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Everything posted by golanu21

  1. OutLive/OutDead GameMode "Made by Bl[a]sT or Adi Tudor" CINE SUNTEM? Salut, ma numesc Bl[a]st, multi cunoscandu-ma dupa numele "Adi Tudor". Acesta va fi viitorul GM care va lovi MTA-ul Romanesc. CE VOM AVEA IN GM? Ei bine vom avea numeroase sisteme ca de exemplu : -Experience system(original) -0% -Level system(original) -0% -Armour system(original) -0% -Weapons system(original) -0% -Zombies(Zday script by slothman) - downloaded -Login/Register system (original) - 100% --Poza 1 Poza2 Poza3 -Safe zone system (original) -0% -Ped Missions system (original) -0% _______SI MULTE ALTELE_________
  2. Ce conteaza asta... pot fi si 200000000 de servere romanestii.. care e problema, degeaba discutii aici, nu vei rezolva nimic
  3. golanu21


    buton = guiCreateButton(x/1.7, y/3.55, 55, 15, "Button") guiSetAlpha(buton , 0) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", buton, function() --Blba bla bla end)
  4. De ce faceti chat-uri pe forum degeaba, nu va inteleg...
  5. golanu21


    local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local playerName = getPlayerName ( localPlayer ) --Function login local myWindow = guiCreateWindow ( x/3.8, y/3.5, x/4.2, y/2.5, "Information", false ) userlog = guiCreateEdit( x/3.4, y/2.5, x/6.6, y/25, "Username", false, myWindow ) passlog = guiCreateEdit( x/3.4, y/1.9, x/6.6, y/25, "Password", false, myWindow ) butonlog = guiCreateButton(x/3.4, y/1.6, x/6.6, y/25, "Login", false, myWindow) regup = guiCreateButton(x/3.5, y/4, x/6.6, y/25, "Register", false, myWindow) why, userlog, passlog, butonlog, regup. .. don't show up.
  6. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=27032 uitate aici
  7. try : triggerClientEvent ( getRootElement(), "lvlUPNG", player ) --or triggerClientEvent (player, "lvlUPNG", getRootElement() )
  8. IsObjectInACLGroup, getAccountName , getPlayerAccount, aclGetGroup this all functions is working just in server side, not in client
  9. As fi interesat sa va ajut , daca ai nevoie, contacteazama la : skype : mr.marus21
  10. eu chiar as vrea sa fac cv...dar cu cine ..
  11. golanu21


    addCommandHandler("gc", function(thePlayer) local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT jobid FROM characters WHERE id = " ..getElementData(thePlayer, "dbid") ) if result then jobid = result["jobid"] if jobid == 'gc' then if FUNCTION WORKING then outputChatBox("Esti deja intr-o cursa", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) -- i want to make that when the FUNCTION WORKING, is working... else initiateCleanerJob() end end end end) i want to make command , and this command to work only when a function is not working..
  12. createColRectangle onColShapeHit
  13. local message = table.concat({...}) > local message = table.concat({...}, " ") i don't know if it works...
  14. local tables = { [1]={-2421.69238, -582.35858, 133.61719, "Caine"}, } function renderIng(ID) local x, y, z = getCameraMatrix( ) local px, py, pz = tables[ID][1], tables[ID][2], tables[ID][3] local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( px, py, pz, x, y, z ) if distance <= 20 then local text = tables[ID][4] if text and ( distance < 2 or isLineOfSightClear( x, y, z, px, py, pz + 0.7, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, localPlayer ) ) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( px, py, pz + 0.7 ) if sx and sy then local w = dxGetTextWidth( tostring( text ) ) local h = ( text and 2 or 1 ) * dxGetFontHeight( ) dxDrawText( tostring( text ), sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default", "center", "center" ) end end end end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement( ),renderIng) 7: Attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
  15. golanu21


    local screenx,screeny = guiGetScreenSize() -- animation local state = 'starting' local phase = 0 local alpha = 0 local lastTick = getTickCount() local function getProgress( addtick ) local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - lastTick local duration = lastTick+addtick - lastTick local progress = elapsedTime / duration return progress end function drawlogpan() local RectangleX,RectangleY = interpolateBetween(x/3.8, y/3.8, 0, x/1.97, y/2.75, 0, getProgress(500), 'InQuad') dxDrawRectangle(RectangleX, RectangleY, x/4, y/3, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150)) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", loginbtn, function ( ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawlogpan) end, false ) why the interpolateBetween it's not working... the rectangle just appear
  16. i can use interpolateBetween with dxDrawRectangle ?
  17. Eu unu ma bag, si vreau sa te ajut cu MGM
  18. golanu21

    MySQL Errors

    you need the modules and the libmysql.dll need to be in folder with MTA SERVER.exe
  19. Scripterii nu se vor unii nici odata, aici doar scriem dar nu se vor transforma in fapte
  20. Eu zic ca ai dreptate dar cum ar fi daca am face asa: Intr-un sv sa existe asa DD, DM, Clasic Race , si chestii dalea cu rachete pe masini (nush cum se num)
  21. Aici ai dreptate, dar daca lucram cu toti il puteam face pe axel sa isi revina si sa devina ce a fost...sa nu mai dea factiunii/admin la toti idiotii.. Edit : Sunt servere de SAMP care are ownerii de 18 anii, si intr-un an au facut 950 jucatorii zilnic(bugged)... si nu au trecut prin acceias chestie, de ce?, pentru ca nu a facut 10 admini cand au avut 20 jucatorii... acum avand 950 jucatorii, are doar 20 de administratori, si 20 helperi... si i-am spus asta lu axel odata de ce faci ma 100 admini la 150 de jucatorii?, si mi-a raspuns in felul urmator "Las' ca avem nevoie, nu putem sa ii controlam pe toti..."
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