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Everything posted by lcd12321

  1. lcd12321


    try amm = tonumber(amm)
  2. make function that returns mysql connection variable and export this function.
  3. Тут 2 варианта: использовать redirectPlayer и ставить таймер скажем на 5 сек. Если он приконнектился на сервер, то работаем. И второй вариант logIn. Если зашел под аккаунт, то работаем.
  4. try to make elements on client side and see what's happened
  5. just use setHelicopterRotorSpeed( theHeli, 0.2)
  6. lcd12321


    because onClientMarkerHit doesn't send seat
  7. lcd12321


    how to make handbrake. I mean if vehicle have big angle and handbrake is off vehicle must move. Sry for bad english
  8. try to addeventhandler on all client events and see what events will trigger
  9. if in hands m4 i want to sprint like with pistol
  10. try to add timer and there check
  11. bindKey ( 'g', 'up', 'handbrake' ) on client-side or bindKey (thePlayer 'g', 'up', 'handbrake' ) on server-side
  12. how to make that run with m4? Sry for bad english:)
  13. Do u want to count players who is trying login? If yes use event onPlayerJoin on serverside
  14. sry my mistake. U can use event onPlayerConnect. It has canceleffect
  15. better use cancelEvent instead of kickplayer and use 2nd parametr of cancelEvent for kick reason
  16. Как сделать, чтобы после окончании первой анимации плавно шла вторая?
  17. How to make train which will go full map, because if i tried to make train and it goes too far away from me it stops.
  18. I tried this but maybe coords of bumper is wrong or i don't understand anything
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