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Everything posted by jcullen

  1. I think that a good scripting calculator and a working design would be able to do just that. Not quite familiar however with the intricate details that will let you handle and consider them to work as is. Hope that you would great with what you actually need and probably like to accomplish. It really looks like a very possible and worthy work to put things to perspective.
  2. jcullen


    That looks really nice and really interesting, I wonder how something similar would keep up on a similar implementation that I am going to take and actually do. A very similar thing that I did was of the same look and feel but just differed with the other intricate components that went with it. It could go a long way with the same intent, to consider it lightly.
  3. jcullen

    Strange View

    I would likely consider that as an issue with your hardware and not really with the game. But we could not be too sure and that could also work with an issue that goes with the hardware alone as it might also be an issue with the software. Just check on the hardwares that are most likely to be hit, with the video device. Hope that helps.
  4. Not really sure with this but considering the lot of other options, It would not be surprising to see how they are going to pan out just like that. WIth regard to the markers, there are some hits and misses that you might as well consider as blunders with putting everything together. Hope that helps you out with the issue. Looks really interesting to see it actually.
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