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Posts posted by ..:D&G:..

  1. Meama, nush cum am ajuns iar aici dupa 7 ani de cand n-am mai jucat si dupa 11 ani de cand m-am jucat prima oara.

    Ma mir ca inca merge MTA-ul in Romania, si ma bucur intr-un fel.

    Am venit doar sa va salut, si pentru OG-ii vechi care ma mai tin minte, "cum mai e viata? Axel mai traieste? mai bantuie pe aici? =)))"

    • Like 2
  2. Hi, so it's been a while since I've used this... How can I check if a string has special characters like /\';"£$!@~ etc and also numbers? I need the string to only be a string of letters.

    I tried this but the name can still have / in it when the string is "MyString/"

    local function checkValidCharacterName(theText)
    	if(string.find ( theText, "[^a-zA-Z]")) then
    		return false
    		return true


  3. If the user's ID is in one of the groups, it shows the outputChatBox with the name of that group, but also Civilian...

    Life, I have 3 groups ("Founder", "Admin" and "Scripter") and if I put my ID in "Scripter" the chatbox is like this:

    Civilian| ..:D&G:.. says: Hello world! -- Founder Group
    Civilian| ..:D&G:.. says: Hello world! -- Admin Group
    Scripter| ..:D&G:.. says: Hello world! -- Scripter Group (My ID is in this group only)


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  4. 6 minutes ago, DNL291 said:
    local groups = {
    	fondatori = {
    		name = "Fondator|Dev |",
    		ids = {1, 3, 54, 85},
    		RGB = {0, 153, 255}
    	fondatori2 = {
    		name = "Fondator|Hosting",
    		ids = {2},
    		RGB = {0, 153, 255}
    for _,group in pairs(groups) do
    	local r,g,b = unpack(group.RGB)
    	outputChatBox( group.name )
    	outputChatBox( r..", "..g..", "..b )


    But how about the IDs of the players from ids = {}?

    I need to check if the player has his ID in any of the groups because if the player is not in one of the groups, the outputChatBox should be like this:

    for _,group in pairs(groups) do
    	local r,g,b = unpack(group.RGB)
      if (playerID == (one of the ids from ids = {}) then
    	outputChatBox( group.name.." ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", r, g, b )
        	outputChatBox("Civilian | ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", 255, 255, 0 )


  5. Hi, so I'm trying to make a script where I store some group names, ids of players within that group and the RGB for the outputChatBox. Here's my table:

    local groups = {
    	fondatori = {
    		name = "Fondator|Dev |", 
    		ids = {1, 3, 54, 85}, -- ID Of Players
    		RGB = {0, 153, 255} -- RGB
    	fondatori2 = {
    		name = "Fondator|Hosting",
    		ids = {2}, 
    		RGB = {0, 153, 255} B
    	hosteri = {
    		name = "Hoster |",
    		ids = {9}, 
    		RGB = {204, 0, 102} 
    	scripteri = {
    		name = "Scripter |",
    		ids = {46},
    		RGB = {204, 0, 102} 
    	admini = {
    		name = "Admin |",
    		ids = {},
    		RGB = {255, 0, 0} 

    So I want to loop through every group and if the player is in one of those groups have an outputChatBox like so:

    outputChatBox("Fondator|Dev | ..:D&G:.. says hello!",0, 153, 255)

    I know how to loop through a table, but not a table withing a table within a table... I tried and it's so confusing and my head hurts, maybe someone smarter than me can do this :P

  6. 18 minutes ago, Addicted:- said:


    Te sfatuiesc in primul rand sa lasi double (triple) post-ul, si te mai sfatuiesc sa nu ai incredere in romanasii de pe MTA, de pe internet sa fiu mai exact. Daca vrei ceva bine facut si fara batai de cap si cu frica ca iti vei lua teapa (ceea ce se intampla majoritatea timpului cand ai de a face cu romani) incearca pe sectiunea straina/principala sau daca chiar ai bani dar nu ai rabdare sau cunostiinte in limba engleza, vezi site-uri gen mtascripts.com sau ce site-uri mai sunt pe acolo.


  7. 1 hour ago, FanntasticstPro said:

    Titan ma omoara cu tankul fara motiv in continu 

    MOOOOORRRRRRRRRR =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    Alerta de copil de 10 ani / cu probleme la cap =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  8. No one gives a flying fu**ck.

    Au mai fost facute tutoriale pe sectiunea romaneasca, dar nimanui nu ii pasa. Oricum sunt maxim 5 persoane care stiu de forumul asta, sau care chiar il folosesc.

    Eu zic sa iti gasesti alta ocupatie inafara de MTA, fa ceva productiv pentru tine...


    P.S: Tu faci sondajul si tot tu votezi? :))))

  9. 4 hours ago, Begu said:

    nu ar ajuta cu nimic. trebuie schimbat serialul si serialul se schimba odata cu adresa ip-ului

    Vad ca MTA-ul a ramas tot cu desteptii :))))


    Reinstalarea windows-ului ajuta cu stergerea virusului (posibil botnet sau rat) si de asemenea schimba si serialul. Serialul e HWID-ul (Hardware ID-ul) PC-ului, care se poate schimba la reinstalarea windowsului. Cred ca confunzi serialul cu MAC Address-ul

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