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Everything posted by R.y.c.k

  1. where I find shaders? or you send me a link to the shader that it removed?
  2. Hey , when the map starts every "wheel slides" (drift) see picture. after deduction occurs to lag how i remove this smoke ? help me thank you
  3. <meta> <info author='Skill.eXe' version='1' name='Infernuspanel' description='Infernuspanel ;-)' type='script' /> <script src='panel_c.lua' type='client' /> <file src="infimod1/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod1/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod2/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod2/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod3/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod3/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod4/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod4/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod5/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod5/infernus.dff" /> </meta> and script engineImportTXD ( InfiTexture, 411 ) InfiModel = engineLoadDFF ( "Standartinfi/infernus.dff", 411 ) You see ? new meta Try this <meta> <info author='Skill.eXe' version='1' name='Infernuspanel' description='Infernuspanel ;-)' type='script' /> <script src='panel_c.lua' type='client' /> <file src="infimod1/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod1/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod2/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod2/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod3/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod3/infernus.dff" /> <file src="infimod4/infernus.txd" /> <file src="infimod4/infernus.dff" /> <file src="Standartinfi/infernus.txd" /> <file src="Standartinfi/infernus.dff" /> </meta>
  4. Hey all I try create "black background" 3d efect Original "i add font , high etc.." local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawColorText ('#1e90ffNext map: #ffffff' .. g_NextMap, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.00, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') if (g_MapInfo) then dxDrawColorText ('#1e90ffMap: #ffffFF' .. g_MapInfo.name, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.00, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') else dxDrawColorText ('#1e90ffMap: #ffffFFNo map is set yet', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.00, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') end dxDrawColorText ('#1e90ffSpectators: (#FFFFFF' .. #Spectators .. '#1e90ff)', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(3.00, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') end Black background local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawColorText ('#000000Next map: #000000' .. g_NextMap, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') if (g_MapInfo) then dxDrawColorText ('#000000Map: #000000' .. g_MapInfo.name, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') else dxDrawColorText ('#000000Map: #000000No map is set yet', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') end NOW !!!!! I add spectators to black background and see code Black background + spectators local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawColorText ('#000000Next map: #000000' .. g_NextMap, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(1.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') if (g_MapInfo) then dxDrawColorText ('#000000Map: #000000' .. g_MapInfo.name, 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 255, 255, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') else dxDrawColorText ('#000000Map: #000000No map is set yet', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(2.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') end dxDrawColorText ('#000000Spectators: (#000000' .. #Spectators .. '#000000)', 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(3.20, font1)/2, 100, 100, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 0.48, font1, 0.48, 'left') end And ...
  5. hey all how to create toptimes mysql database ? i have mysql database but I do not know how configure the toptimes client/server.lua
  6. this will allow name color=car color ? I ask only because players can have a beautiful color than the base color
  7. R.y.c.k


    Like a Cadu12 thank you script work
  8. R.y.c.k


    i try write /lu and nothing
  9. R.y.c.k


    <meta> <info description="Commnads" author="unknown" type="script" version="1.0.0"/> <script src="commands.lua" type="server" /> </meta>
  10. R.y.c.k


    I have script in server side i write /lu -[sAM]-R.y.c.k and nothing
  11. R.y.c.k


    This is my script ... and i dont know how to write players name ...
  12. R.y.c.k


    6: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerFromName'
  13. R.y.c.k


    I write and nothing ..... i must write fully name also hex code ?
  14. R.y.c.k


    hmm problem in line 2 attempt to index global 'restriction' a nil vaule
  15. R.y.c.k


    How to create command /lu - 'Lucky ! """"""" how to add this feature ? example: Ern€st: /lu AnTO_on and in chat see Ern€st #5dacd1 say: Lucky AnTO_on ! function luck(player, cmd) if (not restriction[player]) then restriction[player] = {} end if not restriction[player][cmd] then outputChatBox("#FFFFFF".. getPlayerName(player) .."#5DACD1 say: Lucky!", root, 255, 255, 255, true) restriction[player][cmd] = true setTimer(function () restriction[player][cmd] = false end, 5000, 1) else outputChatBox("#FF0000You must wait #FFFFFF5 seconds#FF0000 to write this command again.", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("lu", luck)
  16. http://pastebin.com/6MAvzBNL
  17. I am noob i must update this ? -- Only show 'Waiting for other players...' if there actually are any other players if getTotalPlayerCount() > 1 then textItemSetText(g_NotReadyTextItems[1], 'Waiting for other players...' ) end end end function deactiveNotReadyText() if g_NotReadyDisplay then TimerManager.destroyTimersFor("notready") -- Ensure message is displayed for at least 2 seconds local hideDisplayDelay = math.max(50,math.min(2000,2000+g_NotReadyDisplayOnTime - getTickCount())) local display = g_NotReadyDisplay; local textItems = { g_NotReadyTextItems[1] }; TimerManager.createTimerFor("raceresource"):setTimer( function() textDestroyDisplay(display) textDestroyTextItem(textItems[1]) end, hideDisplayDelay, 1 ) g_NotReadyDisplay = nil g_NotReadyTextItems[1] = nil end end
  18. where is problem ? i have floder examplechat> examplechat.lua meta.xml Acl: see above and i go to server write ++dfs and .... R.y.c.k:++dsf and nothing ..
  19. Hmmm this is type "client" ? i add this text in race_client and script dont work. I must something update in race_server ? thank
  20. http://pastebin.com/ZZxaTZsi
  21. hey all i dont see servers in mta:sa internet /local /.../recent i dont see in internet all servers in recent i see last time I visited i click to internet i click to refresh and 0 servers found i reinstal mta 3x do not know where is problem?
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