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Everything posted by FSXTim

  1. But how can I give me the 'function.banPlayer' right? Like this? "Admin"> "Moderator"> "SuperModerator"> "Admin"> "RPC"> "resource.admin"> "resource.webadmin"> "resource.race"> "user.Tim"> "function.banPlayer" access="true"> Greets
  2. Okay, I read that is uses SQLite, but I didn't know what it is. Now I have the following problem: I am using my own register/login system with a database. When I type /support, the chatbox sais: "You can't use the support system until you login" What can I do? Greets
  3. Good work, do I need a database for it and if yes, where can I download the database file? Greets
  4. That's working. Thanks, sir! Greets
  5. Thanks, but still not working. When I don't put a text in the edit, the chatbox sais: "Tim:"
  6. But it's still not working! Greets
  7. What the fu**? Sorry, but I didn't see that. My mistake. Thank you! Greets
  8. Hello, I created an edit in my GUI. The player can put a text in it and he can also sent it to all the players. clientside: function sendenButton (state) if state == "left" then if source == senden_button then local localp = getLocalPlayer() local memoText = guiGetText(edit_memo) if memoText ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("userpanelText", getLocalPlayer(), localp, memoText) guiSetText(edit_memo, "") else outoutChatBox("Du hast keinen Text eingegeben!", 255, 48, 48) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), sendenButton) serverside: function userpanelText (localp, memoText) local name = getPlayerName(localp) outputChatBox("#FF0000"..name.."#FFFFFF: "..memoText.."", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) end addEvent ( "userpanelText", true ) addEventHandler ( "userpanelText", getRootElement(), userpanelText ) Problem: When I put a text in the edit and press the button 'Senden', everything is working, example: "FSXTim: Hello!" But when I do only press on the button 'Senden" and when I don't put a text in the edit, the chatbox sais that: "Tim:" But it has to tell the local player: "Du hast keinen Text eingegeben!": if memoText ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("userpanelText", getLocalPlayer(), localp, memoText) guiSetText(edit_memo, "") else outoutChatBox("Du hast keinen Text eingegeben!", 255, 48, 48) Greets
  9. Thanks, it's working! Greets
  10. Hello, I want that the name of the actual running map is in a label. clientside, (this happens, when the player open the GUI): triggerServerEvent("MapName", getRootElement(), localp) (localp is defined!) -- triggers the event to the following serverside function -- serverside, (gets the name of the map): function MapName () local MapN = getMapName() triggerClientEvent("SetText", getRootElement(), MapN) end addEvent ( "MapName", true ) addEventHandler ( "MapName", getRootElement(), MapName ) -- triggers the name of the map to the following clientside script -- clientside, (puts the name of the map in a label): function SetText() guiSetText(mapText, "Map: "..MapN.."") end addEvent ( "SetText", true ) addEventHandler ( "SetText", getRootElement(), SetText ) Error (clientside): attempt to concatenate global 'MapN' (a nil value) Greets
  11. Okay, I see, thank you! Greets
  12. Thanks, that works! Greets
  13. Hello, the script doesn't set the volume of the running songs to '0', what's wrong? addEventHandler ( "playTheSound2", root, function () local sounds = getElementsByType ( "sound" ) setSoundVolume ( sounds, 0 ) song = playSound ( "music/party.mp3", false ) setSoundVolume ( song, 2 ) end ) I hope you can help me. Greets
  14. Thanks at all! Greets
  15. g_MapInfo("author") function g_MapInfo(string) if(string=="author")then for i,v in ipairs(getResources())do if(getResourceState(v)=="running")then if(getResourceInfo(v,"type")==map)then return getResourceInfo(v,"author") outputChatBox ("#FFFFFF|INFO| #00CD00Aktuelle Map: < #FFFFFF"..getMapName().."#00CD00 > by <#FFFFFF"..g_MapInfo.author.." 00CD00>", player, 0, 205, 0, true) break; end end end end end I will test it! (added outputCHatBox())
  16. I think is the problem, how do I have to define it? Greets
  17. I didn't found it, it's my own script, when a player enter the game, than the ChatBox says: ... map name ... and ... author of the map .. (actual map) Greets
  18. I don't know, Sir, what do you exactly want to know? Greets
  19. Ressource: Race 'g_MapInfo.author': The Author name of a map Greets
  20. Okay, I put the script into [race]/race/ And the maps are here: [race]/[maps] I didn't define 'g_MapInfo' Greets
  21. Sure, it has! But renember, this is the error: attempt to index global 'g_MapInfo' (a nil value) And not that: attempt to index global 'g_MapInfo.author' (a nil value) Greets
  22. Sorry, Sir, I posted the wrong script, please have a look again. Greets
  23. Hello, I have a problem with my script. Please have a look. outputChatBox ("#FFFFFF|INFO| #00CD00Aktuelle Map: < #FFFFFF"..getMapName().."#00CD00 > by <#FFFFFF"..g_MapInfo.author.." 00CD00>", player, 0, 205, 0, true) Error: attempt to index global 'g_MapInfo' (a nil value) Greets
  24. I tried, but 'Repair' in the database is still '0'!
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