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Everything posted by StreetSaintz

  1. Hello, Does any 1 knows a good mta host where u can buy 10 slots with your phone? i realy need 1. (or paysafecard)
  2. any 1 knows a host where u can buy 0-12 slots with phone.?
  3. Hello, Does any 1 knows a good mta host where u can buy 10 slots with your phone? i realy need 1. (or paysafecard)
  4. StreetSaintz

    gta error

    now i get this problem
  5. StreetSaintz

    gta error

    no, i got the orginial CD of gta sa but i did get the same problem so i tried to download a pirated version of gta sa but same problem
  6. StreetSaintz

    gta error

    ogg.dll and some other files i forgot
  7. StreetSaintz

    gta error

    http://pastebin.com/dAQ6D1bX its not mta but when i run gtasa.exe it gives me that error before that error it said there where missing files so i downloaded these filles from http://www.dll-files.com/ and then when these problems got fixed i did get this error and i download like 3-4 different gta downloads
  8. StreetSaintz

    gta error

    when i installed gta i wanted to start mta but when i start gta i get this problem, how to fix?
  9. whats wrong in this code guys ? if((#playersAlive + 1) == 1)then outputChatBox("You earned " .. formula .." points and €" .. math.ceil(moneyFormula) .. " for ending " .. #playersAlive + 1 .. "st place!") elseif((#playersAlive + 1) == 2) then outputChatBox("You earned " .. formula .." points and €" .. math.ceil(moneyFormula) .. " for ending " .. #playersAlive + 1 .. "nd place!") elseif((#playersAlive + 1) == 3) then outputChatBox("You earned " .. formula .." points and €" .. math.ceil(moneyFormula) .. " for ending " .. #playersAlive + 1 .. "rd place!") else outputChatBox("You earned " .. formula .." points and €" .. math.ceil(moneyFormula) .. " for ending " .. #playersAlive + 1 .. "th place!") end
  10. i got this script function saytext outputChatBox ( "[ "playerName" ]:#ff0000Hello!", player) end addCommandHandler ( "hi", saytext ) but idk why i doesnt work
  11. StreetSaintz


    Hi Guys, My Friend has an DD and DM server but he needs a buy map system. i though u guys cud help me find 1 bcause i cant find 1 on the forums/community it would be very nice if u cud give me an buy map resource ( it also can have multiple functions)
  12. StreetSaintz


    Hey guys im searching an working autoteam script does any 1 knows where i can find 1 i hope u can help me StreetSaintz.
  13. can you tell me what u changed so i can learn somthing from it
  14. Hello guys cud u help me change permissions please i got this already maded script in race, the problem is that everyone can do ./new but i only want it for admins and moderators. racevoting_server.lua -- racemidvote_server.lua -- -- Mid-race random map vote and -- NextMapVote handled in this file -- local lastVoteStarterName = '' local lastVoteStarterCount = 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- displayHilariarseMessage -- -- Comedy gold ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayHilariarseMessage( player ) if not player then lastVoteStarterName = '' else local playerName = getPlayerName(player) local msg = '' if playerName == lastVoteStarterName then lastVoteStarterCount = lastVoteStarterCount + 1 if lastVoteStarterCount == 5 then msg = playerName .. ' Heeft een vote gestart!' elseif lastVoteStarterCount == 10 then msg = 'Kijk eens aan'..playerName .. ' Heeft nog een vote gestart!' elseif lastVoteStarterCount < 5 then msg = playerName .. ' heeft een andere vote gestart.' else msg = playerName .. ' Misbruikt het vote systeem.' end else lastVoteStarterCount = 0 lastVoteStarterName = playerName msg = playerName .. ' heeft een vote gestart!.' end outputRace( msg ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- displayKillerPunchLine -- -- Sewing kits available in the foyer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayKillerPunchLine( player ) if lastVoteStarterName ~= '' then outputRace( 'Officieel Nieuws: Iedereen haat ' .. lastVoteStarterName ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startMidMapVoteForRandomMap -- -- Start the vote menu if during a race and more than 30 seconds from the end -- No messages if this was not started by a player ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startMidMapVoteForRandomMap(player) -- Check state and race time left if not stateAllowsRandomMapVote() or g_CurrentRaceMode:getTimeRemaining() < 30000 then if player then outputRace( "Im afraid i cant let u do that " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ".", player ) end return end displayHilariarseMessage( player ) exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Actual vote started here local pollDidStart = exports.votemanager:startPoll { title='Wil jij de map veranderen naar een random map?', percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true, visibleTo=getRootElement(), [1]={'Yes', 'midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), true}, [2]={'No', 'midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), false;default=true}, } -- Change state if vote did start if pollDidStart then gotoState('MidMapVote') end end addCommandHandler('new',startMidMapVoteForRandomMap) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- event midMapVoteResult -- -- Called from the votemanager when the poll has completed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent('midMapVoteResult') addEventHandler('midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), function( votedYes ) -- Change state back if stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult() then gotoState('Running') if votedYes then startRandomMap() else displayKillerPunchLine() end end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startRandomMap -- -- Changes the current map to a random race map ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startRandomMap() -- Handle forced nextmap setting if maybeApplyForcedNextMap() then return end -- Get a random map chosen from the 10% of least recently player maps, with enough spawn points for all the players (if required) local map = getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode( getThisResource(), 10, g_GameOptions.ghostmode and 0 or getTotalPlayerCount() ) if map then g_IgnoreSpawnCountProblems = map -- Uber hack 4000 if not exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap ( map, nil, true ) then problemChangingMap() end else outputWarning( 'startRandomMap failed' ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- outputRace -- -- Race color is defined in the settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function outputRace(message, toElement) toElement = toElement or g_Root local r, g, b = getColorFromString(string.upper(get("color"))) if getElementType(toElement) == 'console' then outputServerLog(message) else if toElement == rootElement then outputServerLog(message) end if getElementType(toElement) == 'player' then message = '[PM] ' .. message end outputChatBox(message, toElement, r, g, b) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- problemChangingMap -- -- Sort it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function problemChangingMap() outputRace( 'Veranderen van random map in 5 seconden' ) local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() TimerManager.createTimerFor("resource","mapproblem"):setTimer( function() -- Check that something else hasn't already changed the map if currentMap == exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() then startRandomMap() end end, math.random(4500,5500), 1 ) end -- -- -- NextMapVote -- -- -- local g_Poll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startNextMapVote -- -- Start a votemap for the next map. Should only be called during the -- race state 'NextMapSelect' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startNextMapVote() exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Handle forced nextmap setting if maybeApplyForcedNextMap() then return end -- Get all maps local compatibleMaps = exports.mapmanager:getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode(getThisResource()) -- limit it to eight random maps if #compatibleMaps > 8 then math.randomseed(getTickCount()) repeat table.remove(compatibleMaps, math.random(1, #compatibleMaps)) until #compatibleMaps == 8 elseif #compatibleMaps < 2 then return false, errorCode.onlyOneCompatibleMap end -- mix up the list order for i,map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local swapWith = math.random(1, #compatibleMaps) local temp = compatibleMaps[i] compatibleMaps[i] = compatibleMaps[swapWith] compatibleMaps[swapWith] = temp end local poll = { title="Kies next map:", visibleTo=getRootElement(), percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true; } for index, map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local mapName = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map) table.insert(poll, {mapName, 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), map}) end local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() if currentMap then table.insert(poll, {"Speel opnieuw", 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), currentMap}) end -- Allow addons to modify the poll g_Poll = poll triggerEvent('onPollStarting', g_Root, poll ) poll = g_Poll g_Poll = nil
  15. Thanks all guys , it works 100 % so you'll just kick players as soon as their ping gets over the limit? What if they have a lagspike? No, i got a other script that gives the player a warning when he gets over 250 ping and when he gets 300 ping = kick
  16. Thanks all guys , it works 100 %
  17. i was watching at the server it says Acces denied @ Kickplayer ? i did everything like u guys told me
  18. do i need to change this to ?
  19. i got now this: Meta.xml <meta> <info author="StreetSaintz" version="1.0" /> <script src="clientping.lua" type="client" /> </meta> clientping.lua local maxPing = 20 setTimer ( function ( ) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType'player' ) do -- loop through all players if ( getPlayerPing ( v ) >= maxPing ) then -- if a player's ping is too high kickPlayer ( v, "You got kicked for having a high ping" ) -- kick him end end end ,1000, 0 -- repeat the check every 1 second ) What im doing wrong ?
  20. is this correct ? Serverping.lua function checkPing() local maxPing = 100 setTimer( function() for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType'player') do -- loop through all players if getPlayerPing(v) >= maxPing then -- if a player's ping is too high kickPlayer(v,"You got kicked for having a high ping") -- kick him end end end, 1000, 0 -- repeat the check every 1 second )
  21. Hello guys i need help, i got this script but i want that i dont need to typ /ping but it checks it automaticly and when it gets over the maximum ping you get kicked Serverping.lua function checkPing() local ping = getPlayerPing(source) -- get the ping from the source element (the player who joined) if (ping > 100) then -- if it's higher than 100... outputChatBox("Your ping is pretty high! Please try to lower it if possible.", source) -- output a message to the player end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), checkPing) -- add the event handler clientping.lua function checkPing() local ping = getPlayerPing(getLocalPlayer()) -- get the ping from the source element (the player who joined) if (ping > 100) then -- if it's higher than 100... outputChatBox("Your ping is pretty high! Please try to lower it if possible.") -- output a message to the player end end addCommandHandler("ping", checkPing) Ihope u guys can help me
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