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About Tonyx97

  • Birthday 06/02/1997


  • Location
    Murcia / España
  • Occupation
    Computer Engineering Student

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  1. mira en google sobre eso y te lo explica bien.
  2. Hace siglos que no entro a MTA pero AsuS me ha enviado este post y bueno, ya que estoy paso el programa. El programa lo hice hace un huevo de tiempo y supongo que sigue funcionando bien. Paso el código porque supongo que no puedo pasar links externos en el foro. http://pastebin.com/cbUsBnDc Esta en C++ a si que para compilarlo vas a necesitas visual studio 2013 o 2015 o cualquier otro pero VS es el mejor. También supongo que no hace falta explicar como va, simplemente cuando lo tengas ábrelo y sigue las instrucciones y prueba algún IDE e IPL, se genera si mal no recuerdo un archivo donde hace una array donde almacena todos los .dff y .txd con sus colisiones y LODS correspondientes y además un archivo lua donde va el mapeado de todos los objetos del IPL. Importar todo esto sin modificaciones en el código de MTA va a provocar unos pocos bugs de modelos, por eso le metí un pequeño sistema de LODS para evitar los máximos errores posibles. Denada
  3. Tonyx97


    There is no way, sorry.
  4. Hello community! I've been researching in MTA Blue where the spawn ped was but I couldn't find it anywhere... I only want to spawn a ped, anyone knows the function and asm struct? Thanks in advance.
  5. It finally works correctly, thanks you ixfj so much for your time really A little question, what was the difference between you told me and the new code? I mean the "dereferencing" of an address like *(DWORD*).
  6. I've tested this and doesn't work, first of all the condition doesn't work aswell it gives me 26 if I don't use DWORD first = mem.Read<DWORD>(0xB6F5F0); if (mem.Read<byte> (first + 0x46C) == 1) this gives me 1 if I'm on car, and when I press the key the car doesn't switch the state, what is going on?
  7. This is whole function http://gyazo.com/5607514fb13062d1323ceff512f09af3 And I call it here http://gyazo.com/ac16750ab5272b671212929174944766 (this is obviously in while loop)
  8. This is so weird because I'm using CE to get values as byte and the values I got on my program are the same as I got in CE and when I try to switch engine state the game crashes.
  9. EDIT: Okey, I can get values correctly now http://gyazo.com/7966e542708ddcda6230980e0f21eb30 I pass from 4 bytes directly to byte value. I'll try if this works on GTA.
  10. mem.Read<byte>(0xB6F5F0 + 0x58C); -> CPed + Vehicle = 24 mem.Read<byte>(0xB6F5F0 + 0x46C); -> CPed + Check = 1
  11. Yea I tested it that it give me 24, Should I use that value as dwThis or dwInterface? Because I tested it and the game crashes.
  12. Thanks for the info sbx, I've been researching Interfaces classes and I know that the interface is m_pInterface and the funcs are SetInterface and GetInterface. I've been looking for createVehicle function which (I suppose) that contains the _asm function where dwReturn is the Interface of that vehicle ( SetInterface(dwReturn) ) but I didn't find the function, where is it located at source?
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