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Everything posted by Hamilton

  1. Not working , I only get this message: Report all the bugs you find with /report. I do not get any of the other
  2. Why is this not working? Please help me. function MyTestTextFunction ( ) if ( not text01 ) then display = textCreateDisplay ( ) -- create a new display, store the reference in a variable called display for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do textDisplayAddObserver ( display, player ) -- add an observer to it end text01 = textCreateTextItem ( "Report all the bugs you find with /report.", 0.01, 0.20 ) -- create a text item text02 = textCreateTextItem ( "Some text", 0.01, 0.20 ) -- create a text item text03 = textCreateTextItem ( "Some text", 0.01, 0.20 ) -- create a text item textItemSetScale ( text01, 1.5) textItemSetScale ( text02, 1.5) textItemSetScale ( text03, 1.5) any = math.random(1,3) if (any == 1) then textDisplayAddText ( display, text01 ) -- Add the text item to the text display setTimer ( function ( ) textDestroyTextItem ( text01 ) text01 = nil end ,20000, 1 ) elseif (any == 2) then textDisplayAddText ( display, text02 ) -- Add the text item to the text display setTimer ( function ( ) textDestroyTextItem ( text02 ) text02 = nil end ,20000, 1 ) elseif (any == 3) then textDisplayAddText ( display, text03 ) -- Add the text item to the text display setTimer ( function ( ) textDestroyTextItem ( text03 ) text03 = nil end ,20000, 1 ) end end setTimer ( MyTestTextFunction, 15000, 0 ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, MyTestTextFunction ) Error message: WARNING: Loading script failed: notice\notice.lua:49: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 1) near ''
  3. Thank you Castillo! Just 1 question, how do I make many different messages show? I've got 1 message now, is it possible to make like a table where I can add messages and then when 1 message have been sent it will send the next one?
  4. It doesn't. It just creates it 1 time then it dissapears and it wont create it again.
  5. ]Working But now I got 1 more problem... I want the text to remake itself after a certain amount of time. I thought it would work the way I did it but It wont Here is the code, whats wrong?: function MyTestTextFunction ( ) display = textCreateDisplay ( ) -- create a new display, store the reference in a variable called display for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do textDisplayAddObserver ( display, player ) -- add an observer to it end text = textCreateTextItem ( "Report all the bugs you find with /report.", 0.01, 0.20 ) -- create a text item textItemSetScale ( text, 1.5) textDisplayAddText ( display, text ) -- Add the text item to the text display setTimer ( textCreateTextItem, 15000, 0, text ) setTimer ( textDestroyTextItem, 20000, 1, text ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, MyTestTextFunction )
  6. Good, that worked but now I got another problem I want it to destroy after 5 seconds Here is the script: function MyTestTextFunction ( ) display = textCreateDisplay ( ) -- create a new display, store the reference in a variable called display for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do textDisplayAddObserver ( display, player ) -- add an observer to it end text = textCreateTextItem ( "Hello World", 0.5, 0.5 ) -- create a text item textItemSetScale ( text, 2.0) textDisplayAddText ( display, text ) -- Add the text item to the text display textDestroyTextItem ( text ) setTimer ( textDestroyTextItem, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, MyTestTextFunction )
  7. Still not working I want it to create a text in the screen for all the players when the resource starts. Here is the Script file code and the Meta code: Meta.xml: "Hamilton" type="script" name="Notice" /> notice.lua: function MyTestTextFunction ( ) display = textCreateDisplay ( ) -- create a new display, store the reference in a variable called display for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do textDisplayAddObserver ( display, player ) -- add an observer to it end text = textCreateTextItem ( "Hello World", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 255, 0, 0, 0, 1.0 ) -- create a text item textDisplayAddText ( display, text ) -- Add the text item to the text display end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, MyTestTextFunction )
  8. I want this to show for everyplayer when the resource starts but it wont work Help is apricciated! Here is the code: function MyTestTextFunction () display = textCreateDisplay () -- create a new display, store the reference in a variable called display textDisplayAddObserver ( display, thePlayer ) -- add an observer to it text = textCreateTextItem ( "Hello World", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 255, 0, 0, 0, 1.0 ) -- create a text item textDisplayAddText ( display, text ) -- Add the text item to the text display end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), MyTestTextFunction)
  9. Hamilton

    Help pls!

  10. Hamilton

    Economy V1.0

    What do you mean?
  11. Hamilton

    Help pls!

    I want a resource that starts a random race map when someone wins on the current map. Like VoteManager but without the vote. Could you please give me some help?
  12. I don't get it. Could you fix the code for me and explain what you did?
  13. It wont show anything. I do not get any debug errors either. function showTextDisplay ( player ) local serverDisplay = textCreateDisplay() -- create a text display textDisplayAddObserver ( serverDisplay, player ) -- make it visible to a player local serverText = textCreateTextItem ( "Hello world!", 0.01, 0.3 ) -- create a text item for the display textDisplayAddText ( serverDisplay, serverText ) -- add it to the display so it is displayed end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), showTextDisplay )
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