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Everything posted by matito6

  1. Could you tell me what software I have to download to get rid of these viruses?
  2. I've Anti virus software. Malwarebytes anti malware. EDIT/// MTA now don't work...Whenever I install mta it works only for one inclusion. malwarebytes continuously searches for viruses "ramnit" dll in files. He's doing it after can no longer turn on the MTA. If I install the MTA is nothing but antivirus does not find after retrying searches viruses in files mta
  3. I installed it in C: Now mta work but i have still this error about no anti-virus in computer
  4. i Did fuill scan and i did also scan MTA files. And i got this results : http://upload.mtasa.com/u/616163413/VIRUSES RAPORT.txt_
  5. 2 weeks ago i reinstalled system.If I will do the full scan most of my data will be removed It's possible to fix this mta without full scan?
  6. I can only scan the file? and it will work?...
  7. http://upload.mtasa.com/u/880435783/client.dll_
  8. ///Timed out code: 00070000 http://pastebin.mtasa.com/609667936
  9. 1. Did it already 2. Same 3. Did it 98327489327 times Yea still crashes!! What is interesting? Version 1.4 Work perfectly. 9/10 servers is based on 1.3.5 What is sad? Everything fuc*** up when you relased 1.3.4 version.
  10. http://pastebin.mtasa.com/168615506
  11. Ok , i fixed the problem... Thanks MTADIAG!!!
  12. http://pastebin.mtasa.com/394570091
  13. Hello. First of all, it's not virus fault because i scanned and deleted/fixed all viruses on my computer(disk). After it i tried to launch mta but i got the same problem.. well i tried to reinstall system, and? ... again this Error. I need your help guys, Best regards Sunbathe
  14. --------------------------- Error! (CTRL+C to copy) [CL24] --------------------------- Loading core failed. Please ensure that Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) and the latest DirectX is correctly installed. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- How to fix this? , i already reinstalled "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) "
  15. Welcome ! needs script. lua to load this file: particle.txd and please give as save the "meta" I have this file particle.txd. I need this script because I want to remove clouds on the server.
  16. matito6


    Lol , i don't have
  17. matito6


    Hello . I have one problem with joinquit of lua. Only don't work Join script idk why ? someone can fix it ? . Thanks . function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, left, top, clip, wordbreak, postGUI) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor( tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ), 255 ) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText( cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font ) ax = ax + w color = tocolor( tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ), 255 ) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, last ) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub( last ) local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap, scale, font ) dxDrawText( cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font, left, top, clip, wordbreak, postGUI ) end end local messageJoin = "" local messageQuit = "" local messageNick = "" local messageLogin = "" x,y = guiGetScreenSize() function renderPlayerJoined ( ) dxDrawColorText("#ffffff".. messageJoin,30,y/2-20,574.0,20.0,tocolor(200,0,0,255),1,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawImage (10,y/2-20,16,16,"icon/join.png",0,-120) end function renderPlayerLeft ( ) dxDrawColorText("#ffffff".. messageQuit,30,y/2,573.0,32.0,tocolor(0,0,255,170),1,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawImage (10,y/2,16,16,"icon/quit.png",0,-120) end function renderPlayerNick ( ) dxDrawColorText("#ffffff".. messageNick,30,y/2+20,574.0,20.0,tocolor(200,0,0,255),1,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawImage (10,y/2+20,16,16,"icon/nick.png",0,-120) end function renderPlayerLogin ( ) dxDrawColorText("#ffffff".. messageLogin,30,y/2+40,574.0,20.0,tocolor(200,0,0,255),1,"default-bold","left","top",false,false,false) dxDrawImage (10,y/2+40,16,16,"icon/login.png",0,-120) end function greetingHandler ( player, ulke ) messageJoin = "#ffffff"..getPlayerName (player) .. " #ffffffhas joined the game from #ffffff".. tostring ( ulke ) .."" addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerJoined ) setTimer ( function ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerJoined ) end ,6000,1 ) end addEvent( "onJoin", true ) addEventHandler( "onJoin", root, greetingHandler ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', root, function(reason) messageQuit = "#ffffff" ..getPlayerName(source) .. " #ffffffhas left game. [#ffffff" .. reason .. "#ffffff]" addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerLeft ) setTimer ( function ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerLeft ) end ,6000,1 ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerChangeNick", root, function ( oldNick, newNick ) messageNick = "#ffffff" ..oldNick.. " #ffffffis now known as #ffffff" ..newNick addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerNick ) setTimer ( function ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerNick ) end ,6000,1 ) end ) function giris ( player ) messageLogin = "#ffffff"..getPlayerName (player) .. " #ffffffhas successfully logged in!" addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerLogin ) setTimer ( function ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerLogin ) end ,6000,1 ) end addEvent( "onLogin", true ) addEventHandler( "onLogin", root, giris ) function cikis ( player ) messageLogin = "#ffffff"..getPlayerName (player) .. " #ffffffhas successfully logged out!" addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerLogin ) setTimer ( function ( ) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, renderPlayerLogin ) end ,6000,1 ) end addEvent( "onLogout", true ) addEventHandler( "onLogout", root, cikis )
  18. Wlecome . i have that code in toptime_server.lua -- -- toptimes_server.lua -- SToptimesManager = {} SToptimesManager.__index = SToptimesManager SToptimesManager.instances = {} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Server -- Handle events from Race -- -- This is the 'interface' from Race -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent('onMapStarting') addEventHandler('onMapStarting', g_Root, function(mapInfo, mapOptions, gameOptions) if g_SToptimesManager then g_SToptimesManager:setModeAndMap( mapInfo.modename, mapInfo.name, gameOptions.statsKey ) end end ) addEvent('onPlayerPickUpRacePickup') addEventHandler('onPlayerPickUpRacePickup', g_Root, function(number, sort, model) if sort == "vehiclechange" then if model == 425 then --outputChatBox ( "* " .. getPlayerName(source) .. " has got the Hunter !", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) if g_SToptimesManager then g_SToptimesManager:playerFinished( source, exports.race:getTimePassed()) end end end end ) addEvent('onPlayerFinish') addEventHandler('onPlayerFinish', g_Root, function(rank, time) if g_SToptimesManager then g_SToptimesManager:playerFinished( source, time) end end ) addEventHandler('onResourceStop', g_ResRoot, function() if g_SToptimesManager then g_SToptimesManager:unloadingMap() end end ) addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', g_Root, function() if g_SToptimesManager then g_SToptimesManager:removePlayerFromUpdateList(source) g_SToptimesManager:unqueueUpdate(source) end end ) addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() local raceInfo = getRaceInfo() if raceInfo and g_SToptimesManager then g_SToptimesManager:setModeAndMap( raceInfo.mapInfo.modename, raceInfo.mapInfo.name, raceInfo.gameOptions.statsKey ) end end ) function getRaceInfo() local raceResRoot = getResourceRootElement( getResourceFromName( "race" ) ) return raceResRoot and getElementData( raceResRoot, "info" ) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Events fired from here -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent("onPlayerToptimeImprovement") --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SToptimesManager:create() -- -- Create a SToptimesManager instance -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SToptimesManager:create() local id = #SToptimesManager.instances + 1 SToptimesManager.instances[id] = setmetatable( { id = id, playersWhoWantUpdates = {}, updateQueue = {}, serviceQueueTimer = nil, displayTopCount = 12, -- Top number of times to display mapTimes = nil, -- SMaptimes:create() serverRevision = 0, -- To prevent redundant updating to clients }, self ) SToptimesManager.instances[id]:postCreate() return SToptimesManager.instances[id] end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SToptimesManager:destroy() -- -- Destroy a SToptimesManager instance -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SToptimesManager:destroy() SToptimesManager.instances[self.id] = nil self.id = 0 end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SToptimesManager:postCreate() -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SToptimesManager:postCreate() cacheSettings() self.displayTopCount = g_Settings.numtimes end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SToptimesManager:setModeAndMap() -- -- Called when a new map has been loaded -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SToptimesManager:setModeAndMap( raceModeName, mapName, statsKey ) outputDebug( 'TOPTIMES', 'SToptimesManager:setModeAndMap ' .. raceModeName .. '<>' .. mapName ) -- Reset updatings from the previous map self.playersWhoWantUpdates = {} self.updateQueue = {} if self.serviceQueueTimer then killTimer(self.serviceQueueTimer) end self.serviceQueueTimer = nil -- Remove old map times if self.mapTimes then self.mapTimes:flush() -- Ensure last stuff is saved self.mapTimes:destroy() end -- Get map times for this map self.mapTimes = SMaptimes:create( raceModeName, mapName, statsKey ) self.mapTimes:load() -- Get the toptimes data ready to send self:updateTopText() end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SToptimesManager:unloadingMap() -- -- Called when unloading -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SToptimesManager:unloadingMap() if self.mapTimes then self.mapTimes:flush() -- Ensure last stuff is saved end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- SToptimesManager:playerFinished() -- -- If time is good enough, insert into database -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SToptimesManager:playerFinished( player, newTime, dateRecorded ) -- Check if top time recording is disabled for this player if getElementData ( player, "toptimes" ) == "off" then return end if not self.mapTimes then outputDebug( 'TOPTIMES', 'SToptimesManager:playerFinished - self.mapTimes == nil' ) return end dateRecorded = dateRecorded or getRealDateTimeNowString() local oldTime = self.mapTimes:getTimeForPlayer( player ) -- Can be false if no previous time local newPos = self.mapTimes:getPositionForTime( newTime, dateRecorded ) -- See if time is an improvement for this player if not oldTime or newTime < oldTime then local oldPos = self.mapTimes:getIndexForPlayer( player ) triggerEvent("onPlayerToptimeImprovement", player, newPos, newTime, oldPos, oldTime, self.displayTopCount, self.mapTimes:getValidEntryCount() ) -- See if its in the top display if newPos <= self.displayTopCount then outputDebug( 'TOPTIMES', getPlayerName(player) .. ' got toptime position ' .. newPos ) end outputChatBox("* " ..addTeamColor(player) .. ' #ff9900made a new toptime at position #ffffff' .. newPos .. ' #ff9900with the time #ffffff' .. convertMS(newTime) , getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) if oldTime then outputDebug( 'TOPTIMES', getPlayerName(player) .. ' new personal best ' .. newTime .. ' ' .. oldTime - newTime ) end self.mapTimes:setTimeForPlayer( player, newTime, dateRecorded ) -- updateTopText if database was changed if newPos <= self.displayTopCount then self:updateTopText() end end outputDebug( 'TOPTIMES', '++ SToptimesManager:playerFinished ' .. tostring(getPlayerName(player)) .. ' time:' .. tostring(newTime) ) end function convertMS( timeMs ) local minutes = math.floor( timeMs / 60000 ) local timeMs = timeMs - minutes * 60000; local seconds = math.floor( timeMs / 1000 ) local ms = timeMs - seconds * 1000; return string.format( '%02d:%02d:%03d', minutes, seconds, ms ); end
  19. matito6

    Hunter Cash

    Welcome Guys ! . Why this script dont work ? addEventHandler("onToptimeGotEvent",getRootElement(), function (newPos,oldPos) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local cash = getAccountData(account,"cash") local toptimes = getAccountData(account,"race_toptimes-race") local level = getAccountData(account,"level") if not (isGuestAccount(account)) then if oldPos and oldPos == 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #FF0000refreshed his Toptime!",255,255,255) return end if oldPos and oldPos > 1 and oldPos < 10 and newPos > 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #00FF22set's a new personal Huntertime("..newPos..")!",255,255,255) return end if newPos == 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #FF0000set's a new Toptime he earns 10000$",255,255,255) addStat(account,"race_toptimes-race",1) addStat(account,"cash",10000) elseif newPos >= 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #00FF22set's a new Huntertime("..newPos..") he earns 5000$ ",2565,255,255) addStat(account,"cash",5000) end else if newPos == 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #FF0000set's a new Toptime!",2565,255,255) elseif newPos >= 1 then triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." #00FF22set's a new Huntertime("..newPos..")!",2565,255,255) end end end) playerWithHunters = {} addEvent('onPlayerPickUpRacePickup') addEventHandler('onPlayerPickUpRacePickup', g_Root, function(number, sort, model) if sort == "vehiclechange" then if model == 425 then if not playerWithHunters[source] then playerWithHunters[source] = true local hunterreached = getResourceInfo (exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap(),"hunterreached") setResourceInfo (exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap(),"hunterreached",hunterreached == false and "1" or hunterreached and tostring(hunterreached+1)) end end end end )
  20. Thanks you. I have BIG problem ... I wrote your map. After two hours, I went to the server, I want to open the map and it does not exist! WHY? on the FTP server does not weigh anything, meta all messed up. what's going on ... Is it possible to save the map?
  21. Welcome. I do not know how to check the logs on the server, namely, who entered the server at a given time and what he was doing. Please help me.
  22. I need a script, I do not script editor.I can do?
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