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Everything posted by yvadfulck

  1. i know nobody cares but i had this to show... the dude comes ask money,i was to kind giving him some the same day ,maybe 30 mins later he asks again... result... big lol
  2. not good? i created this as "minigame"for my server(zombieserver) as bonus. its bugfree, its not intended to be easy nor to be a exact copy from the original mario...(so its not bad) i had binds first = (to easy), everybody could finnish the few levels in a minute or 2 . i like the onscreen-controler system,it makes it harder to play. i played the levels with this controler , and i have to admit: i died more then beating the game.. but when i did ...
  3. yvadfulck

    mario minigame

    hi all here is a vid from the mario minigame i created for my server its hard minigame as you have to guide the bot(mario) with a onscreen controler there are 3 levels for now... you can come test it mtasa://
  4. wel anyway i found some ways for the punch to count i just have to add the anim for source and its like insidemap... thanks dude...
  5. yvadfulck

    static ip

    true story : well its all good and well, have an mta server, figure a way out to resolve all that... but in final: sad but true : rent a host, so your homenetwork wil not be hacked 24/7 and dont rent it to have players in the first place, but rent it if you realy love this kind of things, and are tired reformating your homecomputer!!! for reason: some idiot(s) found a movie on youtube,from some monkey(s), that shows step by step how to hack and crash other dudes pc and the idiot(s) is(are) to stupid to write what you just did... are you realy tired of those idiot(s)/monkey(s)... quit internet!!!
  6. not all at the same time please...
  7. could be nice, also a pirate island would be nice, a job sending you there recovering an item, and pirates deffending the island, what the video dont show is: there is a bunker iside the mountain, where the item could be placed, to be continued...
  8. i wont be creating any other bots, and the bots created are in chase mode of a player, so its not possible. its still possible in some cases... i always specifie the elementtype to be shur on those things
  9. the fix i send is when the bot would die when there is no,or another bot as attacker as it would seek a non existing account???
  10. maybe like this: function ZombieKilled(attacker, weapon, bodypart) if getElementType(attacker)=="player" then local thePlayer = getPlayerName( attacker ) local thePlayerAcc = getPlayerAccount( attacker ) if ( not ZombieCap[thePlayerAcc] ) then ZombieCap[thePlayerAcc] = 0 end ZombieCap[thePlayerAcc] = tonumber(ZombieCap[thePlayerAcc])-1 local account = thePlayerAcc local money = getPlayerMoney( attacker ) local KilledZombies = getAccountData( account, ZombiesKilled) setPlayerMoney( tonumber(money)+500 ) setAccountData( account, ZombiesKilled, tonumber(KilledZombies)+1) outputChatBox("".. thePlayer .." has killed a zombie and $500 were added to his account!") end end addEventHandler("onBotWasted", getRootElement(), ZombieKilled)
  11. predator side vid...
  12. just attach the car to the mapelement and detach when a player gets in the car ... dont know if it will work but you could try...
  13. yeah most people been there love it to maybe i put some houses there, so players can say the live on the island
  14. yvadfulck

    my server vids

    some vids from the server want to see more... join now mtasa://zombiehunt.org:22003
  15. yvadfulck

    lost island

    a map from my old server that i found back... i did not remember it until i found it back... its with ambient sounds : jungle sounds and so just to show you guys ...
  16. this is the actual code from my community script function mountminigun ( pla, dim ) if not isPedInVehicle(pla)then local mountedgun=getElementData(pla,"mountedgun") if mountedgun then local x,y,z=getElementPosition(pla) local xx,yy,zz=getElementRotation(pla) setElementPosition(mountedgun,x,y+2,z-1) setElementRotation(mountedgun,xx,yy,zz+90) else local x,y,z=getElementPosition(pla) local xx,yy,zz=getElementRotation(pla) local mountgun = createObject(2985, x,y+2, z-1,0,0,0) local miniggun1 = createVehicle(464, 0, 0, 0) local serial = getPlayerSerial(pla) setElementRotation(mountgun,xx,yy,zz+90) setElementData(pla,"mountedgun",mountgun) setElementData(pla,"mountedgun2",miniggun1) setElementData(mountgun,"doel","mountedgun") setVehicleVariant ( miniggun1, 601 , 601 ) setVehicleDamageProof ( miniggun1, true ) setElementCollisionsEnabled(mountgun, false) setVehicleEngineState ( miniggun1, false ) attachElements( miniggun1, mountgun, -0.4, 0, 1.1, 0, 0, -90 ) setElementAlpha(miniggun1, 0) end end if isPedInVehicle(pla)then local zitin=getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(pla)) if (zitin == 441)or(zitin == 464)or(zitin == 501)or(zitin == 465)or(zitin == 564)then cancelEvent() else local mountedgun=getElementData(pla,"mountedgun") if mountedgun then local heeftal=getElementData(getPedOccupiedVehicle(pla),"ismounted") if not heeftal then attachElements( mountedgun, getPedOccupiedVehicle(pla), 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 90 ) setElementData(pla,"ismounted",getPedOccupiedVehicle(pla)) setElementData(getPedOccupiedVehicle(pla),"ismounted",pla) end end end end end function mmmgleft(pla) if isPedInVehicle(pla)then local mountedgun=getElementData(pla,"mountedgun") local ismounted=getElementData(pla,"ismounted") if mountedgun then local x,y,z=getElementPosition(mountedgun) local xx,yy,zz=getElementRotation(mountedgun) setElementRotation(mountedgun,xx,yy,zz-10) end end end function mmmgright(pla) if isPedInVehicle(pla)then local mountedgun=getElementData(pla,"mountedgun") local ismounted=getElementData(pla,"ismounted") if mountedgun then local x,y,z=getElementPosition(mountedgun) local xx,yy,zz=getElementRotation(mountedgun) setElementRotation(mountedgun,xx,yy,zz+10) end end end function mmmgleft2(pla) if isPedInVehicle(pla)then local mountedgun=getElementData(pla,"mountedgun") if mountedgun then local ismounted=getElementData(pla,"ismounted") if ismounted then local xx,yy,zz=getElementRotation(mountedgun) attachElements( mountedgun, ismounted, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0,zz+10) end end end end function mmmgright2(pla) if isPedInVehicle(pla)then local mountedgun=getElementData(pla,"mountedgun") if mountedgun then local ismounted=getElementData(pla,"ismounted") if ismounted then local xx,yy,zz=getElementRotation(mountedgun) local xxx,yyy,zzz=getElementRotation(ismounted) local test=(zz-zzz) attachElements( mountedgun, ismounted, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0,zz -10) end end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function(quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if (getElementData (source, "mountedgun")) then local mountedgun=getElementData(source,"mountedgun") local mountedgun2=getElementData(source,"mountedgun2") destroyElement (mountedgun) destroyElement (mountedgun2) removeElementData (source, "mountedgun") removeElementData (source, "mountedgun2") removeElementData (source, "ismounted") end end) addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), function () for i,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if (getElementData (v, "mountedgun")) then removeElementData (v, "ismounted") removeElementData (v, "mountedgun") end end end ) addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), function () for i,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do if (getElementData (v, "mountedgun")) then removeElementData (v, "ismounted") removeElementData (v, "mountedgun") end end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) bindKey (source,"u", "up", mountminigun) bindKey (source,"k", "down", mmmgright) bindKey (source,"l", "down", mmmgleft) bindKey (source,"j", "down", mmmgright2) bindKey (source,"h", "down", mmmgleft2) end ) have fun...
  17. actualy zombiescript is limited(not that its a bad script...but) : for ex : 1 player could hold all the zombies(by running in circles and not killing them),leaving no zombies for other players
  18. i let it remove from the community its simple infact just attach a rc to a minigun element you want it ====> pm me
  19. i had similar bug i installed gta s a directx(from dvd) = problem solved also under playonlinux you could install the dirx9 true an option in playonlinux
  20. i know probabely wine on ubuntu i tested all this.. the result: funny it was possible to run 2 mta clients the same time on same pc for the same user ... and i even mannaged for both to have a different serial (lol), just playing with hardware before mta install
  21. actualy this line would be better: as it kicks both clients and not just the client who is already connected function serialcheck(nick,ip,username,serial,versionn,versions) for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local pserial = getPlayerSerial(v) if serial == pserial then cancelEvent(true,"this serial \" "..serial.." \" is already in use") kickPlayer(v,"man quit messing") outputDebugString(serial.." kicked for double") end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerConnect", root, serialcheck )
  22. these are mine and i no longer wish them to be on the community... https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5480 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=3830 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=3895 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=4062 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=4367 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=4396 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5806 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5960 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5970 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=6252 DONE
  23. you could let them out of the meta and put some skinpak to install on a ftp... i tried this,it works... but then again,most of players are not able to install the custom skinz manualy,or some stinky stealing rat can easely have all the mods without having to see the mods folder... you could make it more dificult by renaming the files random and without any logic... like for example bfori.txd to a1.txt bfori.dff to z22.mp3 and compiling your client.lua will make it even harder to use your files but its madness to do... i think waiting mta 1.4 would be the best choise,as you can script a download in this version...
  24. wine on linux... can run 1 mta per account but its crappy...
  25. im using maximum and experience no problems with the setPedStat at all
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