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Everything posted by Tonyx97

  1. Como te están diciendo, puedes hacer un bucle "for" y al mismo tiempo para definir las posiciones de cada row puedes usar el index del for para hacer que la posicion cambie hacia abajo (o arriba) multiplicando la index por la anchura del dx (la anchura del dx creo que no es exacta como la GUI, es demasiado alta a si que puedes ir probando). Es algo asi dxDrawText(tostring(loquesea),x,y+(index*40),anchura,altura, etc etc) con esto haces que conforme aumenta la index, cada dx se crea a una distancia de 40 píxeles del otro.
  2. Tonyx97

    Epic Satchel Bug

    I was with a friend and I asked my: Could I attach a satchel to myself? And with his help I found a sync "bug" I leave here a video where you can see it the sync bug is really curious because the satchel explode in 2 different positions.
  3. Vice City Starfish Island: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0bdQSYX8js
  4. anyone wants some script or you posted only for fun? I'll post SS
  5. If you want some screenshot add me to skype I'll give you my server and you can see my scripts. Anyways I can send you some SS
  6. Hi guys, I'm scripting for 4 years, and I want earn some money for my effort, so, here is a little list of my scripts: -Drug system ( Including /selldrugs, and a factory to make drug ) -Wanted Level system ( With easy MySQL exports ) -Cop job ( using Wanted level for reward to jail a crim and including arrest system and computer police ) -MySQL save system ( including pos, health, armor, weapons etc... ) -Bank Robbery. -Radio for vehicle. -Mistery Van or Mistery Bag. -Hijack. -Barrier for officials law groups. -New EXPLOSIVE ( with damage functions, it's like a satchel but it's new and very nice, like a new engine weapon ) -DX Weapon Stats. -Ammu-nations. -Some RP Jobs. -Vice City Starfish Island (with settings.xml where you can change the position of island) -The 4 masks of Payday. -Vehicle target system (Hold shift button and locate a vehicle when it is located you can drop shift and fires a projectile). -Phone with basic apps like send money, mark player sms etc... -Advanced vehicle system (Works with MySQL). -Mechanic job thats work with vehicle system. -My RPG Gamemode full of scripts. About RP scripts, all scripts that I made for RP should be of PARADISE GM: -Real smoke script (Shop) -15 Helments to put on your head (Shop) -When someone shoot you with a good weapon, you start to bleeding. -Medkit for bandage your hurt (Shop) -Radio script (All players listen your music) -Marihuana advanced script, you can plant marihuana and you can see how it grow. -OOC Messages that show how hurt you. -A lot of drugs ( Heroin, cocaine, marihuana, buds, joints etc.. ) -4 Bags to increase the rol, can be put on your back. -Some commands for mechanics, cops and medics (this is 1 script only) All scripts are made by me. Contact me via Skype for price information and more scripts if you want. Skype: fenix-tonyx97
  7. Hi all, I need a "timer" with less than 50 miliseconds, I remember the function sleep() for Lua, but doesn't work in MTA, I use getTickCounts but I don't know how to use, see the code: function callTimer ( key, keyState ) if keyState == "down" then pos = 0 sleep = 1500 lastCount = getTickCount() while getTickCount() >= lastCount+sleep then if pos >= 100 then pos = 0 outputChatBox("test") unbindKey("n","both",callTimer) break end pos = pos + 1 outputChatBox(pos) lastCount = getTickCount() end elseif keyState == "up" then if pos < 100 then pos = 100 end end end bindKey("num_5","both",callTimer) I want that print the number every 1.5 seconds while I'm pressing the num_5
  8. Tonyx97

    MTA:Eir Problem

    Hi all, when I install MTA:Eir unstable version (1.4) it show me the error Load failed. Please ensure that the latest data files have been installed correctly. When I download the missed data files for MTA:Eir, then again the error, why? I installed the patch with all data files... Thanks.
  9. I know that a lot of people on MTA Forum know my problem, When I try open G-TXD Program, it closes and doesn't work, I search at everywhere, but I can find how to fix the problem, can someone give a good link or a nice explication to fix it? Thanks.
  10. Is there any program to make GTA III models compatibles with GTA SA? I can see that yes because GTA SA United mod, my question is, what program can I use to convert GTA III models to GTA SA Models, I want to replace them in MTA, Thanks for read.
  11. Add me to skype and talk about prices...
  12. I'll upload more SS. Mistery Bag and Drug system: Selldrugs:
  13. Hi guys, I'm scripting for 2 years, and I want earn some money for my effort, so, here is a little list of my scripts: -Drug system ( Including /selldrugs, and a factory to make drug ) -Wanted Level system ( With easy exports ) -Cop job ( using Wanted level for reward to jail a crim and including arrest system and computer police ) -MySQL save system ( including pos, health, armor, weapons etc... ) -Very nice respawn when you die. -Bank Robbery. -Radio for vehicle. -Mistery Van or Mistery Bag. -Hijack. -Hooker job. -Barrier for officials law groups. -New EXPLOSIVE ( with damage functions, it's like a satchel but it's new and very nice ) -DX Weapon Stats. -Ammu-nations. -Some RP Jobs. About RP scripts, all scripts that I made for RP should be of PARADISE GM: -Real smoke script (Shop) -15 Helments to put on your head (Shop) -When someone shoot you with a good weapon, you start to bleeding. -Medkit for bandage your hurt (Shop) -Radio script (All players listen your music) -Marihuana advanced script, you can plant marihuana and you can see how it grow. -OOC Messages that show how hurt you. -A lot of drugs ( Heroin, cocaine, marihuana, buds, joints etc.. ) -4 Bags to increase the rol, can be put on your back. -Some commands for mechanics, cops and medics (this is 1 script only) All scripts are made by me. Contact me via Skype for price information and more scripts if you want. Skype: fenix-tonyx97
  14. Tonyx97


    Segun vi el script o mismo la linea 23, lo que esta haciendo es decir que si el modelo del vehiculo (valor integral) es igual a "480" (string) entonces.. vbla bla, no puedes comparar un valor integral con una string, deberias quitarle las comillas al 480 y se te privatizara al modelo 480
  15. Estas dando a todas las funciones el mismo nombre, como puedes ponerme a todas el mismo name? lol Coge y mete todo el codigo en una funcion o cambia el nombre de las funciones para que no se mezclen, stas diciendo que cada vez k se inicie el script Se repita la carga de archivos mas de 200 veces ( creo ) cambia el nombre de funciones y se supone que te funcionara.
  16. Seria algo así: (ESTO ES SERVERSIDE, CAMBIALO A CLIENTSIDE QUITANDO EL THE PLAYER DE TODOS SITIOS) camaras = { [1] = {x,y,z,mirarx,mirary,mirarz}, [2] = {x,y,z,mirarx,mirary,mirarz}, [3] = {x,y,z,mirarx,mirary,mirarz} } function ponerCamara (thePlayer) random = math.random(1,#camaras) setCameraMatrix ( thePlayer, camaras[random][1], camaras[random][2], camaras[random][3], camaras[random][4], camaras[random][5], camaras[random][6] ) end addCommandHandler ("cambiarcamara", ponerCamara) Esto hace que cada vez que pongas /cambiarcamara te cambie la camara a una que tengas en la tabla, ponle la tabla los argumentos necesarios, x ,y ,z y luego las otras a donde miras, si quieres puedes añadir mas en la tabla y se incluiran, creo que tu sabrias coger eso y usarlo a tu manera y con el proposito que tienes pensado
  17. Será eso, solo funcionaría si en el dbQuery se usase el "SELECT"... entonces ni idea
  18. Hola a todos, en mi ultimo post me respondió Castillo e intente solucionar mi problema, pero al intentar decir que "rowID" es igual a una ID de un vehículo (Se supone que yo uso rowID como la ID del vehículo), no me da error pero tampoco va: function buyVeh (thePlayer,cmdName,model) if tonumber(model) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) vehicle = createVehicle ( model, x, y + 2, z ) local created = dbQuery ( getConnection (), "INSERT INTO vehicles SET mdl = ?, owner = ?, x = ?, y = ?, z = ?, rx = ?, ry = ?, rz = ?, health = ?, color1 = ?, color2 = ?", model, getOwner(thePlayer), x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0 ) local id = dbPoll(created, -1) if created then setVehicleColor( vehicle, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) outputDebugString ( ""..model.." bought" ) vehicles [ vehicle ] = { rowID = id["rowID"], mdl = model, owner = getOwner(thePlayer), x = x, y = y, z = z, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0, health = 1000, color1 = 0, color2 = 0 } end end end addCommandHandler("buyveh", buyVeh) Todo esta bien excepto que en " vehicles [ vehicle ] = { rowID = id["rowID"]" aquí no me asigna rowID como lo que le digo, quizás es que no estaré asignándoselo bien y se que no se lo asigna porque al guardar el vehículo, no me lo guarda.. entonces, ¿qué debería hacer? Gracias por leer.
  19. Yo ya se basico, pero lo que quiero es hacer lo que hace esta funcion mysql_insertid o mysql_insert_id, pero con funciones del tipo de clase db ( ejemplo dbExec )
  20. Hola a todos, empecé ayer un vehicle system con MySQL por supuesto, y todo va como la seda, pero tengo un pequeño problema, es el siguiente, yo cuando quiero guardar un vehículo, tengo que especificar cual es usando la palabra WHERE de MySQL, y para hacer eso, tomo como ID del vehículo la variable "rowID" de la tabla MySQL, pero, si cuando creo un vehículo, no le puedo asignar un valor en una tabla, diciendo que esa es su ID (en este caso rowID) entonces no puedo guardarlo, a no ser que reinicie el script y recargue los vehículos, mi problema, es que quiero asignarle una ID a cada row con el nombre de "vehicleID" (por ejemplo), usando esta funcion "mysql_insertid" de Ryden se podría, pero el problema es que uso funciones de database (db), y no podría mezclarlas, entonces, como se podría añadir un vehicleID justo al mismo tiempo que se crea el vehiculo?
  21. Si el script es de una tienda la ID y las llaves te las da automáticas cuando las compras si no, pues tienes que agregarlas tu...
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