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  1. addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports [ "scoreboard" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( "level" ) end ) is to add +1 ?
  2. LeeR

    Help does not open server

    Yes the ip ta right and I already rebooted the router many times and I can not open with the same wi-fi on my desktop computer (personal) the difference is that my personal computer is windows 7 and the laptop is windows vista
  3. I do not know and this is the right aerea am new here at last Well I am having trouble opening my server on a notebook I've opened up the doors of the modem and the firewall but OpenPorts I type in the console and says that the doors are closed someone tell me why? OBS computed in my personal it is windows 7 and I can not open normally
  4. LeeR

    Help turf system

    {} RoG xXMADEXx not appeared the name of team @edit got it, thank you
  5. I downloaded a turf system of community and I think it has some editing errors in this part of the script, only 1 territory is being dominated and outputChatBox ("# F08080 [TERRITORIES] # F8F8FFA gang" .. getTeamName .. "dominated territory Leer Home! "player, 0, 255, 0, true); should have some error local pArea = createRadarArea( 2130, 630, 200, 100, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pArea2 = createRadarArea( 2488.8793945313, 680.78289794922, 250, 130, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid = createColCuboid( 2133.1950683594, 633.66455078125, 10, 197.5, 92, 30 ) local pCuboid2 = createColCuboid( 2486.5935058594, 678.20172119141, 9.5689830780029, 245, 133, 30 ) local pArea3 = createRadarArea( 1858, 623, 140, 165, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid3 = createColCuboid( 1856.2864990234, 627.07629394531, 9, 138.25, 152.75, 30 ) local pArea4 = createRadarArea( 1577, 663, 180, 130, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid4 = createColCuboid( 1576.8956298828, 662.84362792969, 9.671875, 181, 120.5, 30 ) local pArea5 = createRadarArea( 2778, 834, 110, 190, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid5 = createColCuboid( 2777.4248046875, 833.88018798828, 9.6484375, 113.5, 188, 30 ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() outputDebugString("|~| Turf system by manve1 |~| Has been turned on! |~| This system was downloaded from MTA Community. |~|", 3, 0, 255, 0) end ) --[[addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() outputDebugString("|~| Turf system by manve1 |~| Has been turned off! |~| This system was downloaded from MTA Community. |~|", 3, 0, 255, 0) saveS = xmlLoadFile( 'file_saves.xml' ) local save_info = xmlFindChild(saveS, 'turf', 0) xmlNodeSetAttribute( save_info, 'saved', 'nothing new' ) end )]] addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', pCuboid, function( player ) if (getPlayerTeam( player )) then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( player ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea ) if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly', player) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, true ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'countdown', player) pArea1Timer = setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea, iR, iG, iB, 100); givePlayerMoney( player, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "#F08080[TERRITÓRIOS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName .." Dominou o território LeeR Home!", player, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, false ) end, 6000, 1 ) end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'group', player) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( player ) if( source == pCuboid ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, false ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time2', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly2', player) if isTimer( pArea1Timer ) then killTimer( pArea1Timer ) end end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid2 ) then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( player ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea2 ) if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly', player) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, true ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time', player) pArea2Timer = setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea2, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "#F08080[TERRITÓRIOS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName .." Dominou o território TERRITORIO2!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'group', player) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( p ) if( source == pCuboid2 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, false ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time2', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly2', player) if isTimer( pArea2Timer ) then killTimer( pArea2Timer ) end end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid3 ) then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( player ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea3 ) if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly', player) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, true ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time', player) pArea3Timer = setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea3, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "#F08080[TERRITÓRIOS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName .." Dominou o território TERRITORIO3!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'group', player) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( p ) if( source == pCuboid3 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, false ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time2', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly2', player) if isTimer( pArea3Timer ) then killTimer( pArea3Timer ) end end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid4 ) then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( player ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea4 ) if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly', player) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, true ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time', player) pArea4Timer = setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea4, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "#F08080[TERRITÓRIOS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName .." Dominou o território TERRITORIO4!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'group', player) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( p ) if( source == pCuboid4 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, false ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time2', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly2', player) if isTimer( pArea3Timer ) then killTimer( pArea3Timer ) end end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid5 ) then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( player ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea5 ) if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) then triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly', player) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea5, true ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time', player) pArea5Timer = setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea5, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "#F08080[TERRITÓRIOS] #F8F8FFA gang ".. getTeamName .." Dominou o território TERRITORIO6",getRootElement(),255,255,255,true); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea5, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end end else triggerClientEvent(player, 'group', player) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( p ) if( source == pCuboid5 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea5, false ) triggerClientEvent(player, 'time2', player) triggerClientEvent(player, 'friendly2', player) if isTimer( pArea5Timer ) then killTimer( pArea5Timer ) end end end )
  6. LeeR

    Problem Ports

    Good will host my server on one host, the more that there is a host server that has the port "22003", which ports I can put in connections; default value: 22003. It is a required parameter. -> 22003 serverport>
  7. He did not get I have to put the IP x.x.x.x serverip>?
  8. Well, I was trying to open a multi theft auto server, I opened the door all right goes to print: MTA Server Setup if something wrong or something I have done wrong to open doors .. -- This parameter specifies the name the server will be visible as in the ingame server browser and on Game-Monitor. It is a required parameter. --> [Games] MTA SA 1.3 - Freeplay [BRASIL] -- ONLY USE THIS PARAMETER IF YOU ARE SURE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING - it is generally only needed for professional servers and should be left blank otherwise. This parameter specifies the IP to use for servers that have multiple IP addresses. If left blank, it will default to server's standard local IP address. --> 22003 70 1 22005 1 5 20 [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide[/url] e.g. To disable anti-cheat #2 and #3, use: 2,3 --> [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide[/url] e.g. To enable special detection #12 use: 12 --> 1 [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerVersion]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerVersion[/url] and look like this: 1.1.0-9.03100.0 Note that this setting only determines if the client should be prompted to update. The actual build number they receive will be the highest available. See: [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver[/url] --> [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ver[/url] --> 1 1 885 -- This parameter reduces the server's bandwidth usage by using various optimizations. Values: none, medium or maximum ; default value: medium --> medium -- The following ???_sync_interval parameters determine the time in milliseconds between certain network packets being sent. More information on how each settings works is available here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Server_mtaserver.conf --> -- Player sync interval. Default: 100 --> 100 -- Lightweight (player) sync interval. Used when players are far apart. Default: 1500 --> 1500 -- Camera sync interval. Default: 500 --> 500 -- Ped sync interval. Default: 400 --> 500 -- Unoccupied_vehicle sync interval. Default: 400 --> 1000 -- Keysync mouse rotation sync interval. For limiting key sync packets due to mouse movement. Default: 100 --> 100 -- Keysync analog movement sync interval. For limiting key sync packets due to joystick movement. Default: 100 --> 100 -- This parameter can improve the reliability of shots when using certain weapons. However, it uses more bandwidth. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 0. --> 0 -- This parameter sets the amount of extrapolation that clients will apply to remote vehicles. This can reduce some of the latency induced location disparency by predicting where the remote vehicles will probably be. Depending on the gamemode, an incorrect prediction may have a negative effect. Therefore this setting should be considered experimental. Available range: 0 to 100. Default - 0 --> 0 -- This parameter places a limit on how much time (in milliseconds) the vehicle extrapolation will attempt to compensate for. Only relevant if is greater than zero. Available range: 50 to 500. Default - 150 --> 150 -- This parameter can reduce the delay of player actions appearing on remote clients by 2 frames (approx 50ms). Due to the impact this may have on shot lag compensation, it should be considered experimental. Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled ; default value: 0. --> 0 -- This parameter specifies whether or not to run the network synchronization on another thread. Enabling will make the sync smoother, but may increase cpu usage slightly. Values: 0 - Off, 1 - On. Default: 1 --> 1 -- Specifies the location and file name of this servers unique private key. This is used to prevent private files saved on the client from being read by other servers. More infomation about client private files can be found here: [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Filepath]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Filepath[/url] Keep a backup of this file in a safe place. Default value: server-id.keys--> server-id.keys -- Specifies the location and name of the main server log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. --> logs/server.log -- As well as the main log file, login successes and failures are logged here for easy reviewing of security issues. If left blank, this file is not used --> logs/server_auth.log -- Specifies the location and name of the file used to log database queries. The server command 'debugdb' sets the amount of logging. --> logs/db.log -- This parameter specifies the location and name of the Access Control List settings file. If left blank, server will use acl.xml file, located in the same folder as this configuration file. --> acl.xml -- Specifies the location and name of the debugscript log file. If left blank, server won't be saving this file. --> logs/scripts.log -- Specifies the level of the debugscript log file. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. --> 0 -- Specifies the level of the html debug. Available values: 0, 1, 2, 3. When not set, defaults to 0. --> 0 -- Specifies the frame rate limit that will be applied to connecting clients. Available range: 25 to 100. Default: 36. --> 36 -- Specifies whether or not players should automatically be logged in based on their IP adresses --> 0 -- This parameter specifies whether or not to enable player voice chat in-game Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled --> 0 -- This parameter specifies the sample rate for voice chat. 'voice' parameter must be set to 1 for this to be effective. Higher settings use more bandwidth and increase the sampling quality of voice chat Values: 0 - Narrowband (8kHz), 1 - Wideband (16kHz), 2 - Ultrawideband (32kHz). Default - 1 --> 1 -- This parameter specifies the voice quality for voice chat. 'voice' parameter must be set to 1 for this to be effective. Higher settings use more bandwidth and increase the the overall quality of voice chat Available range: 0 to 10. Default - 4 --> 4 -- Specifies the voice bitrate, in bps. This optional parameter overrides the previous two settings. If not set, MTA handles this automatically. Use with care. --> -- 24600 --> -- This parameter specifies the path to use for a basic backup of some server files. Note that basic backups are only made during server startup. Default value: backups --> backups -- This parameter specifies the number of days between each basic backup. Backups are only made during server startup, so the actual interval maybe much longer. Setting backup_interval to 0 will disable backups Available range: 0 to 30. Default - 3 --> 3 -- This parameter specifies the maximum number of backup copies to keep. Setting backup_copies to 0 will disable backups Available range: 0 to 100. Default - 5 --> 5 -- Specifies the module(s) which are loaded with the server. To load several modules, add more parameter(s). Optional parameter. --> -- --> -- --> -- Specifies resources that are loaded when the server starts and/or which are protected from being stopped. To specify several resources, add more parameter(s). --> "admin" startup="1" protected="0" /> "defaultstats" startup="1" protected="0" /> "helpmanager" startup="1" protected="0" /> "joinquitpt" startup="1" protected="0" /> "mapcycler" startup="1" protected="0" /> "mapmanager" startup="1" protected="0" /> "parachute" startup="1" protected="0" /> "resourcebrowser" startup="1" protected="1" default="true" /> "resourcemanager" startup="1" protected="1" /> "scoreboard" startup="1" protected="0" /> "spawnmanager" startup="1" protected="0" /> "voice" startup="1" protected="0" /> "votemanager" startup="1" protected="0" /> "webadmin" startup="1" protected="0" /> "admin" startup="1" protected="0" /> "Kill_Messages" startup="1" protected="0" /> "anuncio1" startup="1" protected="0" /> "anuncio2" startup="1" protected="0" /> "anuncio3" startup="1" protected="0" /> "anuncio4" startup="1" protected="0" /> "bank" startup="1" protected="0" /> "cbug" startup="1" protected="0" /> "cctv" startup="1" protected="0" />
  9. LeeR

    Help Script

    yes no use color code in the nick
  10. LeeR

    Help Script

    I was trying to create a script that could cause players that use color coding to adorn the nick were kicked, someone has something, I could not create; \
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