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Posts posted by Atton

  1. I would suggest using the newest version if you have not already. If that does not help than contact the programer or try fixing the code yourself. You can find errors with /debugscript 3

  2. Instead of wasting time on learning "How to decompile?", you should rather look for "How to code?" because decompilers for luac files are usually written in c++ and there's usually nothing special in compiled lua code. You will be disappointed after decompiling because soon you will realise that it was never difficult to write something exactly samw. Even if you get the source code, can you make it to work without programming knowledge? :P

    That is certainly true however an example if often useful not to mention decompilng is good for finding exploits.

  3. Decompiling Lua 5.1 bytecode comes with a trivial degree of complexity. This is because of the availability of effective decompilers, I have even made a video on this subject. To anyone who thinks compiling is a security measure I will refer you to this by the oxford dictionaries.

    "convert (a program) into a machine-code or lower-level form in which the program can be executed."

    As for the extra layers of protection the MTA compiler provides, figure that out yourself.

    It is studying or paying.

    Don't be greedy, full support is not for free.

    Faaf, I did it for free.

  4. Using such systems in MTA would not improve the performance significantly as GTA:SA is the main bottleneck here and since GTA:SA is single-threaded by design, it's a very difficult task to change that at assembly level.

    Also, another question is if it's really worth the effort. Systems that have powerful GPUs (or vector processors) are able to run MTA/GTA at the FPS maximum anyway and I guess the overhead on older systems (that probably use onboard graphics as well) is much higher than the actual theoretical performance improvement so that it may even run worse on these systems.

    In many cases with older systems it would not run at all.

  5. Accelerated Massive Parallelism or AMP is a tool that allows you to use the GPU to perform mathematical operations on the GPU. From what I know the GPU is simply much better at doing this. Its standard in VS2012 and may even work with linux OpenGL, below is an example of simple addition. I would suggest consideration of this technology as it might be helpful with certain operations.


    void CppAmpMethod()  
        const int size = 5; 
        int aCPP[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; 
        int bCPP[] = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; 
        int sumCPP[size]; 
        // Create C++ AMP objects. 
        array_view<const int, 1> a(size, aCPP); 
        array_view<const int, 1> b(size, bCPP); 
        array_view<int, 1> sum(size, sumCPP); 
            parallel_for_each( sum.extent,[=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp) 
                sum[idx] = a[idx] + b[idx];  
        // Print the results. The expected output is "7, 9, 11, 13, 15". 
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { 
            std::cout << sum[i] << "\n"; 

    Also this video might be interesting.

  6. Why should he learn C++ or Python just to learn Lua?! Why would he need to learn anything at all before learning Lua?

    Both C++ and Python are better documented, they are also offered as classes in schools more often than Lua. If you kinda understand the basics of C++ or Python, Lua becomes pretty easy.

  7. [quote name=..:D&G:..][quote name=..:D&G:..] using it's destroy function, I keep getting "Bad 'custom blip' argument".

    Well, I said that I am using the script's destroy function, but I get that Bad custom blip argument, error..

    In which case find the exported function and values it takes, then write your call in accordance with it.

  8. I tried many times but I gave up...my scripts never work properly

    In which case post your best effort in terms of you want. Also take the time to clearly explain what you want said code to do.

  9. If you use sandboxie correctly, it can work to run multiple clients on the same os. However you would need quite a lot in the way of system resources to support things like this.

  10. The resources are leaked because I am the Owner of the resources, I never gave you the permission to post the scripts and the resources are not public domain, requesting a moderator to remove the link and to close this topic. Seems this Guy like to abuse.

    Funny since you gladly made NBG's script public domain, well they will remain on github & torrent.

    It does not matter, you can't just waltz around and assume you're free to release other people's work without their consent. Who are you to deem whether they're not used anymore or not? Even if such were the case, that doesn't automatically give you the rights to release them.

    The author make the rules, not you. If the author wants it to be private, then so be it. They made it - their rules. You're not doing anyone a good deed by releasing their work publicly without permission.

    You're just making yourself look like a disrespectful knobhead.

    Whatever you say

  11. The resources are leaked because I am the Owner of the resources, I never gave you the permission to post the scripts and the resources are not public domain, requesting a moderator to remove the link and to close this topic. Seems this Guy like to abuse.

    Funny since you gladly made NBG's script public domain, well they will remain on github & torrent.

  12. Do you have a consent from the resource owners to share these resources? Do you have something that proves this? .. No, so re-leaking them would be unacceptable.


    I have unlocked your topic as you requested on a PM. But don't post the link of these resources until we make sure you own the rights to share them.

    Its legal up the 9000th trimester, so think about it.

    http://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/ ... procedures

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