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Everything posted by AhmadQTR

  1. ped1 = createPed(7, 1455.8009033203, -2242.8137207031, 13.3828125) function pedCreate () setPedRotation(ped1, 315) setTimer ( function() setPedAnimation (ped1, "bar","Barserve_bottle") end, 500, 1 ) end pedCreate()
  2. http://lua-users.org/wiki/TutorialDirectory
  3. هذا رابط تنزل resources حق MTA (the default resources) نزله و افتحه و بلاقي حق الايدتورresourceال استبدله بلي عندك
  4. AhmadQTR

    PM Your Order!

    Make a logo and type Multi Theft Auto or AhmadQTR anything
  5. AhmadQTR

    PM Your Order!

    Can you show us a logo/userbar you made?
  6. marker = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", root, function(player) if getElementType(player) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle(player) then car = createVehicle ( id, x, y, z ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, car) end end) يمكن كذا؟
  7. imarker = createMarker ( -3743.6, -3022.52, 38, "cylinder", 10, 0, 0, 255, 255 ) function moveIt( vehicle, matchingDimension ) if isElementWithinMarker ( vehicle, imarker ) then setElementPosition ( vehicle, 0, 0, 7 ) end end addEventHandler('onMarkerHit', root, moveIt)
  8. Nice catch Btw Skipper if you want help , put the author name if you didn't that means your dis-respecting him.
  9. مشكور وما قصرت
  10. AhmadQTR


    if getPlayersInTeam (theteam) == 0 then destroyElement (theteam) Not sure.
  11. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته شباب ابي كود لو طفيت النار تاخذ فلوس مثلا انا في تيم معين اذا طفيت النار مستخدم ال Fire Extinguisher اخذ فلوس وشكرا مقدما
  12. local ourGroup = aclGetGroup ( groupName ) At ( groupname ) type your group name in ACL.
  13. AhmadQTR


    addEvent ('lang1', true) addEventHandler ('lang1', root, function (player) theTeam = createTeam ( "Default", 255, 255, 255 ) setPlayerTeam ( source, theTeam ) end ) addEvent ('lang2', true) addEventHandler ('lang2', root, function (player) Team = createTeam ( "English", 255, 255, 255 ) setPlayerTeam ( player, Team ) end )
  14. Stop nametags from console or admin panel.
  15. http://mta.dzek.eu/compiler/
  16. What dosen't work exactly?
  17. AhmadQTR

    Scriptors Needed

    First server i see with BlackBerry .
  18. So contact me on skype: Aboud.rockk And for the guy who saying i send viruses, there is something called, AntiVirus, thats a kind of a program that you keep it on when u dont trust some's file. learn some computer. WTH is "learn some computer"?
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