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Everything posted by Atton

  1. I am not sure if I am blind dumb or just an idiot. However I have taken the time to reference other code. The system uses a table to create markers then it will create a car where the play is located once that player walks into the marker. Pretty much in a nutshell I went over this code however it is still fucked and I have looked at system similar to this. No luck so far. Any help would be appreciated. local CarTable ={ {x=1543.765625, y=-1644.3771972656, z=4.890625, rx=1543.765625, ry=-1644.3771972656, rz=5.890625, dim=0}, {x=1564.3247070313, y=-1694.3146972656, z=4.890625, rx=1564.3247070313, ry=-1694.3146972656, rz=5.890625, dim=0}, {x=1600.1920166016, y=-1711.2330322266, z=4.890625, rx=1600.1920166016, ry=-1711.2330322266, rz=5.890625, dim=0}, {x=1544.1652832031, y=-1607.7492675781, z=12.3828125, rx=1544.1652832031, ry=-1607.7492675781, rz=13.3828125, dim=0}, } function CARf (hitElement) local elementType = getElementType(hitElement) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(hitElement) if (exports.GroupSystem:checkCop(hitElement)) then if (elementType == "player") then COPC = createVehicle(603,x,y,z + 6) end end for a,b in pairs(CarTable) do local CarM = createMarker(b["x"], b["y"], b["z"],"cylinder", 2.5, 0, 20, 0, 255) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", CarM, CARf) end Error Messages: WARNING: Loading script failed: [Atton]/BasesCode/CopBase.lua:24: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 10) near ''
  2. You can do loads of stuff on your own but I do not have the freedom to help you.
  3. Atton

    Group Check

    So how should I go about fixing this.
  4. Atton

    Group Check

    I have been trying to make this system work for opening gates and settings groups. I have had some success however I have hit sort of a brick in an attempt to export a check function for gates and so on. The idea of this script is pretty much to allow a player to join the cop or criminal group then have access to the tools of that group. Gates,car spawns,warp makers ect. Below is the code any help will be much appreciated. function CAP () COP = createTeam ("COPS",0,0,255) CR = createTeam("CRIMINALS",255,0,0) end CAP() function JC (thePlayer) setPlayerTeam(thePlayer,CR) outputChatBox("Welcome to the criminals team",thePlayer) end addCommandHandler("Criminal",JC) function JP (thePlayer) setPlayerTeam(thePlayer,COP) outputChatBox("Welcome to the cops team",thePlayer) end addCommandHandler("Cop",JP) function checkCriminal (thePlayer) if (getTeamFromName(thePlayer) == "CRIMINALS") then return true else return false end end
  5. Atton

    Server Setup

    A quick video about it.
  6. Seems to work thank you very much.
  7. I am some what new to lua and work off examples quite a lot. I ran into an issue with making my restart script. I can keep writing for hours about what I have been doing and why but I really don't know how to fix this. function Resetd (thePlayer) restartResource("Escape_Area51") restartResource("zombies") outputChatBox("reset") end addCommandHandler ( "resetdev" , Resetd ) function Startf (thePlayer) startResource("Escape_Area51") startResource("zombies") outputChatBox("Started") end addCommandHandler ( "startdev" , Startf ) Pretty much what this is meant to do is to start 2 scripts and to restart them with a single command.
  8. Atton


    A good friend of mine made a request for this so I made it for him and he also wanted me to share it. I am not a fan of the show however I do understand and see that there are a lot of fans. Well here it is. http://www.mediafire.com/download/cp36p ... PSKINS.zip
  9. Atton


    I have had that bug a few times when I was on dkr.
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