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Everything posted by ..:D&G:..

  1. Sa inteleg ca ai facut topicul ca nu ai avut cui te plange ca ti-ai luat tzeapa? :)))) Se numeste tzeapa n-ai mai luat pana acum tzeapa? Fortza steaua fortza steaua hey hey hey!
  2. Conturile nu se pot "unii", ti-l sterge pe asta nou si gata...
  3. Momentul ala cand uiti pe ce cont esti logat =)))
  4. Wrong section matey... Go to the "Scripting" section, then post some code and errors you find relating your issue from /debugscript 3... Cuz we don't know wut script u use ya know...
  5. You can't move the default HUD elements as far as I know. You can however create your own or a similar one using GuiEditor, then use the functions you listed to get the data you want, such as time, weapon, money etc then post here if you need any help. Ooooor.... just get a HUD from the Community... just sayin'...
  6. I get you and all but as you said, this topic was made years ago, when those 4-5 people who were active on this section, which they were indeed actually active. Now even Axel said that he is not active anymore and he said numerous times that he doesn't care about the MTA community, only about his server and to make a bit of money on the side. Let's not even mention that you've put him moderator on a board where he doesn't know the language, he's been Denmark for about a month, then went back to Romania, don't really think you can learn Danish in a month, I mean, his only topic on the Scandinavian board was in English... Pls don't get me wrong here, if you think this section needs 2 moderators fine, even tho this board was active only while you were looking for a moderator, cause ya' know, even kid wants to have some power over someone But choose someone that is active and willing to help no matter his rank or status on the forum...
  7. I mean... yeah... Thanks MTA Admins for making a pool and ask for our opinion on who should be moderator here. Well, yeah, this section is very used, 1000 users online daily and over 100 topics made daily, this section needs more than 5 moderators, yep....
  8. Ok, that's it, I'm quitting MTA... Bye!
  9. melodia = playSound("melodie.mp3", true) stopSound(melodia) In functia unde jucatorul se logheaza, foloseste stopSound la prima melodie, si baga playSound la a 2a melodie... Nu e asa greu sa gandesti logic -.-
  10. Mergea si fara unpack, gen: lvPos = 0, 0, 0 Pentru cunostiintele generale ale celorlalti, unpack se foloseste cand vrei sa iei informatii dintr-un tabel (table, informatii inauntrul { } ). Pur si simplu ce face functia unpack e sa scoata ghilimelele
  11. Dute mai omule pe forumul serverului sau fa reclamatie fondatorului, nu venii pe forumul MTA-ul. Acest forum NU ARE NICI O LEGATURA CU SERVERELE!
  12. ..:D&G:..


    Dute mai omule pe forumul serverului sau fa reclamatie fondatorului, nu venii pe forumul MTA-ul. Acest forum NU ARE NICI O LEGATURA CU SERVERELE!
  13. For the "getElementData" error you can do a simple check like this: if isElement(theElement) then getElementData(theElement, "theData") end for like 87 in client.lua but for the red errors... we need to see the code especially the line 39 from the steering_c.lua...
  14. Soricar? Doar pe net? Tu n-ai tupeu sa pui nici poze cu tine pe facebook dapai sa iesi din casa cand vin eu :)))) Ne vedem la vara boss :* Dupa pod in Serbanesti, corect?
  15. Of of of Petrutzule, lasa ca vin eu in Serbanesti sa te invat engleza :))) Ia incearca sa traduci rank-ul meu si al tau in romania, sobolane :)))) Mai lasa drq KFS-ul si mai fa oleaca de sport ca a mauzit ca ai rupt un deposit plin de scaune de la Dedeman, ca aia de la Practiker au refuzat sa iti dea scaune ca le faceai paguba prea mare
  16. Ai de asteptat pana o sa faca astia rank-ul de Cioflingar :)))
  17. Ooo Pretrutzuleeee, cf mancati-asi ochii aia de cioroi ciufulit Chiar ti se potriveste rankul ala de sub nume :*
  18. If you don't know the function that opens the panel so I can put it in the code, what do you want me to add to the code? When you find the client side function, make sure it has an event handler addEvent() and addEventHandler() Then use that event handler to trigger it in server side (because mysql is server side, but if you do setElementData to set the admin level of a player and getElementData to get the admin level then you can use that instead in both client and server) So use this to call the event that opens the panel: triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "thePanelOpeningEvent", thePlayer ) Hope this helps
  19. function adminAnn(thePlayer, cmd, ...) if not (...) then outputChatBox("[SYNTAXA] /"..cmd.." [Mesaj]", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0) else local mesaj = table.concat({...}, " ") outputChatBox("Anunt Admin By "..getPlayerName(thePlayer)..": "..mesaj, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0) end end addCommandHandler("ann", adminAnn) Vezi ca oricine poate folosii comanda, fa-o sa o poata folosii doar admini
  20. lvPos = pune aici pozitia unde vrei sa se spawneze, gen 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.000 function teleportToLV(thePlayer) if thePlayer then setElementPosition(thePlayer, {lvPos}) outputChatBox("Ai fost renascut in LV!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end addCommandHandler("lv", teleportToLV)
  21. local mkl = createMarker ( 1274.0817871094, -1657.0938720703, 13.546875 ,"cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 255 ) local vehID = 597 function createVehicleForPlayer ( thePlayer ) local x ,y ,z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) local createdVehicle = createVehicle ( vehID, x + 5, y, z ) if ( not createdVehicle ) then outputChatBox ( "Error spawning vehicle.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) else outputChatBox ( "The vehicle was created successfully.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", mkl, createVehicleForPlayer )
  22. De ce? Vrei sa aplici pentru moderator? =))))
  23. We do not offer help with leaked scripts (especially Owl/Valhalla)
  24. The forum looks soo much cooler now. Finally a sleek look Unlike SA:MP, hehe.
  25. ..:D&G:..


    That code shows nothing regarding to your issue. Try looking in the other script files, look for the event "onPlayerWasted"
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