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Everything posted by WASSIm.

  1. ? Welcome to Elite Roleplay ? Hi everyone Kima ta3rfou amalna vote bech nbadlou concept w majorité mt3kom 7abou nbadlouh donc sakarna season alpha w bdina bil beta S1 w amlna marge m3a The Divison. Concept kima tounes 3asarna tawa w 3ich 7iyatek ki tounsi 3aych fi tounes ta5dem 5admtek ki nes kol wala tot5el fi faction w tlem flous w tkawen ro7ek w t3ich RP with strict rules w professional staff team. Good luck ? Perfect Mapping ? Perfect Models ? 3D Voice ? Radio item with voice ? iPhone item with voice ( facebook, darkweb, tayara, youtube, google chrome, la presse) ? Wallet Ticket FACTIONS ? EMS ? National police ? National Gard ? Mecano ? Civil Protection ? Muncipapily PRIVATE FACTIONS ? AM Tunning ? Mecano (+chopshop) ? Chili's Restaurant ? Billionaire ? jetmoto ? Platinum Auto ? Gang app is on ( max 10 players) ? Economy tunisian system ILLEGAL SIDE ? Bank Robbery ? Jewelry ? Fleeca ? Shop Robbery NEW ARRIVALS ? As you join you will get 5000 dt and you can rent a moto for 50 dt ? you can also get a job either from the job center or you can wait for a recrutement. ? Discord: https://discord.gg/mpJg3zVNw8 ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiBQ1IwAk5k ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjjycNvW1GY ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IILoNIRYBGQ ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipb7O9S_IpY
  2. OMERTA RP houwa concept mte3 Roleplay Tounsi a7deth mte3ou tdour fil 1970’s, bech n7awlou nkounou le maximum 9rab lel wa9e3 bel les scripts jobs wel items mapping... Enti ka player bech t3ich éxpérience RP EXCLUSIVE t7awel ettawer el Personnage mte3k 3la dwém. -l’accés à OMERTA RP est avec WHITELIST - OMERTA RP est un serveur pour 16+ only (Men Soutk naa3rfouk !!) - Maandkch micro yekhdm bel wadha7 maghir la taadi whitelist -A9raw el rules lkol rahou fama hajet jdod mouch mawjoudin fi serveuret okhrin => STAFF TEAM mawjouda w bech taaml el maximum bech t9admelkom ahsen éxpérience RP momkna< https://discord.gg/ZtWJMqFxqz
  3. Hi when i update my resource to 1.5.8-9.20788 by <min_mta_version> for using onClientTransferBoxProgressChange so thats what i got when joined in server after update my MTA app
  4. addEventHandler("onElementModelChange", root, function (oldSkin, skin) if not (getElementType(source) == "player") then return end local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (account) and not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if (oldSkin == 0) then local clothes = getAllPedClothes(source) setAccountData(account, "clothes", toJSON(clothes)) end setAccountData(account, "skin", skin) end end) Add this and try
  5. if (clothes) then for _, cloth in pairs(fromJSON(clothes)) do local texture, model, type = unpack(cloth) addPedClothes(source, texture, model, type) end end function getAllPedClothes(thePed) local clothes = { } for type=0, 17 do local texture, model = getPedClothes(thePed, type) if (texture) and (model) then table.insert(clothes, {texture, model, type}) end end return clothes end Try this
  6. function save (account) setAccountData (account, "money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source))) setAccountData (account, "health", tostring (getElementHealth (source))) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), save) Parameters account thePreviousAccount, account theCurrentAccount thePreviousAccount: the account the client was logged in as. theCurrentAccount: the account the client is a part of now (usually a guest account).
  7. Is better if you make this bot public
  8. Thank you for this TUT but you forget to show how to setup npm. Please anyone where i can get (packet) and (payload) TUT and how to use it Or something like https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Irc
  9. WASSIm.

    Change anim

    Hi guys, How to change colt45 anim like deagle ? I make this code but nothing work local animations = { ["colt45_crouchfire"] = "python_crouchfire", ["colt45_fire"] = "python_fire", ["colt45_reload"] = "python_reload" } function loadMod(path, model) local ifp = engineLoadIFP(path, model) if (ifp) then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do for animOld, anim in ipairs(animations) do engineReplaceAnimation(player, model, animOld, model, anim) end end for _, ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do for animOld, anim in ipairs(animations) do engineReplaceAnimation(ped, model, animOld, model, anim) end end end end loadMod("file/colt45.ifp", "colt45")
  10. Hi guys i want show how to cover map (file with .map) to Lua script, but not finished yet, Its cover this elements: Object Vehicle Ped Marker Pickup Blip RemoveWorldObject 1) Use this code: addCommandHandler("covermap", function (thePlayer, _, map) if not (map) then return end local file = xmlLoadFile(map..".map") if (file) then local newMapFile = fileCreate(map..".Lua") if (newMapFile) then local mapTable = {} local mapText = "" local functionName = false for i,element in ipairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(file)) do local elementType = xmlNodeGetName(element) if not (mapTable[elementType]) then mapTable[elementType] = {} end table.insert(mapTable[elementType], xmlNodeGetAttributes(element)) end for type, dataList in pairs(mapTable) do mapText = mapText.."----- "..type..": # "..(#dataList).."\r\n" if (type == "object") then for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."createObject".."("..(data.model or "nil")..", "..(data.posX or "nil")..", "..(data.posY or "nil")..", "..(data.posZ or "nil")..", "..(data.rotX or 0)..", "..(data.rotY or 0)..", "..(data.rotZ or 0)..")\r\n" end elseif (type == "vehicle") then for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."createVehicle".."("..(data.model or "nil")..", "..(data.posX or "nil")..", "..(data.posY or "nil")..", "..(data.posZ or "nil")..", "..(data.rotX or 0)..", "..(data.rotY or 0)..", "..(data.rotZ or 0)..")\r\n" end elseif (type == "ped") then for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."createPed".."("..(data.model or "nil")..", "..(data.posX or "nil")..", "..(data.posY or "nil")..", "..(data.posZ or "nil")..", "..(data.rotZ or 0)..")\r\n" end elseif (type == "marker") then local data.color = table.concat({getColorFromString(data.color or "#ff0000")}, ", ") for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."createMarker".."("..(data.posX or "nil")..", "..(data.posY or "nil")..", "..(data.posZ or "nil")..", "..(data.type or "checkpoint")..", "..(data.size or "4")..", "..(data.color or "nil")..")\r\n" end elseif (type == "pickup") then for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."createPickup".."("..(data.posX or "nil")..", "..(data.posY or "nil")..", "..(data.posZ or "nil")..", "..(data.type or "nil")..", "..(data.amount or "nil")..", "..(data.respawn or "30000")..")\r\n" end elseif (type == "blip") then local r, g, b, a = table.concat({getColorFromString(data.color or "#ff0000")}, ", ") for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."createBlip".."("..(data.posX or "nil")..", "..(data.posY or "nil")..", "..(data.posZ or "nil")..", "..(data.icon or "0")..", 2, "..(r or "255")..", "..(g or "255")..", "..(b or "255")..", "..(a or "255")..", "..(data.ordering or "0")..")\r\n" end elseif (type == "removeWorldObject") then for _, data in ipairs(dataList) do mapText = mapText.."removeWorldObject".."("..(data.radius or "nil")..", "..(data.interior or "nil")..", "..(data.model or "nil")..", "..(data.lodModel or "nil")..", "..(data.posX or 0)..", "..(data.posY or 0)..", "..(data.posZ or 0)..")\r\n" end end end fileWrite(newMapFile, tostring(mapText)) fileFlush(newMapFile) fileClose(newMapFile) outputDebugString("Successfully "..map..".map covered to "..map..".Lua") else outputDebugString("Fail to create new map file") end xmlUnloadFile(file) else outputDebugString("Fail to load map file") end end) 2) For use removeWorldObject add this function function removeWorldObject(radius, interior, model, lodModel, posX, posY, posZ) table.insert(objectsRemoved, {radius, interior, model, lodModel, posX, posY, posZ}) removeWorldModel(model, radius, posX, posY, posZ, interior) removeWorldModel(lodModel, radius, posX, posY, posZ, interior) end 3) For restore all objects was removed when stop resource add this code: addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function( ) for _, data in ipairs(objectsRemoved) do local radius, interior, model, lodModel, posX, posY, posZ = unpack(data) restoreWorldModel(model, radius, posX, posY, posZ, interior) restoreWorldModel(lodModel, radius, posX, posY, posZ, interior) end end) 4) Remember add this table: local objectsRemoved = {} 5) Use command 'covermap filename' example: /covermap base51 I have hope this TUT helpful and sorry for bad english
  11. Hi guys i have question, Why some resource show me on debug without resource name
  12. I Updated server and works thanks guys
  13. Hi Guys, I have problem with starting resources, Its keep show me this message Not starting resource ZA-system as this server version is too low (1.5.7 required)
  14. WASSIm.

    Json Script

    use callRemote & fromJSON
  15. Hi, Can any admin change board name of Algerian & Tunisian to Maghrebi Arabic or Darija / الدارجة for information what i mean please read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maghrebi_Arabic
  16. wrong board you need to post here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/83-client/
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