerCash-mapCost) outputChatBox("#FFFFFFNextmap: "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#FFFFFF has bought a next map!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) outputChatBox("#FFFFFFNextmap: #00BFFF"..mapName,getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) mapIsAlreadySet = thePlayer local oldmapbuys = loadPlayerData(thePlayer,"mapBuys") savePlayerData(thePlayer,"mapBuys", oldmapbuys + 1) CheckAchievement(thePlayer,13) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYou don't have enough money to set a map!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFPlease select a map from the list first!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFA map is already set at the moment! Please try again later.",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end function unbuyMap(thePlayer) if mapIsAlreadySet ~= false then if mapIsAlreadySet == thePlayer then executeCommandHandler("pnfnsdhasd3w7432jhdsbw3ersdncsdir",thePlayer,nil) local playerCash = tonumber(loadPlayerData(thePlayer,"cash")) savePlayerData(thePlayer,"cash",playerCash+(mapCost/4)*3) outputChatBox("#FFFFFFNextmap: "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#FFFFFF has unbought a next map!",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true) mapIsAlreadySet = false local oldmapbuys = loadPlayerData(thePlayer,"mapBuys") savePlayerData(thePlayer,"mapBuys", oldmapbuys - 1) CheckAchievement(thePlayer,13) scoreboardRefresh(thePlayer) else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYou didn't buy that map!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("#FFFFFFNo map has been bought!",thePlayer,255,255,255,true) end end function resetMapSetStatus() mapIsAlreadySet = false end addEventHandler("onMapStarting",getRootElement(),resetMapSetStatus) function getServerMaps (loadList,s) local tableOut if loadList then tableOut = {} -- local deletedMaps = {} local gamemodes = {} gamemodes = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getGamemodes") for id,gamemode in ipairs (gamemodes) do tableOut[id] = {} tableOut[id].name = getResourceInfo(gamemode, "name") or getResourceName(gamemode) tableOut[id].resname = getResourceName(gamemode) tableOut[id].maps = {} local maps = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode" , gamemode) for _,map in ipairs (maps) do table.insert(tableOut[id]["maps"] ,{name = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map), resname = getResourceName(map)}) end table.sort(tableOut[id]["maps"], sortCompareFunction) end table.sort((tableOut), sortCompareFunction) table.insert(tableOut, {name = "no gamemode", resname = "no gamemode", maps = {}}) local countGmodes = #tableOut local maps = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode") for id,map in ipairs (maps) do -- if fileOpen(":"..getResourceName(map).."/deleted") then -- table.insert(deletedMaps ,{name = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map), resname = getResourceName(map)}) -- else table.insert(tableOut[countGmodes]["maps"] ,{name = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map), resname = getResourceName(map)}) -- end end -- table.sort(deletedMaps, sortCompareFunction) table.sort(tableOut[countGmodes]["maps"], sortCompareFunction) -- table.insert(tableOut, {name = "deleted maps", resname = "deleted maps", maps = {}}) -- local countGmodes = countGmodes + 1 -- tableOut[countGmodes]["maps"] = deletedMaps end local map = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getRunningGamemodeMap") local gamemode = call(getResourceFromName("mapmanager"), "getRunningGamemode") gamemode = gamemode and getResourceName(gamemode) or "N/A" map = map and getResourceName(map) or "N/A" callClientFunction(loadList,"loadMaps", tableOut, gamemode, map, s) end function sortCompareFunction(s1, s2) if type(s1) == "table" and type(s2) == "table" then s1, s2 = s1.name, s2.name end s1, s2 = s1:lower(), s2:lower() if s1 == s2 then return false end local byte1, byte2 = string.byte(s1:sub(1,1)), string.byte(s2:sub(1,1)) if not byte1 then return true elseif not byte2 then return false elseif byte1 < byte2 then return true elseif byte1 == byte2 then return sortCompareFunction(s1:sub(2), s2:sub(2)) else return false end end
  7. I'm beginner, help me make this function?
  8. showMessage(getPlayerName(activePlayers[1]) .. ' Won this map!', 255, 255, 255) getPlayerName <-- How to make this returns with the colors of the player's nickname? Thanks
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