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Everything posted by ali

  1. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Rocking Apple Will OOP
  2. remove the onClientResourceStart
  3. no that doesnt help it just shifts the ranks down
  4. r_w = guiCreateWindow(322, 150, 565, 540, "Staff Ranks", false) guiWindowSetSizable(r_w, false) guiSetAlpha(r_w, 1.00) ggrid1 = guiCreateGridList(10, 54, 545, 377, false, r_w) namess = guiGridListAddColumn(ggrid1, "Name", 0.5) rankss = guiGridListAddColumn(ggrid1, "Ranks", 0.5) butt1 = guiCreateButton(48, 446, 459, 84, "Close", false, r_w) guiSetFont(butt1, "sa-header") guiSetVisible(r_w,false) ----------------------------- nameTable = { {"Ali"}, {"Arman"}, } -------------------------------------- RankTable = { {"Admin"}, {"Moderator"}, } ------------------------------ addCommandHandler("ranks", function () guiSetVisible(r_w,true) showCursor(true) for i, v in ipairs (nameTable) do row = guiGridListAddRow(ggrid1) guiGridListSetItemText(ggrid1, row, namess , v[1], false, false) end for i, v in ipairs (RankTable) do guiGridListSetItemText(ggrid1, row, rankss , v[1], false, false) end end ) the probem is it does not tell the first rank i.e admin (see line 23)
  5. ali


    function giris () outputChatBox ("#990000*#138a17<"..getPlayerName(source).."#138a17>#13adadAdlı Oyuncu #990000Hesabına #ff0000Giriş #ffffffYaptı.",getRootElement(),0,0,0,true) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), giris) function cikis () outputChatBox ("#990000*#138a17<"..getPlayerName(source).."#138a17>#13adadAdlı Oyuncu #990000Hesabından #ff0000Çıkış #ffffffYaptı.",getRootElement(),0,0,0,true) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), cikis)
  6. ali

    a little Help

    ye its fixd so thx
  7. ali

    a little Help

    [2015-04-22 00:28:03] WARNING: Cookie\cookie_s.lua:6: Bad argument @ 'isObjectInACLGroup' [Expected acl-group at argument 2, got boolean]
  8. ali

    a little Help

    addEvent("check",true) addEventHandler("check",root, function () local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local accname = getAccountName(account) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Owner" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Full Moderator" ) )or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Moderator" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("access",getRootElement()) end end ) it says attempt to concatenate global accname (a nil value)
  9. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Quiet Pissed Queen LOD
  10. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Horrid invention jungle IOI
  11. ali


    hmm is there a way for only specific person to get the mod and not others?
  12. ali


    when you use engineImoportTXD does the model change for the whole person or localPlayer
  13. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Long Zapper Lists RER
  14. ali

    -3 Letters-

    IONS Optic Plates AXX
  15. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Robots On Turkey DAE
  16. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Bad Cat Dress YIU
  17. ali

    -3 Letters-

    Zebra Zenning Zaps XYH
  18. Ps: i have already done the things like "when this pick up is hit" etc what i want is how to make the cycle repeat
  19. table1 = { {-2124.66235, -1957.51196, 242.68094}, {-2432.49658, -1620.10706, 526.82495}, {-2297.62671, -1110.15125, 96.6019}, } randomX, randomY, randomZ = unpack(table1[math.random(#table1)]) pickup3 = createPickup (randomX, randomY, randomZ,3,1279) blip1 = createBlipAttachedTo(pickup3,37,0,0,0,0,255,0,99999.0, teamClimb) then when this pickup is clicked then destroyElement(pickup3) destroyElement(blip1) then one a marker is hit and once again pickup3 = createPickup(randomX, randomY, randomZ,3,1279) blip1 = createBlipAttachedTo(pickup3,37,0) but then i want the cycle to continue but it doesnt
  20. ali

    Add A Video

    addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function() if (getAccountName(source) == "aliarman") then ---need to play a video here ----- end ) i just want to ask is there any function to add is it servesided or client and what it is
  21. ali


    farmerMarker = createMarker(0, 0, 0,"cylinder") createBlipAttachedTo(farmerMarker,25) local markers = { {-712.28870, 959.58148, 12.33588}, {-721.93903, 938.94037, 12.13281}, } function createTeams() teamhunt = createTeam ("Treasure Hunter", 255,255,255 ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createTeams) function visi(hitElement) triggerClientEvent(hitElement,"go",hitElement) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", farmerMarker, visi) function setHunter() team = getPlayerTeam(source) if not (team == teamhunt) then k = setPlayerTeam(source,teamhunt) setPlayerNametagColor(source, 0,255,255) local randomX, randomY, randomZ = unpack(markers[math.random(#markers)]) local theMarker = createMarker ( randomX, randomY, randomZ, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 255, 170, teamhunt) createBlipAttachedTo(theMarker,0) setElementVisibleTo ( theMarker, teamhunt, true ) end end addEvent("setTeam",true) addEventHandler("setTeam",getRootElement(),setHunter) this still didnt work
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