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Everything posted by xXBlasterXx

  1. Hi, I want to make CharacterKill script. I think the easiest way is kick and delete row with character from database. I tried, but it doesn't works. This script doesn't delete character from db. This is server-side function ckPlayer(player, cmd, ...) if getElementData(player,"char >> dead",true) then if not (...) then outputChatBox("#32b3efUŻYCIE:#FFFFFF /" .. cmd .. " [powód zgonu]", player, 255, 194, 14, true) else local accid = getElementData(player,"acc >> id"); info = table.concat({...}, " ") local cked = setElementData(player,"char >> cked", true); kickPlayer(player, "CK: " ..info.."."); end end end addCommandHandler("ck", ckPlayer) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),"Kicked",function() local accid = getElementData(source,"acc >> id"); if accid and accid > 0 then if getElementData(source,"char >> cked") == "true" then dbExec(sql,"DELETE FROM characters WHERE id=?",accid) end end end); Please, help
  2. Could you explain more? I don't know how to use this. I was thinking smoething like that (from user Pa3ck), above is for 2-colors dxDraw, I need for alpha addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () texture = dxCreateTexture (300, 25) local pixels = dxGetTexturePixels (texture) for i=0,300 do local progress = 100 / 300 * i / 100 local r, g, b = interpolateBetween ( 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, progress, "Linear") for j=0,25 do dxSetPixelColor (pixels, i, j, r, g, b, 255) end end dxSetTexturePixels (texture, pixels) texture2 = dxCreateTexture (600, 25) local pixels2 = dxGetTexturePixels (texture2) for i=0,300 do local progress = 100 / 300 * i / 100 local r, g, b = interpolateBetween ( 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, progress, "Linear") for j=0,25 do dxSetPixelColor (pixels2, i, j, r, g, b, 255) end end dxSetTexturePixels (texture2, pixels2) end) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, function () dxDrawImage (300, 300, 300, 25, texture) dxDrawImage (600, 300, 300, 25, texture2) end)
  3. Hi, I wanted create black dxDrawRectangle which alpha is from left 255 to right 0. Something like this Image isn't my. Please help, I know so far that I should use Interpolatebetween but don't have idea how to.
  4. How did you do that? Can you make something like tutorial? How can I import VC map to MTA:SA?
  5. Hello! I'm looking for any modification which change map SA to VC and works with MTA:SA 1.5 and newer versions. I found this modification http://gtaforums.com/topic/271957-rel-b ... n-vice/but can't find MTA modification wich works with that. And found this modification http://gtaforums.com/topic/839261-saxvc ... ble-build/ but function createObject doesn't works with it. Can anyone help me? Cheers, thanks in advice!
  6. "editor_main"> "removeWorldObject (oldgarage_SFS) (1)" radius="46.838493347168" interior="0" model="11387" lodModel="11279" posX="-2038.75" posY="150.71094" posZ="31.19531" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (1)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (roadsSFSE55) (1)" radius="75.405456542969" interior="0" model="11110" lodModel="11060" posX="-2169.28906" posY="208.02344" posZ="34.24219" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (demolish4_SFXRF) (1)" radius="37.800193786621" interior="0" model="3887" lodModel="3888" posX="-2128.17969" posY="171.46094" posZ="42.42969" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (demolish1_SFXRF) (1)" radius="26.104995727539" interior="0" model="3866" lodModel="3869" posX="-2116.67969" posY="131.00781" posZ="42.14844" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodlight) (1)" radius="10.232070922852" interior="0" model="3864" lodModel="0" posX="-2083.04443" posY="154.36696" posZ="34.73351" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (oldgarage_SFS) (2)" radius="46.838493347168" interior="0" model="11387" lodModel="11279" posX="-2038.75" posY="150.71094" posZ="31.19531" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (2)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodbeams) (1)" radius="11.740780830383" interior="0" model="3872" lodModel="0" posX="-2111.36841" posY="172.04024" posZ="34.74178" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodlight) (2)" radius="10.232070922852" interior="0" model="3864" lodModel="0" posX="-2112.29517" posY="173.17313" posZ="34.52229" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodbeams) (2)" radius="11.740780830383" interior="0" model="3872" lodModel="0" posX="-2059.36499" posY="205.80841" posZ="35.42738" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub_SFS) (1)" radius="84.219505310059" interior="0" model="10983" lodModel="11143" posX="-2076.64844" posY="222.85156" posZ="31.21875" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (3)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (4)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (5)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (6)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodlight) (3)" radius="10.232070922852" interior="0" model="3864" lodModel="0" posX="-2060.07178" posY="204.56065" posZ="34.79572" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (concpipe_SFXRF) (1)" radius="6.9771990776062" interior="0" model="3865" lodModel="0" posX="-2057.70312" posY="229.80469" posZ="35.35156" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hubhole1_SFSe) (1)" radius="14.529824256897" interior="0" model="11223" lodModel="0" posX="-2049.17187" posY="250.32031" posZ="33.07813" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hubhole4_SFSe) (1)" radius="14.648138046265" interior="0" model="11226" lodModel="0" posX="-2049.17187" posY="250.32031" posZ="29.375" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (concpipe_SFXRF) (2)" radius="6.9771990776062" interior="0" model="3865" lodModel="0" posX="-2063.01562" posY="247.94531" posZ="35.74219" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (concpipe_SFXRF) (3)" radius="6.9771990776062" interior="0" model="3865" lodModel="0" posX="-2063.24219" posY="258.75" posZ="35.74219" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (demolish4_SFXRF) (2)" radius="37.800193786621" interior="0" model="3887" lodModel="3888" posX="-2066.35937" posY="301.91406" posZ="42.17188" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodbeams) (3)" radius="11.740780830383" interior="0" model="3872" lodModel="0" posX="-2102.03394" posY="230.6138" posZ="36.43636" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (demolish1_SFXRF) (2)" radius="26.104995727539" interior="0" model="3866" lodModel="3869" posX="-2126.21094" posY="231.97656" posZ="41.6875" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (rubbled01_SFS) (1)" radius="15.90797996521" interior="0" model="10984" lodModel="0" posX="-2126.15625" posY="238.61719" posZ="35.26563" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodlight) (4)" radius="10.232070922852" interior="0" model="3864" lodModel="0" posX="-2102.04712" posY="229.75581" posZ="34.83369" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (demolish1_SFXRF) (3)" radius="26.104995727539" interior="0" model="3866" lodModel="3869" posX="-2123.28906" posY="269.53125" posZ="41.85156" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (rubbled02_SFS) (1)" radius="15.642300605774" interior="0" model="10985" lodModel="0" posX="-2099.27344" posY="292.91406" posZ="35.07031" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (coveredpath1_SFS) (1)" radius="49.954761505127" interior="0" model="10987" lodModel="0" posX="-2137.82031" posY="264.28125" posZ="35.78125" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (rubbled03_SFS) (1)" radius="11.998064994812" interior="0" model="10986" lodModel="0" posX="-2130.05469" posY="275.5625" posZ="35.375" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodbeams) (4)" radius="11.740780830383" interior="0" model="3872" lodModel="0" posX="-2112.82373" posY="266.55038" posZ="34.90044" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (WS_floodlight) (5)" radius="10.232070922852" interior="0" model="3864" lodModel="0" posX="-2113.69946" posY="267.69858" posZ="34.89729" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (hub02_SFSe) (7)" radius="76.556533813477" interior="0" model="11340" lodModel="11339" posX="-2079.95312" posY="159.20313" posZ="30.86719" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (oldgarage_SFS) (3)" radius="46.838493347168" interior="0" model="11387" lodModel="11279" posX="-2038.75" posY="150.71094" posZ="31.19531" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (oldgarage_SFS) (4)" radius="46.838493347168" interior="0" model="11387" lodModel="11279" posX="-2038.75" posY="150.71094" posZ="31.19531" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (oldgarage_SFS) (5)" radius="46.838493347168" interior="0" model="11387" lodModel="11279" posX="-2038.75" posY="150.71094" posZ="31.19531" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> "removeWorldObject (Sfse_hublockup) (1)" radius="19.55632019043" interior="0" model="11326" lodModel="11328" posX="-2041.94531" posY="121.17969" posZ="30.1875" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"> You see? I removed it, and this doesn't works. Maybe it's reserved object?
  7. 11387 oldgarage_SFS LOD: 11279 11326 Sfse_hublockup LOS: 11328 11327 sfse_hub_grgdoor02 LOD: 0 11416 hbgdSFS I've MTA Editor with World Object Remover in file .map have this line, but doesn't works.
  8. Hello! I have problem. Can't remove object oldgarage_SFS - it's doherty gas station build, can someone help me? Greetings!
  9. Hello! How i can convert .ipl file to .map file for MTA 1.3.1? Aaron's ipl2map converter doesn't works, this http://gtamap.delux-host.com/converter/ site too. Can you help me? Greetings! PS. Sorry for my little english.
  10. Hello! I have problem. I made GUI in 1024x768 resolution, and when changed resolution to 1280x1024 i see some bugs with GUI? How i can do that it will be good? Sorry for my bad english. Greetings, Blaster!
  11. The same errors and warnings. DrakeN, how i can fix it?
  12. How add it to Admin Group? I start only mysql, global, account-system, and log: [2012-04-09 13:43:54] Resources: 81 loaded, 0 failed [2012-04-09 13:43:54] Querying game-monitor.com master server... unavailable! [2012-04-09 13:43:54] Querying backup master server... success! [2012-04-09 13:43:55] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.41) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" [2012-04-09 13:43:55] MODULE: Loaded "SHA Module" (1.02) by "mabako" [2012-04-09 13:43:55] MODULE: Loaded "Sockets Module" (1.10) by "Gamesnert, MCvarial & x86" [2012-04-09 13:43:55] Starting resources.... [2012-04-09 13:43:55] WARNING: account-system/s_account_system_sapphire.lua(Line 296) [server] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen. [2012-04-09 13:43:55] Some files in 'account-system' use deprecated functions. [2012-04-09 13:43:55] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. [2012-04-09 13:43:55] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (global) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 13:43:55] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 13:43:55] ERROR: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:88: attempt to index local 'motdresult' (a nil value) [2012-04-09 13:43:55] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2012-04-09 13:43:55] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
  13. [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:88: attempt to index local 'motdresult' (a nil value) exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(getRootElement(), "account:motd", motdresult["value" ], false ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:206: bad argument #2 to 'mysql_escape_string' (string expected, got nil) return mysql_escape_string(MySQLConnection, str) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:827: attempt to concatenate a boolean value mysql:query("UPDATE accounts SET lastlogin=NOW(), ip='" .. mysql:escape_string(ip) .. "', country='" .. mysql:escape_string(country) .. "', mtaserial='" .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerSerial(source)) .. "' WHERE id='" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. "'") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why this resources dont running? [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (global) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string "?"]
  14. When I turn on the console, there are such errors: [2012-04-09 01:24] Resources: 81 loaded, 0 failed [2012-04-09 01:24] Querying game-monitor.com master server... unavailable! [2012-04-09 01:24] Querying backup master server... success! [2012-04-09 01:24] MODULE: Loaded "MySQL 5.0 database module" (0.50) by "Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>" [2012-04-09 01:24] MODULE: Unable to load modules/libmysql.dll! [2012-04-09 01:24] Starting resources.... [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: account-system/langpacks/english.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: account-system/langpacks/gaelic.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: account-system/langpacks/estonian.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: account-system/langpacks/dutch.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: account-system/langpacks/german.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: account-system/langpacks/swedish.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8. [2012-04-09 01:24] Some files in 'account-system' use deprecated functions. [2012-04-09 01:24] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources. [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (global) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:88: attempt to index local 'motdresult' (a nil value) [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: animation-system\s_animation_system.lua:4: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: Couldn't find resource elevator-system. Check it exists. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: fuel-system\s_fuel_system.lua:90: Bad argument @ 'setTimer' [Expected number at argument 3, got function] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] INFO: Stevie will spawn in 418 minutes. [2012-04-09 01:24] INFO: Giovanni will spawn in 418 minutes. [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] Please wait... [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: gps-system\s_gps.lua:4: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: id-system\s_id_system.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: killmessages\vgkillmessages_server.lua:80: Bad argument @ 'addEvent' [Expected bool at argument 2, got string 'wasted,killer,weapon'] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: language-system\s_language_system.lua:111: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) [2012-04-09 01:24] INFO: Lottery will be drawn in 358 minutes. [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: shop-system\s_generalshop_system.lua:480: attempt to index local 'result' (a nil value) [2012-04-09 01:24] ERROR: Couldn't find resource toolstip-system. Check it exists. [2012-04-09 01:24] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2012-04-09 01:24] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [2012-04-09 01:24] WARNING: startup\s_startup.lua:10: Access denied @ 'restartResource' When I log on the character such errors occur and I can not move: [iNFORMATIONS ABOUT PLAYER CONNECTED] [2012-04-09 01:26] WARNING: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:57: Access denied @ 'getClientIP' [2012-04-09 01:26] WARNING: global\country_globals.lua:3: Access denied @ 'getClientIP' [2012-04-09 01:26] WARNING: global\country_globals.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'gettok' [2012-04-09 01:26] WARNING: global\country_globals.lua:5: Bad argument @ 'gettok' [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: global\country_globals.lua:5: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: call: failed to call 'global:getPlayerCountry' [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:26] WARNING: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:825: Access denied @ 'getClientIP' [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:206: bad argument #2 to 'mysql_escape_string' (string expected, got nil) [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:206: bad argument #2 to 'mysql_escape_string' (string expected, got nil) [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:escape_string' [string "?"] [2012-04-09 01:26] ERROR: account-system\s_account_system_sapphire.lua:827: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
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